CNN: Trump Performing Hostile Takeover of Courts

Stacking the courts with unqualified RWNJs is not a constitutional duty.
Yes, he has the right to name judges to the courts, but I want him to name COMPETENT judges!
This is the first time I have ever seen so many POLITICAL appointments.
4 of his nominations were labelled as "unqualified" by the American Bar Assoc. I've never seen that before.
One would have been enough,... but 4? One was so bad, he couldn't answer a 2nd year law student question.
Give me quality people and I can live through their ideology...
I hope he does an issue driven political litmus test on every judge he appoints, just like the Left does.
We get it; we know how the game is played.

Had Hildebeast won and been appointing lefty judges she’d be fulfilling her Constitutional Duty, no takeover no hostile aspects to it whatsoever.

Someone cue up the old lady going over the cliff in her wheelchair, and we’ll follow that up with Trump poisoning the Japanese fish again, and close it out with the Russian hookers peeing on Barry’s bed and then roll the credits...
CNN does not have a reputation for telling the truth so it would take more than just the word that any of these judges are unqualified. Name names. Produce records.
Why does anyone take CNN seriously anymore? They don't report news anymore...they push an agenda. I only turn them on if I want to laugh at liberals throwing this one!
As a legendary community organizer once said - “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”

CNN Commentator Slams Trumps's Constitutional Duty As Performing ‘Hostile Takeover of the Courts’
Trump may be installing lots of pro-prison, pro-theocracy judges but the goalpoasts keep shoftomg forward. It won’t be enough to regress the country like you want.
what you call regress, i can personal freedom. you don't have much of that under liberal domination.
Why does anyone take CNN seriously anymore? They don't report news anymore...they push an agenda. I only turn them on if I want to laugh at liberals throwing this one!
Nobody takes CNN seriously. Even the Left. It’s just a political talking points distribution network now.
Amazing how doing a Constitutional duty is hostile to the left.

Why do you think they have such a problem with judges who follow the constitution and the law?

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