CNN: White House preparing emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall

Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics
Democrat trying to make the GOP look bad or actual racist tard?

Either way welcome to ignore shitstain

Which part of his post do you disagree with Gramps?
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics

Another racist conservative.
I’m shocked.

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Move away from your default for a second…
Where is the racist part in the post?
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics

Dude, Conservatives do not believe what you believe. You are a racist. Go back to The Democrat Party where you belong. On IGNORE.

Legal Immigration does not pertain to race, or religion or sex at all. We just want to know who we invite here, and if they want to be part of this great country and it's people. We don't care what race they are. We just want an orderly process.

Yep, we have a 100% right to know who is entering our country.
American Criminals hide in Mexico after they commit their crime.
Latin American criminals hide in America after the commit their crimes.
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics

Your not facing genocide numb nuts. Just more immigrants that are non white. White people will still be the largest population demographic after it balances to app. 50-50 after the 2040s.

It’s just the conservative white people that will be in the minority. Even then blacks hispanics and Asians will still vote with them.

Just not in the news numbers that will vote with white Liberals.
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics

Dude, Conservatives do not believe what you believe. You are a racist. Go back to The Democrat Party where you belong. On IGNORE.

Legal Immigration does not pertain to race, or religion or sex at all. We just want to know who we invite here, and if they want to be part of this great country and it's people. We don't care what race they are. We just want an orderly process.

Yep, we have a 100% right to know who is entering our country.
American Criminals hide in Mexico after they commit their crime.
Latin American criminals hide in America after the commit their crimes.
All true!
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics

Another racist conservative.
I’m shocked.

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Move away from your default for a second…
Where is the racist part in the post?
Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop

the browning of America

which is essentially White-Genocide.
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics

Your not facing genocide numb nuts. Just more immigrants that are non white. White people will still be the largest population demographic after it balances to app. 50-50 after the 2040s.

It’s just the conservative white people that will be in the minority. Even then blacks hispanics and Asians will still vote with them.

Just not in the news numbers that will vote with white Liberals.

Almost all brown black countries are shitholes. When they come here and refuse to assimilate, they bring that shithole here? If "leveling the playing field" is the dumbing down or dragging down of America? Uh, no thanks. Let them fix their own shithole. When has Any African or SA, Mexican country invented any 5G or anti-lock breaks that become everyday life?
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics

Another racist conservative.
I’m shocked.

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Ooooh look!
Another racist liberal.

Prove it.

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From what programs and projects will this money be stolen? Why did the orange whore lie and tell Americans that Mexico would pay for his boondoggle, and then turn around and try and blame Pelosi? There is no end to his lying.
"White House preparing emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall"

Problem is, there is no "emergency."

(Being a frightened rightwing bigot isn't an emergency, either.)
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics

Another racist conservative.
I’m shocked.

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Guarantee he is a Dem Operative trying to Pose OBVIOUSLY as a Trump Supporter.

Probably the same poster that everyone has already banned a 100 times.
Wonderful news!

Walls, drones , high tech , even a kill zone. We need it all in order to stop the browning of America which is essentially White-Genocide.

Exclusive: White House preparing draft national emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall - CNNPolitics
Wonderful news for rightwing bigots and racists.
No, that would be right-wing patriots.

Right wing patriots=oxymoron.

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