CNN, "You are FAKE News!"

You have no concept of the 1st Amendment and how he's trying to kill it. Good work, you total fucking idiot.
Lefty thinks the 1st Amendment means the President must respond to assholes.

CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.

Another far left drone that does not understand Hannity is a commentator, not a reporter. He even says as much, only the far left can not understand it.

Another far left drone failed post!
A lying, propagandizing thug, you mean.
CNN is a good outfit.


Cooper got his ass whipped!!! :lol:

BS. Cooper is right. CNN only said there was possible info, didn't report rumors..

So you're telling me it's good journal practice to put out info that we dont know is true?
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Facts are liberal? Yes, it's not even possible that you might be incorrect about anything.

It amazes me how many people believe themselves to be intellectually infallible. It's an absolute prerequisite to a genocidal mindset, so it also strikes me as sadly ironic that so many modern leftists can simultaneously assume that they possess absolute knowledge, and at the same time compare their political opponents to Hitler. Your mindset is about a **** hair shy of calling for the extermination of dissenters, and I'm willing to bet that if you had a little more self awareness, you probably WOULD be pushing for exactly that.

Buzzfeed is crap, though. We agree there.
And Trump and dupes are trying to say CNN and BF are the same, tho CNN only reported there was a bs story out there, not even what it was.

Yeah, CNN definitely doesn't deserve the same level of condemnation as Buzzfeed on this, but it's still pretty tasteless. If Fox found a random claim that Obama was spotted blowing a dog, and reported that there was a horrible rumor circulating about him but avoided the actual claim itself, would you not consider that a baseless attack? It's the old "sources claim" technique, and if you can't see through it, I'd have to assume you're closing your eyes on purpose.

Bottom line, with an accusation as disgusting as this one, you don't give it the credibility of mainstream media coverage until you have some actual evidence. Anybody would be pissed to be on the receiving end of something like this.
They didn't say horrible, just not credible. They reported every ridiculous bs about the Clintons. Enjoy.

BS. Cooper is right. CNN only said there was possible info, didn't report rumors..

So you're telling me it's good journal practice to put out info that we dont know is true?

Like the thousnds of bs hate stories the RW did on the Clintons? Poor RWers. You made the bed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Yes all far left drone propaganda sites/TV like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, etc. are all crap, yet you seem to crap all day from them..
And the BBC, France 24, le Monde, the Hindustani Times, Reuters, AP, in fact ALL MEDIA outside your BS RW bubble, dupe.

And run by far left!
Another dupe hater still does not understand the far left is world wide and loosing!

To the far left the new winning, is loosing!
The far left is communist, dupe. They're the center, actually, and you nutters are off your flat Earth RW...
Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Facts are liberal? Yes, it's not even possible that you might be incorrect about anything.

It amazes me how many people believe themselves to be intellectually infallible. It's an absolute prerequisite to a genocidal mindset, so it also strikes me as sadly ironic that so many modern leftists can simultaneously assume that they possess absolute knowledge, and at the same time compare their political opponents to Hitler. Your mindset is about a **** hair shy of calling for the extermination of dissenters, and I'm willing to bet that if you had a little more self awareness, you probably WOULD be pushing for exactly that.

Buzzfeed is crap, though. We agree there.
And Trump and dupes are trying to say CNN and BF are the same, tho CNN only reported there was a bs story out there, not even what it was.

Yeah, CNN definitely doesn't deserve the same level of condemnation as Buzzfeed on this, but it's still pretty tasteless. If Fox found a random claim that Obama was spotted blowing a dog, and reported that there was a horrible rumor circulating about him but avoided the actual claim itself, would you not consider that a baseless attack? It's the old "sources claim" technique, and if you can't see through it, I'd have to assume you're closing your eyes on purpose.

Bottom line, with an accusation as disgusting as this one, you don't give it the credibility of mainstream media coverage until you have some actual evidence. Anybody would be pissed to be on the receiving end of something like this.
They didn't say horrible, just not credible. They reported every ridiculous bs about the Clintons. Enjoy.

Did they? You mean the hacked emails whose contents' accuracy wasn't questioned, even by the HRC campaign?

You mean the fact that the FBI was actively investigating Hillary's private server, which WAS ACTUALLY SHOWN to have been used in the transmission of classified data?

This piss story doesn't have the same level of credibility as what they reported regarding the Clintons. This would be more akin to them reporting on rumors that Bill was taking trips out to pedophile island to fuck kids, but, SOMEHOW, I seem to have missed that shocking segment.
Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Yes all far left drone propaganda sites/TV like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, etc. are all crap, yet you seem to crap all day from them..
And the BBC, France 24, le Monde, the Hindustani Times, Reuters, AP, in fact ALL MEDIA outside your BS RW bubble, dupe.

And run by far left!
Another dupe hater still does not understand the far left is world wide and loosing!

To the far left the new winning, is loosing!
The far left is communist, dupe. They're the center, actually, and you nutters are off your flat Earth RW...

Here's a question for ya. . . Where do the political leanings of these mainstream outlets differ from Marx's opinions? Just curious.

BS. Cooper is right. CNN only said there was possible info, didn't report rumors..

So you're telling me it's good journal practice to put out info that we dont know is true?

Like the thousnds of bs hate stories the RW did on the Clintons? Poor RWers. You made the bed.

Go talk to Dan ya imbecile......
Just the thought that this idiot is going to be president for the next four years is absolutely scary.
You only have a week left.
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Yep, and then the entire country will be fucked.
Yeah, because saving American jobs for Americans will fuck the entire country!
In high tech, the way we increase jobs is to find people who can crack open new ideas, solve significant problems, and thus open opportunity for hiring whole product creation corporations.

Denying us access to those who can do that does NOT save jobs for America. It COSTS us jobs. It means that those brains are in some other country, hiring the locals there in order to compete with us.

We've got 5% of the raw material we need - brains. Telling the 95% to go away is the path to failure.

In medicine, we have some smart people working on figuring out our genome. As they progress, whole new fields of medical solutions open up, hiring large numbers of people.

In high tech, we have some smart people figuring out how to make cell phones with computing and communication power. From there, literally tens of thousands of companies spring up to hire people to put those phones to use in everything from fun to serious.

We need top brains in every category in order to open up employment opportunity.

Telling these smart brains to stay away is the road to failure, NOT to employment.

All the jobs you're referring to go to foreigners, so what's the point? I work in high tech, and I'm totally surrounded by coolies from India. Why should any American care about providing jobs to foreigners? It takes a special kind of stupid what is going on with H1-B visas. Companies like them because rather than train an American to do the jobs, they can just bring in some Indian at half the cost.
I wonder how long it'll take the mainstream media to realize they're fucked?

They're not. Trump is the one who is fucked. That wasn't a press conference. It was a bully brawl. The press is on to Trump. They know how he operates.

Attacking the intelligence community got this report leaked. See what happens when you try to bully the press.

Trump's presidency is now in the toilet and the waters are starting to swirl. He doesn't have the temperament, he's not smart enough, and he's been caught too lying too many times.

Sent from my iPhone using

Your powers of self deception are awe inspiring. That document didn't come from the "intelligence community." It was produced by a private firm doing opposition research. If you think the press came out looking good in that press conference you delusional. The public is laughing at the press. The press has been doing all the lying, and this recent episode pounded the last nail in the MSM's coffin.
Lefty thinks the 1st Amendment means the President must respond to assholes.

CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.

Another far left drone that does not understand Hannity is a commentator, not a reporter. He even says as much, only the far left can not understand it.

Another far left drone failed post!
A lying, propagandizing thug, you mean.

Yes and he will be out office on January 20th!

Silly far left drone!
CNN is in full damage control mode. They have been caught red handed with fake news.

Kellyanne Conway destroyed that jackass Anderson Cooper, who tried to talk over everything she said. It is really pathetic to see.

CNN is in full damage control mode. They have been caught red handed with fake news.

Kellyanne Conway destroyed that jackass Anderson Cooper, who tried to talk over everything she said. It is really pathetic to see.

Yes the far left will do all they can to destroy Trump!

The problem is these tactics will no longer work..

Yes the far left will do all they can to destroy Trump!

The problem is these tactics will no longer work..

It is really good to see Trump show courage to these Libtard assholes.

He should not give CNN press credentials to the White House. That would serve notice to these Libtard assholes in the MSM that lying and fake news stories will not be tolerated.

I wonder who even watches CNN any more? They are hardly relevant. Almost as bad as MSNBC.

Yes the far left will do all they can to destroy Trump!

The problem is these tactics will no longer work..

It is really good to see Trump show courage to these Libtard assholes.

He should not give CNN press credentials to the White House. That would serve notice to these Libtard assholes in the MSM that lying and fake news stories will not be tolerated.

I wonder who even watches CNN any more? They are hardly relevant. Almost as bad as MSNBC.

I disagree with banning any outlet from the white house, they just should not ever call on them for questions.

CNN and MSNBC have made money off of keeping Trump on their channels!

They were loosing money when the fell asleep the past 8 years!
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p

Big feqqing deal. Media gave her a freeride, but no one got one as much as TRump- all about ratings.

The point is, Trump and the dupes are putting BuzzFeed and CNN in the same hole, which is BS and fake news. My FB feed is full of dupes who believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, Hillary a murderer and god knows what.


Such dupes. How dare they believe the FBI. Idiots.

How is that ridiculous idiocy? LOL

What, the FBI crime statistics for Newton in 2012? I really could not say.

The MSM and Deep State tell us one thing, the FBI tells us another.

Yep, complete idiocy.

Lunacy I tell ya.

Then there's reality.
In FBI murder data, mass killings often go missing - USA Today
Sep 10, 2014 - A USA TODAY analysis found the FBI has a 57% accuracy rate in ... But there was one place 2012's largest mass killing was never mentioned: the FBI ... lag in releasing details of crimes to researchers and policy makers.
Sandy Hook Hoaxers Misrepresent FBI Crime Stats | Newtown Post ...
Sep 25, 2014 - ... has seized on FBI violent crime statistics from 2012, claiming they show ... Lanza's mother), but excludes them from the statistics for Newton.
Debunked: FBI Says No one killed at Sandy Hook [Included in CT ...
Metabunk › Forums › Metabunk › Conspiracy Theories › Sandy Hook
Sep 25, 2014 - 40 posts - ‎17 authors
They point to the FBI report "Crime in the United States 2012": ... school, plus Lanza's mother), but excludes them from the statistics for Newton.

Well I get it.....a huge majority of people are permanently consumed in the matrix......very, very hard to get outside and confront the truth. Fucks with peoples minds too much so its easier to just stay in the matrix and embrace the official narrative. IDK.....last week here on Long Island, a train had a low speed derailment with minor injuries. Half the train is suing NYC. But in Newtown.......not a single lawsuit.:ack-1: Most people being bubble dwellers wont get curious. Those who aren't bubble dwellers look at the official police account and burst out laughing......fake shit so bad ( only bubble dwellers can be suckered into believing you can shoot out a window and have .243 rounds fall to the floor or fit a shotgun in the glove compartment of a Civic :bye1: ), you realize these fuckers who staged this thing didn't even try hard.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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The left press corps learned come into that press room with fake shit, your news organization is probably going to be on the 7 OClock News as the new fake news organization because President Trump will be dealing bumpy cucumbers like patriot missiles to the bozo's. Fucking Trump...........I was laughing so hard last night I damn near stood up and cheered when he cleaned that CNN assholes clock!! Trump press conferences are going to be cant miss TV........which progressive asshole gets nuked today?:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Full text:

DNI Clapper Statement on Conversation with President-elect Trump
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 PDF


January 11, 2017

DNI Clapper Statement on Conversation with President-elect Trump

This evening, I had the opportunity to speak with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss recent media reports about our briefing last Friday. I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security.

We also discussed the private security company document, which was widely circulated in recent months among the media, members of Congress and Congressional staff even before the IC became aware of it. I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the IC. The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions. However, part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security.

President-elect Trump again affirmed his appreciation for all the men and women serving in the Intelligence Community, and I assured him that the IC stands ready to serve his Administration and the American people.

James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence

DNI Clapper Statement on Conversation with President-elect Trump

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