CNN, "You are FAKE News!"

Enjoy, Democrats. The left wants to push a fake news narrative to justify the eventual censorship of right leaning news outlets? This is what you reap. A system where whoever is in power fucks over the news outlets with which they disagree. Now you get a taste of what the other side felt when Hillary was promising to shut down Breitbart. Be thankful that Trump hasn't put his foot to the gas as hard as Dem surrogates, or he would be positioning people to hide search results from publications that agreed with your narrative. Want to see less of Trump blasting your favorite reporters? Back the fuck off from this fake news narrative and its obvious implications. No matter who implements measures to shut down "fake news", I promise you it won't end well for ANY of us.
Buzzfeed is not leftist, you twit, and CNN didn't do anything but report the worldwide story. OTOH, your RW media is a lying, hateful disgrace. DUH.

Holy shit on a shingle, Buzzfeed isn't leftist? How many "Questions for White People" social justice videos do they have to post before you can see the plainly obvious? You win, best claim I've read all night.

And yeah, right wing media fucks up from time to time, just like CNN, just like the NY Times, just like anyone. The answer isn't to censor them. The answer is to debunk the bullshit and keep moving. Freedom of speech allows us to do that. Setting the precedent that people in power get to decide what's true and censor those who don't agree is so obviously fucking retarded that I'm not going to bother explaining why. If the danger of setting such precedents is still foreign to you, wait a couple of months until Trump unilaterally fucks around with Obama's unilateral decisions and then revisit this post once it occurs to you that pendulums swing in two directions.
It's a celebrity gossip show, duh.

So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any "LW" journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.
The media brought this on itself. And now, we pretty much can't believe anything.

Not good for a democracy.

Trump does not give a flying fuck what the corrupt media thinks of him. The Media will dig its heels and try to take him on. Remember, CNN tried to feed the Clinton camp with debate questions. That's all America needed to see just how legitimate cnn really is.
One CNN person gave her one question. An obvious one. But carry on with the bs propaganda.
CNN is a good outfit.


Cooper got his ass whipped!!! :lol:
Enjoy, Democrats. The left wants to push a fake news narrative to justify the eventual censorship of right leaning news outlets? This is what you reap. A system where whoever is in power fucks over the news outlets with which they disagree. Now you get a taste of what the other side felt when Hillary was promising to shut down Breitbart. Be thankful that Trump hasn't put his foot to the gas as hard as Dem surrogates, or he would be positioning people to hide search results from publications that agreed with your narrative. Want to see less of Trump blasting your favorite reporters? Back the fuck off from this fake news narrative and its obvious implications. No matter who implements measures to shut down "fake news", I promise you it won't end well for ANY of us.
Buzzfeed is not leftist, you twit, and CNN didn't do anything but report the worldwide story. OTOH, your RW media is a lying, hateful disgrace. DUH.

Holy shit on a shingle, Buzzfeed isn't leftist? How many "Questions for White People" social justice videos do they have to post before you can see the plainly obvious? You win, best claim I've read all night.

And yeah, right wing media fucks up from time to time, just like CNN, just like the NY Times, just like anyone. The answer isn't to censor them. The answer is to debunk the bullshit and keep moving. Freedom of speech allows us to do that. Setting the precedent that people in power get to decide what's true and censor those who don't agree is so obviously fucking retarded that I'm not going to bother explaining why. If the danger of setting such precedents is still foreign to you, wait a couple of months until Trump unilaterally fucks around with Obama's unilateral decisions and then revisit this post once it occurs to you that pendulums swing in two directions.
It's a celebrity gossip show, duh.

So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Buzzfeed is not leftist, you twit, and CNN didn't do anything but report the worldwide story. OTOH, your RW media is a lying, hateful disgrace. DUH.

Holy shit on a shingle, Buzzfeed isn't leftist? How many "Questions for White People" social justice videos do they have to post before you can see the plainly obvious? You win, best claim I've read all night.

And yeah, right wing media fucks up from time to time, just like CNN, just like the NY Times, just like anyone. The answer isn't to censor them. The answer is to debunk the bullshit and keep moving. Freedom of speech allows us to do that. Setting the precedent that people in power get to decide what's true and censor those who don't agree is so obviously fucking retarded that I'm not going to bother explaining why. If the danger of setting such precedents is still foreign to you, wait a couple of months until Trump unilaterally fucks around with Obama's unilateral decisions and then revisit this post once it occurs to you that pendulums swing in two directions.
It's a celebrity gossip show, duh.

So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

You have no concept of the 1st Amendment and how he's trying to kill it. Good work, you total fucking idiot.
Lefty thinks the 1st Amendment means the President must respond to assholes.

CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.
I guess CNN doesn't have as much journalistic credibility to you guys as the Daily Stormer.
CNN doesn't have journalistic credibility anymore...period.

Because Trump said so?
Yep. Oh .... and of course there's that wikilinks email dump which proved that CNN colluded with the DNC leadership to fix the election. How short is your memory? Are you dense or something?
Holy shit on a shingle, Buzzfeed isn't leftist? How many "Questions for White People" social justice videos do they have to post before you can see the plainly obvious? You win, best claim I've read all night.

And yeah, right wing media fucks up from time to time, just like CNN, just like the NY Times, just like anyone. The answer isn't to censor them. The answer is to debunk the bullshit and keep moving. Freedom of speech allows us to do that. Setting the precedent that people in power get to decide what's true and censor those who don't agree is so obviously fucking retarded that I'm not going to bother explaining why. If the danger of setting such precedents is still foreign to you, wait a couple of months until Trump unilaterally fucks around with Obama's unilateral decisions and then revisit this post once it occurs to you that pendulums swing in two directions.
It's a celebrity gossip show, duh.

So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Facts are liberal? Yes, it's not even possible that you might be incorrect about anything.

It amazes me how many people believe themselves to be intellectually infallible. It's an absolute prerequisite to a genocidal mindset, so it also strikes me as sadly ironic that so many modern leftists can simultaneously assume that they possess absolute knowledge, and at the same time compare their political opponents to Hitler. Your mindset is about a **** hair shy of calling for the extermination of dissenters, and I'm willing to bet that if you had a little more self awareness, you probably WOULD be pushing for exactly that.

Buzzfeed is crap, though. We agree there.

You have no concept of the 1st Amendment and how he's trying to kill it. Good work, you total fucking idiot.
Lefty thinks the 1st Amendment means the President must respond to assholes.

CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.

Another far left drone that does not understand Hannity is a commentator, not a reporter. He even says as much, only the far left can not understand it.

Another far left drone failed post!
Holy shit on a shingle, Buzzfeed isn't leftist? How many "Questions for White People" social justice videos do they have to post before you can see the plainly obvious? You win, best claim I've read all night.

And yeah, right wing media fucks up from time to time, just like CNN, just like the NY Times, just like anyone. The answer isn't to censor them. The answer is to debunk the bullshit and keep moving. Freedom of speech allows us to do that. Setting the precedent that people in power get to decide what's true and censor those who don't agree is so obviously fucking retarded that I'm not going to bother explaining why. If the danger of setting such precedents is still foreign to you, wait a couple of months until Trump unilaterally fucks around with Obama's unilateral decisions and then revisit this post once it occurs to you that pendulums swing in two directions.
It's a celebrity gossip show, duh.

So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Yes all far left drone propaganda sites/TV like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, etc. are all crap, yet you seem to crap all day from them..
It's a celebrity gossip show, duh.

So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Facts are liberal? Yes, it's not even possible that you might be incorrect about anything.

It amazes me how many people believe themselves to be intellectually infallible. It's an absolute prerequisite to a genocidal mindset, so it also strikes me as sadly ironic that so many modern leftists can simultaneously assume that they possess absolute knowledge, and at the same time compare their political opponents to Hitler. Your mindset is about a **** hair shy of calling for the extermination of dissenters, and I'm willing to bet that if you had a little more self awareness, you probably WOULD be pushing for exactly that.

Buzzfeed is crap, though. We agree there.
And Trump and dupes are trying to say CNN and BF are the same, tho CNN only reported there was a bs story out there, not even what it was.
It's a celebrity gossip show, duh.

So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Yes all far left drone propaganda sites/TV like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, etc. are all crap, yet you seem to crap all day from them..
And the BBC, France 24, le Monde, the Hindustani Times, Reuters, AP, in fact ALL MEDIA outside your BS RW bubble, dupe.
So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Yes all far left drone propaganda sites/TV like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, etc. are all crap, yet you seem to crap all day from them..
And the BBC, France 24, le Monde, the Hindustani Times, Reuters, AP, in fact ALL MEDIA outside your BS RW bubble, dupe.

And run by far left!

Another dupe hater still does not understand the far left is world wide and loosing!

To the far left the new winning, is loosing!
So's the fucking View, but if you can't see that The View has a particular political slant, you're blind. Likewise with Buzzfeed.
Celebrities and Hollywood do. I haven't seen any journalists say anything but that Buzzfeed's story has no credibility.

Believe it or not, basic verbal comprehension is something of which I'm capable. Using this common ability, I can watch or read the social commentary from a particular publication and discern, for myself, what their political leanings are. I don't need a journalist to explain it to me. If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
Facts are liberal. Buzzfeed is crap.

Facts are liberal? Yes, it's not even possible that you might be incorrect about anything.

It amazes me how many people believe themselves to be intellectually infallible. It's an absolute prerequisite to a genocidal mindset, so it also strikes me as sadly ironic that so many modern leftists can simultaneously assume that they possess absolute knowledge, and at the same time compare their political opponents to Hitler. Your mindset is about a **** hair shy of calling for the extermination of dissenters, and I'm willing to bet that if you had a little more self awareness, you probably WOULD be pushing for exactly that.

Buzzfeed is crap, though. We agree there.
And Trump and dupes are trying to say CNN and BF are the same, tho CNN only reported there was a bs story out there, not even what it was.

Yeah, CNN definitely doesn't deserve the same level of condemnation as Buzzfeed on this, but it's still pretty tasteless. If Fox found a random claim that Obama was spotted blowing a dog, and reported that there was a horrible rumor circulating about him but avoided the actual claim itself, would you not consider that a baseless attack? It's the old "sources claim" technique, and if you can't see through it, I'd have to assume you're closing your eyes on purpose.

Bottom line, with an accusation as disgusting as this one, you don't give it the credibility of mainstream media coverage until you have some actual evidence. Anybody would be pissed to be on the receiving end of something like this.

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