CNN, "You are FAKE News!"

Can you believe these whiney ass white wingers complaining about someone not being truthful?

Birth Certificate anyone?

How about a side of pizza with that sex ring?
OP- Only dupe world in the US believes Cnn is fake news. That would be the RW fake news machine.

franco hater dupe bot, you put the "what the fuck" in "what a fucking retard."

With a breathless breaking news report, left-wing CNN went first. To no one's surprise, the once-respected Jake Tapper took the lead. Undoubtedly CNN's overall goal was to offer up the imprimatur of "journalism" so that a batch of leaked and completely unsubstantiated anti-Trump documents could be dumped on the American public the night before the President-elect's very first press conference.

Despite the fact that these documents are unsubstantiated, despite the fact that -- and this is important -- the rabidly anti-Trump media has had almost a year to substantiate them and could not, by pretending it had a legitimate news story about the documents, CNN laid the groundwork for BuzzFeed's Ben Smith to violate every code of ethics in the world of journalism.

Using CNN's Potemkin report as cover, Smith released page after page of unverified, unchecked, unsubstantiated rumors, some of them personally embarrassing, about Trump and his campaign team.

This breach of ethics is so breathtaking that even David Corn of the hard-left Mother Jones threw a penalty flag.

3. I accurately characterized the memos-this is important stuff-but didn't publish details. Even Donald Trump deserves journalistic fairness

— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) January 11, 2017 CNN and BuzzFeed know exactly what they are doing. Now that the sleazy rumors are out, they are out. Now all of the media will feel they simply must talk about them. Tomorrow, just nine days before he is set to be sworn in, this unprecedented smear-job, hatched and launched by two major news organizations that pose as objective, will dominate straight through to Inauguration Day}

Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
Jim Acosta is still sitting in the corner hugging his mommy after Trump spanked him.

I did some research on this Jim Acosta fellow, it was surprisingly difficult.

His parents escaped from Cuba weeks before Fidel took over, it seems rather suspicious. Then he seems to have had the best of everything handed to him, much like someone else that recently ran for President. It wouldn't surprise me if he has Deep State connections.

He was the reporter that was hand picked to cover the Obama/Castro press conference. It seems to me, he is either CIA, or an agent of the Deep State. His wiki stub is surprisingly sparse, you have to go elsewhere to get any substantial info. on him. :eusa_think:
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p

Big feqqing deal. Media gave her a freeride, but no one got one as much as TRump- all about ratings.

The point is, Trump and the dupes are putting BuzzFeed and CNN in the same hole, which is BS and fake news. My FB feed is full of dupes who believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, Hillary a murderer and god knows what.
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p

Silly comment about news coverage by ALL media taken out of context, duh dupe.
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p



And Trump WAS referring to the Buzzfeed story that CNN DID NOT cover. DUPES!!
Cuomo’s comment came on the show he co-anchors, New Day — but a crucial fact not mentioned by the Trump campaign email is that the comments came more than two years ago, on June 9, 2014.

That timing makes a significant difference for the meaning of Cuomo’s words.

In mid 2014, Clinton was widely believed to be a presidential candidate in waiting, but she had not officially announced that she was running for the White House. She did not officially announce her candidacy until April 12, 2015, more than 10 months after the CNN exchange aired.
Politafact? lol

fake news do research.PNG
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p

Big feqqing deal. Media gave her a freeride, but no one got one as much as TRump- all about ratings.

The point is, Trump and the dupes are putting BuzzFeed and CNN in the same hole, which is BS and fake news. My FB feed is full of dupes who believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, Hillary a murderer and god knows what.


Such dupes. How dare they believe the FBI. Idiots.
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p



And Trump WAS referring to the Buzzfeed story that CNN DID NOT cover. DUPES!!

So much bull shit.... CNN was pushing the crap hard.... dupe

You have no concept of the 1st Amendment and how he's trying to kill it. Good work, you total fucking idiot.
Lefty thinks the 1st Amendment means the President must respond to assholes.

CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
Barry ignored Fox........
Just the thought that this idiot is going to be president for the next four years is absolutely scary.
You only have a week left.
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Yep, and then the entire country will be fucked.
Yeah, because saving American jobs for Americans will fuck the entire country!
In high tech, the way we increase jobs is to find people who can crack open new ideas, solve significant problems, and thus open opportunity for hiring whole product creation corporations.

Denying us access to those who can do that does NOT save jobs for America. It COSTS us jobs. It means that those brains are in some other country, hiring the locals there in order to compete with us.

We've got 5% of the raw material we need - brains. Telling the 95% to go away is the path to failure.

In medicine, we have some smart people working on figuring out our genome. As they progress, whole new fields of medical solutions open up, hiring large numbers of people.

In high tech, we have some smart people figuring out how to make cell phones with computing and communication power. From there, literally tens of thousands of companies spring up to hire people to put those phones to use in everything from fun to serious.

We need top brains in every category in order to open up employment opportunity.

Telling these smart brains to stay away is the road to failure, NOT to employment.
Did you notice how perturbed the CNN reporter became over not being able to ask Trump the usual diversionary questions?

These guys are spoiled, because they used to have real power.

Today they became redundant and irrelevant.

Why does Trump need these middle men?

He can talk to everybody via Internet, no need for these lying and distorting presstitutes.
Yes, and during all the debates they were with Hillary, they are supposed to be neutral and they said several times we are the number one channel in the world what shit that CNN
Papers that publish unsubstantiated allegations to smear someone are called Tabloids. That's what CNN has devolved into.
I've said similar elsewhere, but not quite as well.
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p

Big feqqing deal. Media gave her a freeride, but no one got one as much as TRump- all about ratings.

The point is, Trump and the dupes are putting BuzzFeed and CNN in the same hole, which is BS and fake news. My FB feed is full of dupes who believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, Hillary a murderer and god knows what.


Such dupes. How dare they believe the FBI. Idiots.

How is that ridiculous idiocy? LOL
Motto- After 30 years of bs GOP propaganda, the dupes are so excited to fight back, but still have to lie to do it...

Winning is winning.........these days, all the dupes have to do is show up!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

It really is hysterical how every political effort by the DUMS for the last couple of years has ended up with self-insertion of the bumpy. Even the whole "fake news" campaign blew up in their faces in the last few weeks. :deal: The brand is laughable here in 2017........outside of college campuses, political messageboards and the entertainment industry, nobody thinks their shit works. Election after election for many years now, the DUMS are getting their clocks cleaned. Indeed....the hate America fringe sure are feeling it in the pooper.

But you go right on telling yourself that things are going swimmingly s0n!!:spinner:

The hailstorm of bumpy cucumber Photobucket Classics starts in about 10 days!:popcorn:
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p

Big feqqing deal. Media gave her a freeride, but no one got one as much as TRump- all about ratings.

The point is, Trump and the dupes are putting BuzzFeed and CNN in the same hole, which is BS and fake news. My FB feed is full of dupes who believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, Hillary a murderer and god knows what.


Such dupes. How dare they believe the FBI. Idiots.

How is that ridiculous idiocy? LOL

What, the FBI crime statistics for Newton in 2012? I really could not say.

The MSM and Deep State tell us one thing, the FBI tells us another.

Yep, complete idiocy.

Lunacy I tell ya.
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.
You're right...Trump wasn't referring to Buzzfeed's story. He was referring to THIS:

'WE couldn't help her more...we have been promoting her mote than anyone else...'

I guess that's why people call CNN the 'Clinton News Network'...

...or USED TO. Not anymore - she LOST...she's GONE. CNN might have to change its name now. :p

Big feqqing deal. Media gave her a freeride, but no one got one as much as TRump- all about ratings.

The point is, Trump and the dupes are putting BuzzFeed and CNN in the same hole, which is BS and fake news. My FB feed is full of dupes who believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, Hillary a murderer and god knows what.


Such dupes. How dare they believe the FBI. Idiots.

How is that ridiculous idiocy? LOL

What, the FBI crime statistics for Newton in 2012? I really could not say.

The MSM and Deep State tell us one thing, the FBI tells us another.

Yep, complete idiocy.

Lunacy I tell ya.

Hey Mister......yep......Im still laughing 4 years later about the shotgun in the glove compartment trick Lanza did!! Dang!! And the .243 rounds that went through two school walls........out into the parking lot and through a car door! Great stuff. Or perhaps the best......the front window being shot out with a Bushmaster but the wall 25 feet behind unscathed!! Must have been low recoil rounds!!:popcorn:
Motto- After 30 years of bs GOP propaganda, the dupes are so excited to fight back, but still have to lie to do it...

Winning is winning.........these days, all the dupes have to do is show up!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

It really is hysterical how every political effort by the DUMS for the last couple of years has ended up with self-insertion of the bumpy. Even the whole "fake news" campaign blew up in their faces in the last few weeks. :deal: The brand is laughable here in 2017........outside of college campuses, political messageboards and the entertainment industry, nobody thinks their shit works. Election after election for many years now, the DUMS are getting their clocks cleaned. Indeed....the hate America fringe sure are feeling it in the pooper.

But you go right on telling yourself that things are going swimmingly s0n!!:spinner:

The hailstorm of bumpy cucumber Photobucket Classics starts in about 10 days!:popcorn:
Never said that- and you're not winning if the pander to the rich GOP is, stupid dupe. Luckily, Trump may still be a NYC Dem, just a greedy one...god knows.

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