Cognitive Dissonance

Wow! This brings back memories! I followed his path almost 5 years ago. I probably would have done the chemo if I was told to. Fortunately, surgery is all they did, but I followed the same path. I just subscribed.

The book he talks about is why I call the "Eden diet" GOD FOOD.

Thanks for posting this!

Yay, I'm glad at least someone could relate to his story and appreciated the video! I really wish everyone would watch that interview, because he brings up SO many important and wise points. Like about taking responsibility instead of having that victim mindset. And about how the medical industry these days is about making money, not getting to the root of the problem and preventing these problems from happening in the first place.

Yeah, his channel is great. I don't always watch all the videos, because as you know my interest in veganism is not really about health... but it's still such an amazing resource and the proof is in the pudding! So many people have changed their destiny by taking matters into their own hands and changing their life, instead of blindly going along with the conventional route and the status quo, and what Big Pharma ends up benefitting from (people being on multiple pharmaceutical drugs, etc.)
Yay, I'm glad at least someone could relate to his story and appreciated the video! I really wish everyone would watch that interview, because he brings up SO many important and wise points. Like about taking responsibility instead of having that victim mindset. And about how the medical industry these days is about making money, not getting to the root of the problem and preventing these problems from happening in the first place.

Yeah, his channel is great. I don't always watch all the videos, because as you know my interest in veganism is not really about health... but it's still such an amazing resource and the proof is in the pudding! So many people have changed their destiny by taking matters into their own hands and changing their life, instead of blindly going along with the conventional route and the status quo, and what Big Pharma ends up benefitting from (people being on multiple pharmaceutical drugs, etc.)
Every minute has information everyone needs to hear. Unfortunately people don't wake up until it gets really serious. I know going through that experience is LIFE CHANGING. For some they figure it out too late.
But getting all outraged that some guy ate a swan that lives in the park and calling for his arrest while eating a bucket of chicken is cognitive dissonance.

That's a good example of cognitive dissonance. Which reminds me of a recent blog post a friend of mine wrote on that very topic:

Here is an excerpt from it...

The death of Faye received a public outcry. As an animal welfare advocate and Christian who sees that the Bible teaches we are to be merciful stewards of creation, I struggle greatly with my emotions over this unnecessary tragedy. I could feel Faye’s terror, pain and struggle as she was held down and decapitated. I could imagine the fear and chaos this caused her cygnets. One moment they were nesting with their mother, the next she was torn from them and violently killed in front of them. Then, they were snatched away from all they knew and taken to places completely foreign to them. I mourned for Faye and her cygnets. I mourn with Manny. I can imagine his grief. His whole world has changed in an instant. A public outcry is appropriate. Yet there are other instances where birds and animals are raised in abhorrent conditions, have their young taken away, and who are killed in unspeakable ways, who do not receive a public outcry. The world is largely silent about these injustices. Why is that?​

Actually that was from an article from Psychology Today. Would you like for me to recant what it said? But I'm sorry anyone disagreeing with you turns you into an asshole. You seem to have an external locus of control, coupled with a normalization of deviance layered on top of the dunning effect. Would you like for me to give you your power back? I didn't realize I had so much control over you.
really now. Who was the author(s)?

Dumb fucks always claim a website or news source said something, when all they did was carry a piece written by people.

I'm not trying to set up any cognitive dissonance here -- but can see where you'll be struggle with such after a few more posts on this.
I don't know you outside of what you write here. But based on what you write here, I sense a kindness in you. If that bothers you, well, too bad. :)

I have also developed a new appreciation for you and sparky for the depth and scope of your intellect and ability to see things more abstractly and with more nuance than the hard core fanatics are able to do.

If it is cognitive dissonance to enjoy my breakfast eggs while hating and speaking out against etc. the unethical treatment of animals, then would it not also be cognitive dissonance to insist that people MUST assume all animals are treated unethically when it is explained to them that all animals are NOT treated unethically?

The arguments in some of these things can get pretty silly.

Cognitive dissonance: if I criticize a person's specific action, I must criticize ALL the person's actions.

Cognitive dissonance: observation that if I support a person's policy or action I admire everything about the person.

Or to appreciate some things or some aspect while criticizing others is somehow hypocrisy.

Or. . .are the above examples cognitive dissonance or just dogmatic or prejudicial extremism? Sometimes I struggle to differentiate.
Thanks. I like honest discussion. I don’t have to agree with them and they don’t have to agree with me for it to be an enjoyable experience.

The thing about cognitive dissonance is that it’s almost always associated with something you feel bad about or regret doing. It’s that internal conflict within one’s self that determines if there is a dissonance between actions and beliefs.

I’ve never felt bad about eating meat. But I can consciously recognize that killing animals for food on some level isn’t good. But since my eating meat has never felt wrong to me, surrendering to the realization that it is wrong seems like the most honest answer to me.

In other words even though I don’t feel bad for doing it, I don’t see any good reason to defend it. It wouldn’t make sense to rationalize killing as good. That seems like a mistake to me.
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really now. Who was the author(s)?

Dumb fucks always claim a website or news source said something, when all they did was carry a piece written by people.

I'm not trying to set up any cognitive dissonance here -- but can see where you'll be struggle with such after a few more posts on this.
You have the potential to be better. So do that.
Thanks. I like honest discussion. I don’t have to agree with them and they don’t have to agree with me for it to be an enjoyable experience.

The thing about cognitive dissonance is that it’s almost always associated with something you feel bad about or regret doing. It’s that internal conflict within one’s self that determines if there is a dissonance between actions and beliefs.

I’ve never felt bad about eating meat. But I can consciously recognize that killing animals for food on some level isn’t good. But since my eating meat has never felt wrong to me, surrendering to the realization that it is wrong to do it seems like the most honest answer to me.

In other words even though I don’t feel bad for doing it, I don’t see any good reason to defend it. It wouldn’t make sense to rationalize killing as good. That seems like a mistake to me.
I can appreciate the conflict.

I won't eat lobster for instance if I know the poor thing will be boiled alive. But I will eat the fish that was quickly beheaded and cleaned when it was pulled from the river. When I fished I did insist on killing the fish quickly and not allowing it to suffer while suffocating out of the water or struggling, possibly painfully, on a stringer.

Then I stopped fishing with live bait. I just couldn't bring myself to push that hook through a worm or live minnow. And after awhile stopped fishing myself because I felt sorry for the fish. But I happily eat fish others give me or I purchase in the fish market.

Cognitive dissonance? I don't know. I am who I am and I don't feel guilty in these things so who knows?
I can appreciate the conflict.

I won't eat lobster for instance if I know the poor thing will be boiled alive. But I will eat the fish that was quickly beheaded and cleaned when it was pulled from the river. When I fished I did insist on killing the fish quickly and not allowing it to suffer while suffocating out of the water or struggling, possibly painfully, on a stringer.

Then I stopped fishing with live bait. I just couldn't bring myself to push that hook through a worm or live minnow. And after awhile stopped fishing myself because I felt sorry for the fish. But I happily eat fish others give me or I purchase in the fish market.

Cognitive dissonance? I don't know. I am who I am and I don't feel guilty in these things so who knows?
You don't realize it yet, but You're traveling the exact path I did years ago. From what buttercup has said, she's been down that road too. Let me be the first to welcome you to the "family" 😁
I can appreciate the conflict.

I won't eat lobster for instance if I know the poor thing will be boiled alive. But I will eat the fish that was quickly beheaded and cleaned when it was pulled from the river. When I fished I did insist on killing the fish quickly and not allowing it to suffer while suffocating out of the water or struggling, possibly painfully, on a stringer.

Then I stopped fishing with live bait. I just couldn't bring myself to push that hook through a worm or live minnow. And after awhile stopped fishing myself because I felt sorry for the fish. But I happily eat fish others give me or I purchase in the fish market.

Cognitive dissonance? I don't know. I am who I am and I don't feel guilty in these things so who knows?
If it’s not creating issues I’m not sure how it can be a dissonance.

We used to go fishing in SE Alaska every summer. It was a self guided trip. You have to club the salmon on the head to stun them before pulling the hook, taking them out of the net and cutting their gills. It took me a few salmon before I got use to doing it. But on some level I know it’s wrong.
No. It’s not. At the end of the day there is no dissonance - cognitive or otherwise - if there is no internal conflict.

I'm going to repeat what I posted a few pages back. It depends on what a person knows. If a person doesn't know what happened before those eggs got to their plate, then of course there's no cognitive dissonance, because in their mind there's nothing wrong with it.

But if someone who claims to love animals knows full well that baby male chicks are ground up alive in the egg industry, daily, en masse (close to 300 million a year) yet still eats eggs from the store, while decrying a man who ran over ducklings with his lawn mower... that's cognitive dissonance. Inconsistency.

But in all fairness, other than Jesus I don't think anyone is always consistent all the time... cognitive dissonance is very common. That doesn't make it right, I'm just saying that we're all guilty of it in some way or another.
You don't realize it yet, but You're traveling the exact path I did years ago. From what buttercup has said, she's been down that road too. Let me be the first to welcome you to the "family" 😁

I'm going to repeat what I posted a few pages back. It depends on what a person knows. If a person doesn't know what happened before those eggs got to their plate, then of course there's no cognitive dissonance, because in their mind there's nothing wrong with it.
Maybe. They do say ignorance is bliss.

But at the end of the day does it matter why there is no dissonance?
But if someone who claims to love animals knows full well that baby male chicks are ground up alive in the egg industry, daily, en masse (close to 300 million a year) yet still eats eggs from the store, while decrying a man who ran over ducklings with his lawn mower... that's cognitive dissonance. Inconsistency.
I see this more as a hypocrisy. Although I can easily see there being a relationship or linkage between the two.

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