Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office

Only a gullible shit stain would believe anything he says today,

Why do you say that?
Well, No one believed him before all of this, he lied the first time he testified to Congress why would he tell the truth now? And who the hell would believe anything this rat has to say? Lol

So his being a liar is why you don’t trust him. Why would you trust Trump?
Like I said, trump lies a lot. It is not against the law to lie...
Michael Cohen is a rat jumping ship… That happens to be his own ship no one else’s
he lied for trump
And now the trumpbots attack him for that. :dunno:
What does Cohen have to tangibly gain by lying at this point?
What does he have to gain by telling the truth?
He avoids having more jail time added to his sentence.
Like I said... He has no life. He will fit right in... jail Is his home now. Although what happens to rats in jail? LOL

So you don’t think there is any difference between spending 3 years in jail and spending 6 years in jail?
Yeah, you’re a special brand of stupid.
It really doesn’t matter the guy has no life, And we all know what happens to rats in jail.

Now you’re just being stupid for the sake of the joy you get from being stupid.
Isn’t it funny how all of these people who worked with and for Trump have gravely mis-calculated, mis-characterized, mis-understood, and have flat out lied about what he said, did, or told them?

Trump U plaintiffs

The federal government does this to people, that is why we should have single term limits on all federal elected offices… LOL

No…that is what your blob has created.
Trump is also a proven liar, so the American people will decide for themselves whom to believe. Undoubtedly, most on the right will b’lieve trump and most on the left will b’lieve Cohen.
Trump does lie a lot, And Career politicians don’t? Lol
Career politicians are paid to lie that’s their job

What does Cohen have to tangibly gain by lying at this point?
What does he have to gain by telling the truth?
He avoids having more jail time added to his sentence.
Says who, Anyway it’s his word against someone else’s… Once a rat always a rat
Very Cosa Nostra of you.
What does he have to gain by telling the truth?
He avoids having more jail time added to his sentence.
Like I said... He has no life. He will fit right in... jail Is his home now. Although what happens to rats in jail? LOL

So you don’t think there is any difference between spending 3 years in jail and spending 6 years in jail?
Yeah, you’re a special brand of stupid.
It really doesn’t matter the guy has no life, And we all know what happens to rats in jail.

Now you’re just being stupid for the sake of the joy you get from being stupid.
Na, not really.
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, he lied under oath to Congress, he’s been disbarred, and he betrayed the presidency...
He obviously has no life, No amount of weasel like behavior will change that.
He is getting his just deserves…
The bottom line here is that Cohen is a convicted Perjurer...going to testify before Congress...having cut a deal involving 'dishing dirt' on the President in order to save his own ass.

Partisan Leftists will accept ANYTHING he has to say - as long as it is incriminating, even if Cohen testifies he, Trump, and Putin boarded a UFO in May 2016 and traveled to the dark side of the moon to discuss defeating Hillary in the election.

Anyone with any morals / integrity will at least consider what he has to say 'with a grain of salt' and will insist on corroborating evidence for anything he claims.

I maintain an open mind and continue to rely on actual EVIDENCE, documents, and testimony.
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...


Sadly, this testimony will mean almost zip.

Most Trumpbots seem exactly like those sad, God Club worshippers you see on Sunday morning, televangelist broadcasts...unintelligent, gullible and desperate.
Cohen could say Trump ground up live puppies and spread them on his food...and it will mean nothing to die hard Trumpbots.

Plus, Cohen's credibility is stretched pretty thinly. Coming clean after the fact means little.

No idea why the MSM/the left is making a big deal over this...cause it ain't one.
Last edited:
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...


Sadly, this testimony will mean almost zip.

Trumpbots are exactly like those idiotic, God Club worshippers you see on Sunday mornings on tv...almost always either stupid and/or emotionally defective, usually uneducated (i.e. a high school diploma at best which a moron can get) and INCREDIBLY gullible.

Cohen could say Trump ground up live puppies and spread them on his food...and it will mean nothing to die hard Trumpbots.

Plus, Cohen's credibility is stretched pretty thinly.

Coming clean after the fact means little.

No idea why the MSM is making a big deal about this...cause it ain't one.
The Clinton news network is basically saying he’s going to be impeached… LOL
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...

Sure, he will lie some more to save himself. He'll say whatever he thinks the prosecutors want to hear. He's already proven himself to be a liar.
So what happened to Trump hiring all the best people? How many pathetic liars has he hired now? How many pathetic pieces of shit that Trump hired for realy important jobs have thier been? Obviously Trump does not know how to hire help that does not go to jail not alone actually get the job done. Are you impressed with Trumps hiring record? How do think he can run a country when he can not even hire assistants that can stay out of jail? Just how fucking stupid are you? Any one with a brain laughs at you! Birds of a feather flock together and Trump flocks with liars and criminals. Obviously Trump is a liar and a criminal!
Again...…...for the 64th time, we see progressives being bamboozled by loose association stuff!!:113::113:
What does Cohen have to tangibly gain by lying at this point?
What does he have to gain by telling the truth?
He avoids having more jail time added to his sentence.
Like I said... He has no life. He will fit right in... jail Is his home now. Although what happens to rats in jail? LOL

So you don’t think there is any difference between spending 3 years in jail and spending 6 years in jail?
Yeah, you’re a special brand of stupid.
It really doesn’t matter the guy has no life, And we all know what happens to rats in jail.
In all your republican wisdom ,,you think Cohen wants more jail time for lying now??
What does he have to gain by telling the truth?
He avoids having more jail time added to his sentence.
Like I said... He has no life. He will fit right in... jail Is his home now. Although what happens to rats in jail? LOL

So you don’t think there is any difference between spending 3 years in jail and spending 6 years in jail?
Yeah, you’re a special brand of stupid.
It really doesn’t matter the guy has no life, And we all know what happens to rats in jail.
In all your republican wisdom ,,you think Cohen wants more jail time for lying now??
He is unable to tell the truth, because he has zero credibility. I would say he does not even know what to truth is, It’s his word against someone else’s and in some cases against two other people.
He obviously has no life, and even if he did the shimmer of life before, it certainly will not last through this.
His family obviously realizes he is the lowest of life forms to them....
I imagine revenge is a big part of this. Doing The right thing for the wrong reasons is still the right thing.
Michael Cohen testifies before Congress on Wednesday, but his opening statement was published by The New York Times late Tuesday.

In it, the disgraced former attorney to President Donald Trump painted a picture of a “racist,” a “conman” and a “cheat” sitting in the Oval Office. Then, in scathing detail, Cohen listed examples of each in action.

Here are some of the most stunning excerpts from the statement:

“He once asked me if I could name a country run by a black person that wasn’t a ‘shithole.’ This was when Barack Obama was President of the United States.

“While we were once driving through a struggling neighborhood in Chicago, he commented that only black people could live that way.

“And, he told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid.”

“Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world. And also, that Don Jr. would never set up any meeting of any significance alone – and certainly not without checking with his father.”

“Mr. Trump claimed it was because of a bone spur, but when I asked for medical records, he gave me none and said there was no surgery. He told me not to answer the specific questions by reporters but rather offer simply the fact that he received a medical deferment.

He finished the conversation with the following comment. ‘You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.’


“The sad fact is that I never heard Mr. Trump say anything in private that led me to believe he loved our nation or wanted to make it better. In fact, he did the opposite.

“When telling me in 2008 that he was cutting employees’ salaries in half ― including mine ― he showed me what he claimed was a $10 million IRS tax refund, and he said that he could not believe how stupid the government was for giving ‘someone like him’ that much money back.”

“One of my more common responsibilities was that Mr. Trump directed me to call business owners, many of whom were small businesses, that were owed money for their services and told them no payment or a reduced payment would be coming. When I advised Mr. Trump of my success, he actually reveled in it.”

“In July 2016, days before the Democratic convention, I was in Mr. Trump’s office when his secretary announced that Roger Stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put Mr. Stone on the speakerphone. Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that, within a couple of days, there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mr. Trump responded by stating to the effect of ‘wouldn’t that be great.’”

is there any corroboration at all of any of this testimony whatsoever? Remember that Mr. Cohen is an admitted liar and perjurer. If I'm on the committee and Cohen starts this routine, I'm rolling on the floor in laughter since it is so ridiculous.
Asshole!! you think he wants more time in jail for more lying???

Good point. What does he have to gain at this point from a freedom/jail standpoint? More jail time? 3 years at Club Fed isn’t ideal but it’s better than 10 years.
Only a gullible shit stain would believe anything he says today, He obviously is a spineless piece of shit. Of course fools like yourself are going to believe him...
Trump demands that Cohen lie for him

Then when Cohen testified against him, Trump days.....Don’t believe him, he is a liar
Michael Cohen testifies before Congress on Wednesday, but his opening statement was published by The New York Times late Tuesday.

In it, the disgraced former attorney to President Donald Trump painted a picture of a “racist,” a “conman” and a “cheat” sitting in the Oval Office. Then, in scathing detail, Cohen listed examples of each in action.

Here are some of the most stunning excerpts from the statement:

“He once asked me if I could name a country run by a black person that wasn’t a ‘shithole.’ This was when Barack Obama was President of the United States.

“While we were once driving through a struggling neighborhood in Chicago, he commented that only black people could live that way.

“And, he told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid.”

“Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world. And also, that Don Jr. would never set up any meeting of any significance alone – and certainly not without checking with his father.”

“Mr. Trump claimed it was because of a bone spur, but when I asked for medical records, he gave me none and said there was no surgery. He told me not to answer the specific questions by reporters but rather offer simply the fact that he received a medical deferment.

He finished the conversation with the following comment. ‘You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.’


“The sad fact is that I never heard Mr. Trump say anything in private that led me to believe he loved our nation or wanted to make it better. In fact, he did the opposite.

“When telling me in 2008 that he was cutting employees’ salaries in half ― including mine ― he showed me what he claimed was a $10 million IRS tax refund, and he said that he could not believe how stupid the government was for giving ‘someone like him’ that much money back.”

“One of my more common responsibilities was that Mr. Trump directed me to call business owners, many of whom were small businesses, that were owed money for their services and told them no payment or a reduced payment would be coming. When I advised Mr. Trump of my success, he actually reveled in it.”

“In July 2016, days before the Democratic convention, I was in Mr. Trump’s office when his secretary announced that Roger Stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put Mr. Stone on the speakerphone. Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that, within a couple of days, there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mr. Trump responded by stating to the effect of ‘wouldn’t that be great.’”

is there any corroboration at all of any of this testimony whatsoever? Remember that Mr. Cohen is an admitted liar and perjurer. If I'm on the committee and Cohen starts this routine, I'm rolling on the floor in laughter since it is so ridiculous.
Asshole!! you think he wants more time in jail for more lying???

Good point. What does he have to gain at this point from a freedom/jail standpoint? More jail time? 3 years at Club Fed isn’t ideal but it’s better than 10 years.
Only a gullible shit stain would believe anything he says today, He obviously is a spineless piece of shit. Of course fools like yourself are going to believe him...
Trump demands that Cohen lie for him

Then when Cohen testified against him, Trump days.....Don’t believe him, he is a liar

Trump doesn't even speak to Cohen, and hasn't for many a moon.
He avoids having more jail time added to his sentence.
Like I said... He has no life. He will fit right in... jail Is his home now. Although what happens to rats in jail? LOL

So you don’t think there is any difference between spending 3 years in jail and spending 6 years in jail?
Yeah, you’re a special brand of stupid.
It really doesn’t matter the guy has no life, And we all know what happens to rats in jail.
In all your republican wisdom ,,you think Cohen wants more jail time for lying now??
He is unable to tell the truth, because he has zero credibility. I would say he does not even know what to truth is, It’s his word against someone else’s and in some cases against two other people.
He obviously has no life, and even if he did the shimmer of life before, it certainly will not last through this.
His family obviously realizes he is the lowest of life forms to them....
Quite obvious you believe in republican bs , politics before country
Like I said... He has no life. He will fit right in... jail Is his home now. Although what happens to rats in jail? LOL

So you don’t think there is any difference between spending 3 years in jail and spending 6 years in jail?
Yeah, you’re a special brand of stupid.
It really doesn’t matter the guy has no life, And we all know what happens to rats in jail.
In all your republican wisdom ,,you think Cohen wants more jail time for lying now??
He is unable to tell the truth, because he has zero credibility. I would say he does not even know what to truth is, It’s his word against someone else’s and in some cases against two other people.
He obviously has no life, and even if he did the shimmer of life before, it certainly will not last through this.
His family obviously realizes he is the lowest of life forms to them....
Quite obvious you believe in republican bs , politics before country

We don't have a country any more if the Green New Deal is implemented. $93 Trillion program will reduce America to Shithole Status.
So you don’t think there is any difference between spending 3 years in jail and spending 6 years in jail?
Yeah, you’re a special brand of stupid.
It really doesn’t matter the guy has no life, And we all know what happens to rats in jail.
In all your republican wisdom ,,you think Cohen wants more jail time for lying now??
He is unable to tell the truth, because he has zero credibility. I would say he does not even know what to truth is, It’s his word against someone else’s and in some cases against two other people.
He obviously has no life, and even if he did the shimmer of life before, it certainly will not last through this.
His family obviously realizes he is the lowest of life forms to them....
Quite obvious you believe in republican bs , politics before country

We don't have a country any more if the Green New Deal is implemented. $93 Trillion program will reduce America to Shithole Status.
you've done that already
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...
They’re reporting on TV that Cohen has documents that he’s going to present to Congress tomorrow.

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