Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office

Because of Agnew, Nixon, Reagan, Bush and now Trump the Republican Party is now the party of criminals in the White House.
Trump and Cohen colluded to lie about Trump paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

Then Cohen, acting on Trump's orders, lies to Congress and gets caught.

And now Cowardly Lyin' Donald and the parroting fuckwits say, "You can't trust a known liar!"


This shit is a parody of itself. You couldn't make shit like this up.
That's almost as weird as firing Comey ...for helping Donald get elected


Yea...that's possible

Comey was trying to get Hillary Clinton elected. The government came into possession of Tony Weiner's computer when he was pinched for paedophilia. Weiner was the spouse of Mrs. Clinton's top aide. They had to look at his computer because she was sharing state department emails with him.

But how fast Mr. Comey cleared Clinton was absurd. Going through tens of thousands of emails within just a few days was stupid.

Comey should have instead insisted on a Special Persecutor to look into the Clintons instead of doing a bogus quickie investigation.
They were emails. What is it you imagine was in them?

Collusion with Russia?

No, that would be Trump. Remember Vladimir said he wanted Trump to get elected.

And considering that Comey threw out more charges days before the election, it’s clear he wanted Trump elected. He didn’t know he was going to be devastated with buyers remorse.
Rep. Gaetz is just trying to dissuade Cohen- a known and admitted liar- from lying again

You just admitted the obstruction.

You admitted that he is trying to keep Cohen from testifying...

That is the DEFINITION of Obstruction of Justice

Cohen is going to testify, Gaetz's goal was to dissuade him from LYING during his testimony.

And that isn't obstruction.

No one has the right to perjure themselves
No one lies more than Republicans.
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.

I think it would be interesting to see the Liberal Reaction if Cohen would have a Jacques De Molay moment this week.

He has already been condemned to prison, and was willing to lie against his friends to try and save his own skin. If he stood up tomorrow and quit with the lying, he could emerge into history as a sympathetic figure
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.

Mueller was happy but the SDNY was not.
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.
Save your guesses. Cohen cooperated with Mueller regarding the Russia stuff and got leniency there...but refused to cooperate with the Southern District regarding the campaign finance issues. That is what he got three years for.

He has since changed his mind about that. We'll see what he has to say
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.
Save your guesses. Cohen cooperated with Mueller regarding the Russia stuff and got leniency there...but refused to cooperate with the Southern District regarding the campaign finance issues. That is what he got three years for.

He has since changed his mind about that. We'll see what he has to say

Regardless of how crazy and slanderous Cohen's lies are, as long as they are calumnious to President Trump, they will be embraced as the gospel truth by the Fake News Media.
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.
you think he'll lie before congress to lengthen his prison term? Really?
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.
Save your guesses. Cohen cooperated with Mueller regarding the Russia stuff and got leniency there...but refused to cooperate with the Southern District regarding the campaign finance issues. That is what he got three years for.

He has since changed his mind about that. We'll see what he has to say

Regardless of how crazy and slanderous Cohen's lies are, as long as they are calumnious to President Trump, they will be embraced as the gospel truth by the Fake News Media.
He's going to jail because he lied to PROTECT Trump you dolt
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.
Save your guesses. Cohen cooperated with Mueller regarding the Russia stuff and got leniency there...but refused to cooperate with the Southern District regarding the campaign finance issues. That is what he got three years for.

He has since changed his mind about that. We'll see what he has to say
Yes we will and if it amounts to nothing as it probabaly will I suspect you and those with your mindset will already have the spin ready to go. Anyone who is hanging their Trump is going down hopes on Cohen is going out on a very weak limb but so be it enjoy the view while your there.
Michael Cohen’s testimony is about to make any lunatic ramblings by Maxine Waters look like the musings of a wise sage.
So the convicted criminal and liar is going to testify Trump broke the law shocking.
View attachment 247837

Wonder if he had/has any more tapes? Usually you don’t stop at one
My guess is if Cohen ever had anything of consquence he would have used it to stay out of jail. Congress can't overturn his conviction reduce his sentence or pardon him there will be a lot of hype over this but I doubt it amounts to anything.
Bad guess.

. Cohen’s father publicly said that he didn’t escape a Nazi concentration camp and come to America to have his name sullied by his son.

Paying his debt to society is the way Cohen is making up to his family and putting their name back into good graces.

Imagine having a son like Cohen or Trump. Men who lie and steal and commit Felonies. For Republicans it’s OK. Because that’s how they like their president. But for the rest of the world it’s embarrassing.
Friendly reminder, CVS is open 24/7 and are stocked up with Prep H for the fake news consumers who are haters of our President. 4 out of 5 Doctors say Dems are going feel the Bern after total fail Cohen testifies. :p
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...

Sure, he will lie some more to save himself. He'll say whatever he thinks the prosecutors want to hear. He's already proven himself to be a liar.
Save himself from what? He’s already convicted and sentenced.
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...
Not illegal to pay hush money.......Trump did it before the campaign, so no, he's not going down for it.......keep screaming though

Actually they are saying Cohen paid before the ELECTION and dangerous Dotard paid Cohen after he was elected. No matter Cohen will need verifiable proof.
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...


Cohen is a ADMITTED liar, a real piece of shit.

If Cohen says it, you know its false. The gentleman is a rat, who will say anything to say his worthless carcass. And everyone already knows that.

Lol, this cracks me up, and yet tRumPutin kept him employed as his personal fixer because of those qualities ewe now claim to hate. Can ewe explain?

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