college course on hating white people

Is that some kind of code for we don't want them Uppity Knee Grows talking trash about our true heritage and legacy?

No it is plain English for opposition to the left's quest for power through the reinforcement of a perpetual victimhood mentality and the use of divide and conquer identity politics.

And that heritage and legacy would be western civilization and liberal democracy which is the absolute pinnacle of humanity, it's not perfect but compared to what has come before and what is found elsewhere it is infinitely better.

Is that a required course or an elective? Is this the first of it's kind?

You mad bro?

Unfortunately postmodernist neo marxianism has spread like a virus throughout most branches of academia and is making inroads into law and even STEM. The humanities (most notably gender studies and ethnic studies) are gone too far gone and need to be defunded and pushed out of all Universities throughout the entirety of western civilization, the good news is people are waking up to that fact and are working hard everyday to make that a reality. Clean your room!
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Is that some kind of code for we don't want them Uppity Knee Grows talking trash about our true heritage and legacy?

No it is plain English for opposition to the left's quest for power through the reinforcement of a perpetual victimhood mentality and the use of divide and conquer identity politics.

And that heritage and legacy would be western civilization and liberal democracy which is the absolute pinnacle of humanity, it's not perfect but compared to what has come before and what is found elsewhere it is infinitely better.

Is that a required course or an elective? Is this the first of it's kind?

You mad bro?

Unfortunately postmodernist neo marxianism has spread like a virus throughout most branches of academia and is making inroads into law and even STEM. The humanities (most notably gender studies and ethnic studies) are gone too far gone and need to be defunded and pushed out of all Universities throughout the entirety of western civilization, the good news is people are waking up to that fact and are working hard everyday to make that a reality. Clean your room!

Sound more like anti-intellectualism masquerading as a supporter of Western Liberal Democracy, mom.
Is that some kind of code for we don't want them Uppity Knee Grows talking trash about our true heritage and legacy?

No it is plain English for opposition to the left's quest for power through the reinforcement of a perpetual victimhood mentality and the use of divide and conquer identity politics.

And that heritage and legacy would be western civilization and liberal democracy which is the absolute pinnacle of humanity, it's not perfect but compared to what has come before and what is found elsewhere it is infinitely better.

Is that a required course or an elective? Is this the first of it's kind?

You mad bro?

Unfortunately postmodernist neo marxianism has spread like a virus throughout most branches of academia and is making inroads into law and even STEM. The humanities (most notably gender studies and ethnic studies) are gone too far gone and need to be defunded and pushed out of all Universities throughout the entirety of western civilization, the good news is people are waking up to that fact and are working hard everyday to make that a reality. Clean your room!

Sound more like anti-intellectualism masquerading as a supporter of Western Liberal Democracy, mom.

The postmodernist neomarxians don't give a damn about the pursuit of knowledge, all they care about is power.

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda
Communist principles in postmodernism were spread under the guise of identity politics
June 21, 2017 10:13, Last Updated: September 25, 2017 16:57

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda
Damn, now who do you think might object to a course like that?

People who don't like postmodernist neo marxian professors using identity politics to brainwash an entire generation?

Is that some kind of code for we don't want them Uppity Knee Grows talking trash about our true heritage and legacy?

Is that a required course or an elective? Is this the first of it's kind?

You mad bro?
It's a simple explanation that is not Shakespearean, bro.


Post-modern neo-Marxist cultural Marxists are coming to get you!

Nice far left blog. Jordan Peterson is a tenured professor at Toronto and a former associate professor at Harvard? What is your authors credentials? Oh nothing in fact they are so ashamed that they didn't even sign their name to that laughable tripe and far left talking points in defense of the quest for power through divide and conquer identity politics. Gender, ethnic, and race studies are nothing but playgrounds for radicals, the scholarship is non-existent, 80% of humanities papers aren't cited once, which means they write their papers for eachother and then sell them to libraries and that's how their publishers make their money.

Higher Education in America (The William G. Bowen Memorial Series in Higher Education)

When that course starts, I've a mind to invite that Sociology professor to join USMB and bone up on posts by tigerred59 . He'll get a kick out of her posts.
Admit it horseshit, you got a crush on seem to either hate on me or give me which is it old white man? Are you for the dark meat or the turkey's white ass? Either way, you racist pile of roach shit, I am a voice of reckon here and yous best get use to it, I ain't going no where!!
i guess you got told did that feel?...

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