College president says campus no place for free speech.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!
This is what we have come to..... we're now debating whether we should have free speech for a campus debate....

..... I'm wondering if we are doomed as a country. Canada is looking better every day.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

They were always commies. Even back then and before. McCarthy was vindicated and the only thing he was wrong about is there were a lot more than he even suspected.

Every protest for the war by the left in the 60s was another commie movement guised under the myth that it was about peace.

Bullshit. They protested America's involvement and that is code that America should just allow communism to spread and take over.

They seduced many and many of those losers became the commie john lennon hippy professors and college presidents we see today.

Deranged fucking commies and the one big difference between then and now is they are not even hiding it anymore. It's cool to admit you are a commie.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

The worst part is many who were involved with the free speech movement have become that which we hated, speech censors.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

The worst part is many who were involved with the free speech movement have become that which we hated, speech censors.

And for that...they should be ashamed!
As expected. I read his op-ed. It was a nuanced discussion and he is not against the idea of free speech.


Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

They’re not liberals. They’re Marxist dupes who think they’re liberal.
This guys example of 'free speech' on campus, "people yelling at each other and then walking away" is ridiculously simplistic, and certainly not what the right has been complaining about.
This guys example of 'free speech' on campus, "people yelling at each other and then walking away" is ridiculously simplistic, and certainly not what the right has been complaining about.
Yeah, he clearly created a straw man there, which is never a good sign.

He argues for "constructive engagement", which on its own is fine and worthy, but this doesn't have to be a "one or the other" situation.

There's always an excuse to control speech for those who are inclined to do so. That's not liberalism.
This is why liberal/progressives started the concept of "Hate Speech" and want hate speech laws. It is purely to shut down speech they don;t like and in which they disagree. Speak out against illegal aliens, or Muslims it is hate speech and racist. Just one example.

Universities are just Progressive Indoctrination Centers today.

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

There are limits to free speech both legal and practical. When the intention of speech becomes to provoke violence rather than a healthy discussion of issues or when that speech takes the form of rallies and demonstrations that causes disruptions in campus activities and classes, then the courts will hold that it is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The news media seek stories that get attention or promotes an agenda. If a story fails, then the media either drops it or massages the facts to fit their purpose. Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies. And you're unlikely to see that on Fox News or any other news outlet that has an agenda.
This is what we have come to..... we're now debating whether we should have free speech for a campus debate....

..... I'm wondering if we are doomed as a country. Canada is looking better every day.
-------------------------- as far as Free Speech goes i think that they are far worse than the USA Andy .

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

There are limits to free speech both legal and practical. When the intention of speech becomes to provoke violence rather than a healthy discussion of issues or when that speech takes the form of rallies and demonstrations that causes disruptions in campus activities and classes, then the courts will hold that it is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The news media seek stories that get attention or promotes an agenda. If a story fails, then the media either drops it or massages the facts to fit their purpose. Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies. And you're unlikely to see that on Fox News or any other news outlet that has an agenda.

--------------------------------------------- how can the INTENTION of Free Speech be KNOWN . Seems to me that Free Speech should be open and Free while violence maker should be policed Flopper .

Why dont left wingers admit they are full blown commie elitists?

The leaders of the "free speech movement" from back in the Berkeley days must be scratching their heads over what's become of what they started! If you'd told them back then that it would be liberals shutting down free speech on campus I'm pretty sure they would have told you that would NEVER happen!

There are limits to free speech both legal and practical. When the intention of speech becomes to provoke violence rather than a healthy discussion of issues or when that speech takes the form of rallies and demonstrations that causes disruptions in campus activities and classes, then the courts will hold that it is not covered by the 1st amendment.

The news media seek stories that get attention or promotes an agenda. If a story fails, then the media either drops it or massages the facts to fit their purpose. Always look at the backstory, the complete quotes and the reason for the action. That is where the truth lies. And you're unlikely to see that on Fox News or any other news outlet that has an agenda.

--------------------------------------------- how can the INTENTION of Free Speech be KNOWN . Seems to me that Free Speech should be open and Free while violence maker should be policed Flopper .

You know the intention in two ways. First knowing the history of those involved. Secondly, seeing the effect. If a white nationalist group's demonstration has resulted in violence in most every places it has demonstrated, then it's a pretty good guess as to what their intentions are.
Americans have the RIGHT to Free Speech and if others don't like their Free Speech they have no Right to become violent Flopper .
This is what we have come to..... we're now debating whether we should have free speech for a campus debate....

..... I'm wondering if we are doomed as a country. Canada is looking better every day.
I wonder what would happen if someone were to ask the president when they plan on shutting their own mouth if they don't believe that free speech should be allowed.

God bless you always!!!


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