College Professor Arrested for Profane Rant at Pro-Life Students

Why were these students holding up pro life images on the grounds of their University? You are there to study, not to ram your opinions down the throats of others.

All campuses facilitate protestors. That's pretty much an American tradition at this point. However, I'd be fine with your sentiment; so long as they prohibited all causes equally with the exception of direct campus matters.
Here is another Liberal College Teacher that needs to be fired.

College Professor Arrested for Profane Rant at Pro-Life Students |

A college professor has been arrested for a profane rant at pro-life students at the University of Buffalo.

Professor Laura Curry screamed at students, yelling at them: “Where does it say I can’t use the f**k word in public. I can swear because that’s part of my vocabulary. That’s part of my First Amendment rights.”

According to a report by Fox News, Curry, an adjunct instructor of media study, was lashing out at the University’s Students for Life organization. The group had erected a pro-life display featuring images that offended Curry.

“I can swear in public because that is profane,” she said referring to the display. “That image is swearing to me. That is profane to me.”

An unidentified individual filmed the incident and posted the video on Creative Minority Report.

“That image is profane but f**k is,” she yelled at police officers responding to the disturbance.

A university spokesman told Fox News confirmed Curry’s arrest but declined to provide information about her current employment status.

“Would you let my class know I’m under arrest,” she asked as officers slapped a pair of handcuffs on the profane professor and carted her off to jail.

Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students For Life of America, said pro-life students are typically singled out for attacks on campus.

“As we’ve seen again and again, a pro-abortion supporter couldn’t handle the ugly truth of abortion and lashed out,” Hawkins told Fox News. “She had to resort to yelling and using profane language with police officers.”

Hawkins said Curry’s behavior sets the wrong example for students.

“We stand with UB Students for Life for courageously fighting to bring the truth of abortion to a liberal campus, despite attempts to shout them down, cover the display, and personally attack group leaders like President Christian Andzel,” she said. “UB SFL is the pro-life generation and they are already showing they know how to behave like better adults than the ones opposing them.”

The University of Buffalo did not offer any apology to the students who were subjected to the professor’s public outburst.

This is just my opinion. I think one of the things that the pro-choice crowd forgets is that emotional damage their stance has on women. No one, myself included, wants to be told that the decision they made was the wrong decision. No one wants to have their morality thrown back in their face. In my opinion this woman is acting out about a decision she had made. That is why the pro-choice crowd vilifies the pro-life side, they have to.
Why were these students holding up pro life images on the grounds of their University? You are there to study, not to ram your opinions down the throats of others.

Since the free exchange of ideas is counter to the concept of college…

I see that you did not state anything about the teacher that flipped out, the myriad of radicals from communists to anarchists that hold speaking engagements at colleges but for some reason THIS should be discouraged.

If colleges should be anything, it should embody the free exchange ideas.
Why were these students holding up pro life images on the grounds of their University? You are there to study, not to ram your opinions down the throats of others.

Since the free exchange of ideas is counter to the concept of college…

I see that you did not state anything about the teacher that flipped out, the myriad of radicals from communists to anarchists that hold speaking engagements at colleges but for some reason THIS should be discouraged.

If colleges should be anything, it should embody the free exchange ideas.

The teacher went overboard, certainly, but the students had no need to be staging a protest against abortion, its a University, not a place to air your political opinions.
Why were these students holding up pro life images on the grounds of their University? You are there to study, not to ram your opinions down the throats of others.

Since the free exchange of ideas is counter to the concept of college…

I see that you did not state anything about the teacher that flipped out, the myriad of radicals from communists to anarchists that hold speaking engagements at colleges but for some reason THIS should be discouraged.

If colleges should be anything, it should embody the free exchange ideas.

The teacher went overboard, certainly, but the students had no need to be staging a protest against abortion, its a University, not a place to air your political opinions.

Have you ever been an American College?

You can get lost among all the left wing political stuff on one.
Why were these students holding up pro life images on the grounds of their University? You are there to study, not to ram your opinions down the throats of others.

Since the free exchange of ideas is counter to the concept of college…

I see that you did not state anything about the teacher that flipped out, the myriad of radicals from communists to anarchists that hold speaking engagements at colleges but for some reason THIS should be discouraged.

If colleges should be anything, it should embody the free exchange ideas.

The teacher went overboard, certainly, but the students had no need to be staging a protest against abortion, its a University, not a place to air your political opinions.

Why not? I see that as one of the best part of universities. Was I not clear earlier?


That process not only includes things like the students did (and the students/factory that disagreed) but it is integral to it. Why are you so against this type of thing in a learning institution?
Since the free exchange of ideas is counter to the concept of college…

I see that you did not state anything about the teacher that flipped out, the myriad of radicals from communists to anarchists that hold speaking engagements at colleges but for some reason THIS should be discouraged.

If colleges should be anything, it should embody the free exchange ideas.

The teacher went overboard, certainly, but the students had no need to be staging a protest against abortion, its a University, not a place to air your political opinions.

Why not? I see that as one of the best part of universities. Was I not clear earlier?


That process not only includes things like the students did (and the students/factory that disagreed) but it is integral to it. Why are you so against this type of thing in a learning institution?

They should hold the protest OFF campus, not on it. Compromise - its fine for them to have their protest, but not within the grounds of the school.

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