College Professor Arrested for Profane Rant at Pro-Life Students


She objects b/c they are seeking to unravel her indoctrination by bringing a powerful truth to the table.
She is just upset that these students are using the very tactic that the progressives have been using (effectively) in just about every argument they make. That tactic is the appeal to pure emotional response. Humans have a universal revulsion to seeing dismembered babies. So much so, that they would be willing to consider the fact that a life separate from the mother during gestation is a reality and that we do not kill babies who have never done any harm. People know it deep in their gut and feel it.

That is why she is objecting so strenuously. She, and many progressives know, that there is no argument when pure emotionalism is invoked. That is why they use it for everything.
Graphic images of aborted fetuses towered beside the Student Union entrance on Monday and Tuesday.

Why should that bother her? Apparently, fetuses aren't humans anyways.

Comprehension problems?

"billboards showed dismembered fetus limbs and comparisons of abortions to genocide, child abuse and hate crimes –

Further reading on the matter show many staff and student objected to the display without being arrested.
I have no love for looney liberals but if all she was doing was cussing and got arrested for that alone well, that is bullshit.

I have had similar altercations and if police are that thin skinned thwy should find a new line of work.
As to the teacher I think she should be fired.

Yelling and cursing should not be jailable
I have no love for looney liberals but if all she was doing was cussing and got arrested for that alone well, that is bullshit.

I have had similar altercations and if police are that thin skinned thwy should find a new line of work.
As to the teacher I think she should be fired.

Yelling and cursing should not be jailable

I have mixed feelings. I don't think that profanity should be outlawed and in fact I think the first amendment protects it. However, if she was being a public nuisance; meaning she was being excessively belligerent to the extreme detriment of the general public then that's another story. For my money, I didn't see that in this video and I feel the police did abuse their power from what I saw.
It's worth noting that being detained and being arrested are two different things. They may have been detaining her.
Graphic images of aborted fetuses towered beside the Student Union entrance on Monday and Tuesday.

Why should that bother her? Apparently, fetuses aren't humans anyways.

Comprehension problems?

"billboards showed dismembered fetus limbs and comparisons of abortions to genocide, child abuse and hate crimes –

Further reading on the matter show many staff and student objected to the display without being arrested.

And when the pictures of genocide, etc are shown by Life magazine, AP, etc they are ok??

Apparently, fetuses aren't humans anyways.

They aren't. Never have been. At least according to all of humanity over all of history, but plainly you know better.

Oh wait, you're one of those PETA/pro-life freaks. You know, declaring that cows and fetuses are people, and that anyone who disagrees with your whackaloon raving is a murderer.

So, when's the next PETA/pro-life rally?
Why should that bother her? Apparently, fetuses aren't humans anyways.

Comprehension problems?

"billboards showed dismembered fetus limbs and comparisons of abortions to genocide, child abuse and hate crimes –

Further reading on the matter show many staff and student objected to the display without being arrested.

And when the pictures of genocide, etc are shown by Life magazine, AP, etc they are ok??


As an aside: That fucker had killed one of his senior officers and his entire family. The media didn't care about that side of the story.
Even ignorant left wing college professors think the Bill of Rights only applies to left wing causes.
She was arrested for being disorderly, period.This has been adjudicated 40 years ago- give it up. Thank god O-care will provide birth control and decimate the numer of abortions. Feq the idiot greedy GOP.

So if that had been a professor screaming and cussing students at a pro-gay marriage or pro-illegal immigrant or pro-affirmative action display, you'd still have no problem with it?

I'm pro gay marriage, and pro life, and you bring up a good point. If a right winger began screaming the F-word to a gay couple and saying, "Your public display of affection is as offensive to me as me screaming '***k'," I think most left wingers would be very critical of the right winger's behavior.
Comprehension problems?

"billboards showed dismembered fetus limbs and comparisons of abortions to genocide, child abuse and hate crimes –

Further reading on the matter show many staff and student objected to the display without being arrested.

And when the pictures of genocide, etc are shown by Life magazine, AP, etc they are ok??


As an aside: That fucker had killed one of his senior officers and his entire family. The media didn't care about that side of the story.

True 'nuff.. but the story behind it is not why I brought up the pic
She was arrested for being disorderly, period.This has been adjudicated 40 years ago- give it up. Thank god O-care will provide birth control and decimate the numer of abortions. Feq the idiot greedy GOP.

So if that had been a professor screaming and cussing students at a pro-gay marriage or pro-illegal immigrant or pro-affirmative action display, you'd still have no problem with it?

I'm pro gay marriage, and pro life, and you bring up a good point. If a right winger began screaming the F-word to a gay couple and saying, "Your public display of affection is as offensive to me as me screaming '***k'," I think most left wingers would be very critical of the right winger's behavior.

They would use all sorts of slurs and justify anything and everything and they certainly wouldn't speak out against the arrest like conservatives have in this case.
Graphic images of aborted fetuses towered beside the Student Union entrance on Monday and Tuesday.

Why should that bother her? Apparently, fetuses aren't humans anyways.

Comprehension problems?

"billboards showed dismembered fetus limbs and comparisons of abortions to genocide, child abuse and hate crimes –

Further reading on the matter show many staff and student objected to the display without being arrested.

That would, of course, be because you can object to anything that you want to object to, speak out against it and generally express your viewpoint. You just can’t do what the teacher was accused of – disrupting their peaceful demonstration.

I am interested in how bad it was though. Some are commenting that the video (I can’t play it) does not show anything overtly disruptive. If that is true – shame on the cops. You should really have to be disruptive in order for the cops to forcibly take you away. The other question though is why the cops were there to begin with? Did the school call or were they already on campus (as that is not unusual). If the school called it makes sense. Perhaps they asked her to stop and she kept going but you would think that would make it into the paper. I don’t know, there is not much information to go off here so…
Why should that bother her? Apparently, fetuses aren't humans anyways.

Comprehension problems?

"billboards showed dismembered fetus limbs and comparisons of abortions to genocide, child abuse and hate crimes –

Further reading on the matter show many staff and student objected to the display without being arrested.

And when the pictures of genocide, etc are shown by Life magazine, AP, etc they are ok??


That was a summary execution, it was published in a magazine, so yeah it's okay. Not sure what that has to do with why the student and staff were protesting against the billboard comparing abortion to genocide but, whatever Dave......

It's also on a documentatry film too. I saw it of all places college. It was pointed out during the class that this was a sabatour who was caught in the act.
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