College Should Be Free! (For Americans)

No, they're not. What are usually referred to as "races" are in fact different species of human.
Again, since you dropped out of high school, it's understandable why you don't have a fucking clue about basic biology.

Are you a Nazi? A White Supremacist?.....or is it too much effort for you to attend the meetings?
I don't care if you believe me or not.
Good, because I don't believe you. You're a racist, anti-Semitic high school dropout angry at the world because you weren't handed a silver spoon to feed on.

I don't care about your opinions about me either. All you need to worry about is what I say. And if you don't believe anything I've said, just tell me what it is. If you dare.
There is no such thing as free college

There's no such thing as free health care

There is no overpopulation

There is no brain activity inside krypto's empty, rotten mellon.
No, they're not. What are usually referred to as "races" are in fact different species of human.
Again, since you dropped out of high school, it's understandable why you don't have a fucking clue about basic biology.

Are you a Nazi? A White Supremacist?.....or is it too much effort for you to attend the meetings?

First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.
No, they're not. What are usually referred to as "races" are in fact different species of human.
Again, since you dropped out of high school, it's understandable why you don't have a fucking clue about basic biology.

Are you a Nazi? A White Supremacist?.....or is it too much effort for you to attend the meetings?

First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.

...and so was Timothy McVeigh and his partner.
Nazi-boy the idiot is too chicken shit to reveal how far below the bottom of the barrel he really is. The sackless, illiterate dunce can't understand basic economics enough to even discuss the very bad idea of 'free' college. Of course college might as well be Mars to the likes of him.
I don't care about your opinions about me either. All you need to worry about is what I say. And if you don't believe anything I've said, just tell me what it is. If you dare.
If you don't care, why do you keep chasing after me to tell me you don't care? Kid, get a life.
No, they're not. What are usually referred to as "races" are in fact different species of human.
Again, since you dropped out of high school, it's understandable why you don't have a fucking clue about basic biology.

Are you a Nazi? A White Supremacist?.....or is it too much effort for you to attend the meetings?

First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.

...and so was Timothy McVeigh and his partner.

What were they.
First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.
Ahh, I see the problem. Mental issues, eh. I'm guessing you've been hospitalized before for your own good and, maybe, a little medication to help you cope?

Thanks for the Nazi confession. It was clear you were a Nazi, but it's always an honesty check to see if someone owns up to it. Good luck with your RaHoWa. I'm guessing it won't last more than half a day and all of your friends will be dead or in prison. You, I'm guessing, will be hiding in the back "holding the horses".
First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.
Ahh, I see the problem. Mental issues, eh. I'm guessing you've been hospitalized before for your own good and, maybe, a little medication to help you cope?

Thanks for the Nazi confession. It was clear you were a Nazi, but it's always an honesty check to see if someone owns up to it. Good luck with your RaHoWa. I'm guessing it won't last more than half a day and all of your friends will be dead or in prison. You, I'm guessing, will be hiding in the back "holding the horses".

Try refuting anything I say. We will see who has the mental issues. Amd it won't be me. As to the rest, I told you what I am. Care to tell me what you are. That is, in whether or not you're White. That way, I will know how to respond to you better.
Try refuting anything I say.....
I do it almost every time you post (frankly, some of your posts are just too stupid for me to waste time answering).

I'm an American which is more than you'll ever be. I expect you'll end up in the news one day face down in the street with police tape around your body just like other terrorists.

...or you'll end up strapped to a gurney. Either way, your kind are headed for a dead end.
I know who they were. I just wanted to know "what" YOU thought they were. You're the one who brought it up.
Amazing! Do you know how they ended up? After murdering a bunch of innocent children? Child murderers are among the lowest form of scum. Even lower than whale turds and fucking Nazis.
Try refuting anything I say.....
I do it almost every time you post (frankly, some of your posts are just too stupid for me to waste time answering).

I'm an American which is more than you'll ever be. I expect you'll end up in the news one day face down in the street with police tape around your body just like other terrorists.

...or you'll end up strapped to a gurney. Either way, your kind are headed for a dead end.

You're not telling me anything. There are many species of human in the U.S. who call themselves "American." Such as Homo aryanus, Homo mongolis, Homo negrosis or Homo polynesus. (The last one includes natives of the Wesern Hemisphere) If you don't want to tell me what particular species, sub-species (or whatever) of human you are, I take it you have something to be ashamed of. Which if you aren't White, you do indeed.

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