College Should Be Free! (For Americans)

I know who they were. I just wanted to know "what" YOU thought they were. You're the one who brought it up.
Amazing! Do you know how they ended up? After murdering a bunch of innocent children? Child murderers are among the lowest form of scum. Even lower than whale turds and fucking Nazis.

How they ended up wasn't the question. Neither do I give a shit about them. And the reasons for doing what they did was pretty fucked. Also, "IF" you are White, did you know that YOU are culpable in the brutal murders of tens of thousands of White children here in the U.S. I agree that you can't get any lower than that. As for the Nazis, just about everything you have ever been taught or heard about them is a LIE! History is written by the victors. Also, in war, truth is the first casualty. And for those who lost, it remains a casualty.
Try refuting anything I say.....
I do it almost every time you post (frankly, some of your posts are just too stupid for me to waste time answering).

I'm an American which is more than you'll ever be. I expect you'll end up in the news one day face down in the street with police tape around your body just like other terrorists.

...or you'll end up strapped to a gurney. Either way, your kind are headed for a dead end.

You're not telling me anything. There are many species of human in the U.S. who call themselves "American." Such as Homo aryanus, Homo mongolis, Homo negrosis or Homo polynesus. (The last one includes natives of the Wesern Hemisphere) If you don't want to tell me what particular species, sub-species (or whatever) of human you are, I take it you have something to be ashamed of. Which if you aren't White, you do indeed.

I'm a homo longdongus.
You're not telling me anything....
Isn't that what you told your teachers before you dropped out of high school and started mooching off of others?

Didn't you forget your own race? Homo Stupidous?

Oh how often have I seen those who are wrong retreat into insults. If that's the best you can do, go haunt somebody else's thread.
First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.
Ahh, I see the problem. Mental issues, eh. I'm guessing you've been hospitalized before for your own good and, maybe, a little medication to help you cope?

Thanks for the Nazi confession. It was clear you were a Nazi, but it's always an honesty check to see if someone owns up to it. Good luck with your RaHoWa. I'm guessing it won't last more than half a day and all of your friends will be dead or in prison. You, I'm guessing, will be hiding in the back "holding the horses".

We will see who has the mental issues. .

Everyone can see you are as nutty as a fruitcake, sackless psycho.

There is no such thing as free college.
Try refuting anything I say.....
I do it almost every time you post (frankly, some of your posts are just too stupid for me to waste time answering).

I'm an American which is more than you'll ever be. I expect you'll end up in the news one day face down in the street with police tape around your body just like other terrorists.

...or you'll end up strapped to a gurney. Either way, your kind are headed for a dead end.

You're not telling me anything. There are many species of human in the U.S. who call themselves "American." Such as Homo aryanus, Homo mongolis, Homo negrosis or Homo polynesus. (The last one includes natives of the Wesern Hemisphere) If you don't want to tell me what particular species, sub-species (or whatever) of human you are, I take it you have something to be ashamed of. Which if you aren't White, you do indeed.

I'm a homo longdongus.
I see you bought yourself one of those funhouse mirrors. :D

BTW, krypto made up those terms just like he does most things.
Since no one can be this stupid and continue to survive, this clown has to be a troll, sock, plant or all of the above.
Since no one can be this stupid and continue to survive, this clown has to be a troll, sock, plant or all of the above.
None of the above. A higher than normal number of mentally ill people post online. Their caretakers just give them a computer to keep them busy.
Try refuting anything I say.....
I do it almost every time you post (frankly, some of your posts are just too stupid for me to waste time answering).

I'm an American which is more than you'll ever be. I expect you'll end up in the news one day face down in the street with police tape around your body just like other terrorists.

...or you'll end up strapped to a gurney. Either way, your kind are headed for a dead end.

You're not telling me anything. There are many species of human in the U.S. who call themselves "American." Such as Homo aryanus, Homo mongolis, Homo negrosis or Homo polynesus. (The last one includes natives of the Wesern Hemisphere) If you don't want to tell me what particular species, sub-species (or whatever) of human you are, I take it you have something to be ashamed of. Which if you aren't White, you do indeed.

I'm a homo longdongus.
I see you bought yourself one of those funhouse mirrors. :D

BTW, krypto made up those terms just like he does most things.

In zoology, every species of creature, no matter how slight the difference to a different species of creature, is given its own unique zoological classification. And guess what. THOSE names were made up also. It doesn't matter if you want to call them "race" or "species." The point is that different kinds of human deserve their own unique zoological classification just like ALL of the other creatures on earth.
Maybe there would be the same scientific discovery rate here if we had free college and free health care. After all, The U.S. is a large country, rich with natural resources and arable land. I think we should find out. And if things didn't work out, I would still rather see a slight hit taken to the scientific discovery rate as long as it meant free college and health care. There is no doubt that greed drives things a lot. And you can wave the flag of greed all you want to. I will still support morality.

What in the heck are you talking about?

This is what I posted: "Take medicine, for instance, our four top research hospitals alone have discovered more new drugs, procedures, and technology than any half dozen or more countries with free college and free healthcare."

That is due to our for-profit health care and insurance system.

Surely acknowledge that there is good, moral greed as well as evil greed.

Was Henry Ford "evil" for having invented the assembly line?
Maybe there would be the same scientific discovery rate here if we had free college and free health care. After all, The U.S. is a large country, rich with natural resources and arable land. I think we should find out. And if things didn't work out, I would still rather see a slight hit taken to the scientific discovery rate as long as it meant free college and health care. There is no doubt that greed drives things a lot. And you can wave the flag of greed all you want to. I will still support morality.

What in the heck are you talking about?

This is what I posted: "Take medicine, for instance, our four top research hospitals alone have discovered more new drugs, procedures, and technology than any half dozen or more countries with free college and free healthcare."

That is due to our for-profit health care and insurance system.

Surely acknowledge that there is good, moral greed as well as evil greed.

Was Henry Ford "evil" for having invented the assembly line?

Aren't those things due to scientific discoveries? Also, what I was basically getting at was, fuck our "for profit" healthcare system. Health care should be free free free free free free! There are shitloads of people who have gone bankrupt and many who have also become homeless because they couldn't afford their healthcare. In countries where healthcare is free, that doesn't happen.

Also, there is no such thing as "good" greed. Though before the French revolution, there were probably many French aristocrats who would have said that there is. Next, as far as the assembly line thing goes, it just depends on how machine like the employees were expected to perform. Also, I couldn't even tell you how many millions of deaths that have been caused by automobiles. That definitely isn't a good thing. Or even acceptable.
This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.
This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

So true.
Every decision to consume one product usually comes with the trade-off of giving up the consumption of something else.

This, of course, is denied in 'The Theology of Liberalism.'
This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

So true.
Every decision to consume one product usually comes with the trade-off of giving up the consumption of something else.

This, of course, is denied in 'The Theology of Liberalism.'

The obverse can be found here:
'To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who (or whose fathers) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "to guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." A Project of the Claremont Institute
First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.
Ahh, I see the problem. Mental issues, eh. I'm guessing you've been hospitalized before for your own good and, maybe, a little medication to help you cope?

Thanks for the Nazi confession. It was clear you were a Nazi, but it's always an honesty check to see if someone owns up to it. Good luck with your RaHoWa. I'm guessing it won't last more than half a day and all of your friends will be dead or in prison. You, I'm guessing, will be hiding in the back "holding the horses".

Indeed, Krypto has made his Nazi leanings - or what he calls "white separatism" - clear since his earliest posts and has not only been consistent, he's been upfront.

Like you, I appreciate his honesty and the poster-child example he provides of the 21st Century Nazi as an uneducated (by choice), lazy, hate-filled POS in constant need of validation.

The world would be a better place if every generation we round them up and put them in reeducation camps where they might learn enough to remove their tongues from their fuehrer's butt and, failing that, "graduate" them to "work camps" where they can get the same treatment their Nazi forebears applied to those they consider inferior.

In the matter of coping meds, I suspect the 3 decades we have spent medicating our kids as a convenient way to avoid smacking them in the face and kicking them in the butt has produced large quantities of uninspired and unprepared wards-of-the-state who have learned that panhandling when coupled with gov't bennies provides a viable lifestyle they can live with.

Krypto has made it clear he considers Americans to be beneath him and adamantly refuses to do anything which might benefit society. A typical Nazi leach who not only sucks America's teat but also fails his responsibility to help pull the train for those who can't. Unadulterated, proud and unapologetic Nazi scum.
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This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

So true.
Every decision to consume one product usually comes with the trade-off of giving up the consumption of something else.

This, of course, is denied in 'The Theology of Liberalism.'

Or, in the case of Krypto, 'Stupidism'.
...As for the Nazis, just about everything you have ever been taught or heard about them is a LIE! History is written by the victors. Also, in war, truth is the first casualty. And for those who lost, it remains a casualty.

Wow ... just wow!

So rather than make the effort to get a real education you've wasted your time getting a race-based "Internet Education" that pats you on the head, relieves you of any responsibility for the nature and quality of your life and validates all the hateful BS that wanders into and around your little head.

Grow the fuck up, Princess. America doesn't owe you a life. Get out and get one. Sheesh.
This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

When I went to high school, I didn't pay a thing for it. That makes it free. Whatever else may have happened to make high school exist is besides the point. Deal with it.

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