Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

My solution to the whole problem, is send the fucking brat to Cuba and let him live there for a while, in 5 years he would be back front and center not only pledging his loyalty to the country but slapping any other child, not showing their appreciation of what they have...

You're probably right, because it's usually totalitarian nations like Cuba that force people to engage in coerced nationalism.
Why is it so bad to love your country that gives you the ability to make something of yourself and for your family? Are you a Commie who has to have the government grant you FREE stuff so you can compete against those that produce? That same government under tyrannical rule can also take away that FREE stuff just as easy, like what happens in CUBA..Sometimes I wonder why I ever fought against the Commies of the USSR to protect people like you.. But then I realized that I wasn't doing it for your sorry ass, but for my children and their children who will also be great in this country..

No one said there was anything wrong with loving your country. No. One.

But there is something seriously wrong with forcing people to show their allegience.
No there isn’t.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge
How can it qualify as a pledge if it is mandatory?
My solution to the whole problem, is send the fucking brat to Cuba and let him live there for a while, in 5 years he would be back front and center not only pledging his loyalty to the country but slapping any other child, not showing their appreciation of what they have...

You're probably right, because it's usually totalitarian nations like Cuba that force people to engage in coerced nationalism.
Why is it so bad to love your country that gives you the ability to make something of yourself and for your family? Are you a Commie who has to have the government grant you FREE stuff so you can compete against those that produce? That same government under tyrannical rule can also take away that FREE stuff just as easy, like what happens in CUBA..Sometimes I wonder why I ever fought against the Commies of the USSR to protect people like you.. But then I realized that I wasn't doing it for your sorry ass, but for my children and their children who will also be great in this country..

No one said there was anything wrong with loving your country. No. One.

But there is something seriously wrong with forcing people to show their allegience.
No there isn’t.

Yes there is. Because what you have then is fake. Does that make you feel better? If seeing everyone stand, but you know some don't mean it but do it out of fear? Fuck that?

Look at the countries that force patriotic shows from their citizens. The USSR, Nazi Germany, Socialist China, Cuba, every petty African despot. Is that what living in a free country means to you?

No. Just no.
Yes there is. Because what you have then is fake. Does that make you feel better? If seeing everyone stand, but you know some don't mean it but do it out of fear? Fuck that?

Look at the countries that force patriotic shows from their citizens. The USSR, Nazi Germany, Socialist China, Cuba, every petty African despot. Is that what living in a free country means to you?

No. Just no.

It's truly amazing to me how incapable they are of understanding that.
Why is it so bad to love your country that gives you the ability to make something of yourself and for your family?

Why must one be forced to pledge allegiance to authority to appreciate such things?

Are you a Commie who has to have the government grant you FREE stuff so you can compete against those that produce? That same government under tyrannical rule can also take away that FREE stuff just as easy, like what happens in CUBA

Are you an extremist nut job who throws out the word Commie to anyone who disagrees with your authoritarian view just like the left is quick to throw out the word racist at anyone who disagrees with them?

Sometimes I wonder why I ever fought against the Commies of the USSR to protect people like you..

I wonder how you could have since we never went to war with then.
I was in the cold war during the USSR threat, I guess those that died serving are worth as much as the 4 who died in Benghazi? At this point what difference does it make. Again , if you don't like it here, go to Cuba, that Obama opened the doors for you, just leave your passport at the border as We the People don't want your unappreciated ass here anymore.

i bet you defended the px at fort dix down to your last roll of nickels, too.
Teacher should have received a swift kick in the pussy and then been told that trump hasn't sold us totally to Russia yet, we aren't forced to display fake displays of subservience to the state...
My solution to the whole problem, is send the fucking brat to Cuba and let him live there for a while, in 5 years he would be back front and center not only pledging his loyalty to the country but slapping any other child, not showing their appreciation of what they have...

You're probably right, because it's usually totalitarian nations like Cuba that force people to engage in coerced nationalism.
Smart free nations let their commies come out and identify themselves.
My solution to the whole problem, is send the fucking brat to Cuba and let him live there for a while, in 5 years he would be back front and center not only pledging his loyalty to the country but slapping any other child, not showing their appreciation of what they have...

You're probably right, because it's usually totalitarian nations like Cuba that force people to engage in coerced nationalism.
Why is it so bad to love your country that gives you the ability to make something of yourself and for your family? Are you a Commie who has to have the government grant you FREE stuff so you can compete against those that produce? That same government under tyrannical rule can also take away that FREE stuff just as easy, like what happens in CUBA..Sometimes I wonder why I ever fought against the Commies of the USSR to protect people like you.. But then I realized that I wasn't doing it for your sorry ass, but for my children and their children who will also be great in this country..

No one said there was anything wrong with loving your country. No. One.

But there is something seriously wrong with forcing people to show their allegience.
No there isn’t.

Yes there is. Because what you have then is fake. Does that make you feel better? If seeing everyone stand, but you know some don't mean it but do it out of fear? Fuck that?

Look at the countries that force patriotic shows from their citizens. The USSR, Nazi Germany, Socialist China, Cuba, every petty African despot. Is that what living in a free country means to you?

No. Just no.
You make a good point. Leaving the option open for people to show their disloyalty, is better than having unidentified turncoats roaming amongst the rank and file.
However with children it’s a bit different. At a young age is when their loyalties should be forged.
so glad the revolt in the young us went so well...of course andaronjim would have objected to that
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

deplorable trump flakes are vile.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge
well if this happened as reported, it's a reflection on a society that's hitting the toilet.

hippie grandkids fucking hate America, as their parents and grandparents taught them.

teachers think they are above the law, actions like these are becoming more and more common.

If this happened, I hope the teacher sees jail and the kid gets his ass kicked by his classmates
Yes there is. Because what you have then is fake. Does that make you feel better? If seeing everyone stand, but you know some don't mean it but do it out of fear? Fuck that?

Look at the countries that force patriotic shows from their citizens. The USSR, Nazi Germany, Socialist China, Cuba, every petty African despot. Is that what living in a free country means to you?

No. Just no.

It's truly amazing to me how incapable they are of understanding that.

It baffles me that those who claim to love freedom are stuck on this.
You're probably right, because it's usually totalitarian nations like Cuba that force people to engage in coerced nationalism.
Why is it so bad to love your country that gives you the ability to make something of yourself and for your family? Are you a Commie who has to have the government grant you FREE stuff so you can compete against those that produce? That same government under tyrannical rule can also take away that FREE stuff just as easy, like what happens in CUBA..Sometimes I wonder why I ever fought against the Commies of the USSR to protect people like you.. But then I realized that I wasn't doing it for your sorry ass, but for my children and their children who will also be great in this country..

No one said there was anything wrong with loving your country. No. One.

But there is something seriously wrong with forcing people to show their allegience.
No there isn’t.

Yes there is. Because what you have then is fake. Does that make you feel better? If seeing everyone stand, but you know some don't mean it but do it out of fear? Fuck that?

Look at the countries that force patriotic shows from their citizens. The USSR, Nazi Germany, Socialist China, Cuba, every petty African despot. Is that what living in a free country means to you?

No. Just no.
You make a good point. Leaving the option open for people to show their disloyalty, is better than having unidentified turncoats roaming amongst the rank and file.
However with children it’s a bit different. At a young age is when their loyalties should be forged.

You mean indoctrinated?
Why is it so bad to love your country that gives you the ability to make something of yourself and for your family? Are you a Commie who has to have the government grant you FREE stuff so you can compete against those that produce? That same government under tyrannical rule can also take away that FREE stuff just as easy, like what happens in CUBA..Sometimes I wonder why I ever fought against the Commies of the USSR to protect people like you.. But then I realized that I wasn't doing it for your sorry ass, but for my children and their children who will also be great in this country..

No one said there was anything wrong with loving your country. No. One.

But there is something seriously wrong with forcing people to show their allegience.
No there isn’t.

Yes there is. Because what you have then is fake. Does that make you feel better? If seeing everyone stand, but you know some don't mean it but do it out of fear? Fuck that?

Look at the countries that force patriotic shows from their citizens. The USSR, Nazi Germany, Socialist China, Cuba, every petty African despot. Is that what living in a free country means to you?

No. Just no.
You make a good point. Leaving the option open for people to show their disloyalty, is better than having unidentified turncoats roaming amongst the rank and file.
However with children it’s a bit different. At a young age is when their loyalties should be forged.

You mean indoctrinated?
I suppose so, in a manner of speaking... Is it indoctrination when parents teach their children to respect, and obey them? I’ll let you decide...
No one said there was anything wrong with loving your country. No. One.

But there is something seriously wrong with forcing people to show their allegience.
No there isn’t.

Yes there is. Because what you have then is fake. Does that make you feel better? If seeing everyone stand, but you know some don't mean it but do it out of fear? Fuck that?

Look at the countries that force patriotic shows from their citizens. The USSR, Nazi Germany, Socialist China, Cuba, every petty African despot. Is that what living in a free country means to you?

No. Just no.
You make a good point. Leaving the option open for people to show their disloyalty, is better than having unidentified turncoats roaming amongst the rank and file.
However with children it’s a bit different. At a young age is when their loyalties should be forged.

You mean indoctrinated?
I suppose so, in a manner of speaking... Is it indoctrination when parents teach their children to respect, and obey them? I’ll let you decide...

Teaching children to treat others with respect is great. I also taught my children that there are limits to what adults can request. If my child didn't want to hug someone, they didn't have to hug them.
And it seems that you are a perfect example of the public indoctrination stations(schools) that teach you to be a victim thus hating your country.

straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: straw man; plural noun: straw men; noun: strawman; plural noun: strawmen
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
Young lives were sacrificed so you have the freedom you have. You should be grateful if you can stand for the anthem. Since thousands can't because they lost the ability to give you your freedom. What the beck is wrong with people today?

You don't seem to understand the argument here. Nobody has said there is anything wrong with standing for the anthem. This is about a child who didn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and he doesn't have to. The courts ruled on this years ago. His right to not partake is protected under the First Amendment. Conservatives are always squealing about how they are ones who protect the Constitution, as opposed to the left, but the moment you don't like one of the liberties provided to us under the Constitution you're just as quick to throw it out the window.

A true Constitutionalist would demand the teacher be reprimanded for infringing on his civil rights and they would also support the student exercising those rights even while simultaneously disagreeing with his chosen expression.
And it shouldn't be a problem if the shit for brainless child gets sent to Cuba either. Don't like it here, fucking leave...

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