Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

And it seems that you are a perfect example of the public indoctrination stations(schools) that teach you to be a victim thus hating your country.

straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: straw man; plural noun: straw men; noun: strawman; plural noun: strawmen
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
Young lives were sacrificed so you have the freedom you have. You should be grateful if you can stand for the anthem. Since thousands can't because they lost the ability to give you your freedom. What the beck is wrong with people today?

You don't seem to understand the argument here. Nobody has said there is anything wrong with standing for the anthem. This is about a child who didn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and he doesn't have to. The courts ruled on this years ago. His right to not partake is protected under the First Amendment. Conservatives are always squealing about how they are ones who protect the Constitution, as opposed to the left, but the moment you don't like one of the liberties provided to us under the Constitution you're just as quick to throw it out the window.

A true Constitutionalist would demand the teacher be reprimanded for infringing on his civil rights and they would also support the student exercising those rights even while simultaneously disagreeing with his chosen expression.
And it shouldn't be a problem if the shit for brainless child gets sent to Cuba either. Don't like it here, fucking leave...
So it is either lock step with everyone or get the fuck out?

Nope. Not the freedom works.
And it seems that you are a perfect example of the public indoctrination stations(schools) that teach you to be a victim thus hating your country.

straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: straw man; plural noun: straw men; noun: strawman; plural noun: strawmen
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
Young lives were sacrificed so you have the freedom you have. You should be grateful if you can stand for the anthem. Since thousands can't because they lost the ability to give you your freedom. What the beck is wrong with people today?

You don't seem to understand the argument here. Nobody has said there is anything wrong with standing for the anthem. This is about a child who didn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and he doesn't have to. The courts ruled on this years ago. His right to not partake is protected under the First Amendment. Conservatives are always squealing about how they are ones who protect the Constitution, as opposed to the left, but the moment you don't like one of the liberties provided to us under the Constitution you're just as quick to throw it out the window.

A true Constitutionalist would demand the teacher be reprimanded for infringing on his civil rights and they would also support the student exercising those rights even while simultaneously disagreeing with his chosen expression.
And it shouldn't be a problem if the shit for brainless child gets sent to Cuba either. Don't like it here, fucking leave...
So it is either lock step with everyone or get the fuck out?

Nope. Not the freedom works.
Freedom, and the excersize thereof; like everything else... Has consequences.
straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: straw man; plural noun: straw men; noun: strawman; plural noun: strawmen
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
Young lives were sacrificed so you have the freedom you have. You should be grateful if you can stand for the anthem. Since thousands can't because they lost the ability to give you your freedom. What the beck is wrong with people today?

You don't seem to understand the argument here. Nobody has said there is anything wrong with standing for the anthem. This is about a child who didn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and he doesn't have to. The courts ruled on this years ago. His right to not partake is protected under the First Amendment. Conservatives are always squealing about how they are ones who protect the Constitution, as opposed to the left, but the moment you don't like one of the liberties provided to us under the Constitution you're just as quick to throw it out the window.

A true Constitutionalist would demand the teacher be reprimanded for infringing on his civil rights and they would also support the student exercising those rights even while simultaneously disagreeing with his chosen expression.
And it shouldn't be a problem if the shit for brainless child gets sent to Cuba either. Don't like it here, fucking leave...
So it is either lock step with everyone or get the fuck out?

Nope. Not the freedom works.
Freedom, and the excersize thereof; like everything else... Has consequences.

Yes it does. But requiring that every person make a public show of patriotism, regardless of what they believe or what they choose to show, is anti-freedom.
Young lives were sacrificed so you have the freedom you have. You should be grateful if you can stand for the anthem. Since thousands can't because they lost the ability to give you your freedom. What the beck is wrong with people today?

You don't seem to understand the argument here. Nobody has said there is anything wrong with standing for the anthem. This is about a child who didn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and he doesn't have to. The courts ruled on this years ago. His right to not partake is protected under the First Amendment. Conservatives are always squealing about how they are ones who protect the Constitution, as opposed to the left, but the moment you don't like one of the liberties provided to us under the Constitution you're just as quick to throw it out the window.

A true Constitutionalist would demand the teacher be reprimanded for infringing on his civil rights and they would also support the student exercising those rights even while simultaneously disagreeing with his chosen expression.
And it shouldn't be a problem if the shit for brainless child gets sent to Cuba either. Don't like it here, fucking leave...
So it is either lock step with everyone or get the fuck out?

Nope. Not the freedom works.
Freedom, and the excersize thereof; like everything else... Has consequences.

Yes it does. But requiring that every person make a public show of patriotism, regardless of what they believe or what they choose to show, is anti-freedom.
I conceded that point to you earlier. Its best that peoples genuine loyalties be laid bare for all to see...
And it seems that you are a perfect example of the public indoctrination stations(schools) that teach you to be a victim thus hating your country.

straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: straw man; plural noun: straw men; noun: strawman; plural noun: strawmen
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
Young lives were sacrificed so you have the freedom you have. You should be grateful if you can stand for the anthem. Since thousands can't because they lost the ability to give you your freedom. What the beck is wrong with people today?

You don't seem to understand the argument here. Nobody has said there is anything wrong with standing for the anthem. This is about a child who didn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and he doesn't have to. The courts ruled on this years ago. His right to not partake is protected under the First Amendment. Conservatives are always squealing about how they are ones who protect the Constitution, as opposed to the left, but the moment you don't like one of the liberties provided to us under the Constitution you're just as quick to throw it out the window.

A true Constitutionalist would demand the teacher be reprimanded for infringing on his civil rights and they would also support the student exercising those rights even while simultaneously disagreeing with his chosen expression.
And it shouldn't be a problem if the shit for brainless child gets sent to Cuba either. Don't like it here, fucking leave...
So it is either lock step with everyone or get the fuck out?

Nope. Not the freedom works.

Your way is how we lose freedom.
As I understand it, in many school districts (especially in large cities), students are NO LONGER expected to stand and/or recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

We have to realize that this is 2018, and customs change over time as the nation changes.

We simply cannot make large groups of people do what they do not want to do.

I have known about some school classes in which all the students DID stand for the Pledge, but only the teacher and maybe one or two (brave) students recited it. The situation became so embarrassing that the daily Pledge was just dropped. There is no use hitting your head against the wall.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

Assaulted? Sounds like he probably slapped him. Either way he should get a raise. Teachers should be allowed to discipline kids.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

Assaulted? Sounds like he probably slapped him. Either way he should get a raise. Teachers should be allowed to discipline kids.

Yes they should. Did the student break a school rule? Or is the teacher just disciplining the student for going against the teacher's personal rule?
Gaddafi and Saddam used it to good effect
they didn't have anybody starting shit or talking bad about their country

So you support a dictatorship? If it's your premise we should be more like Saddam why did we go billions into debt deposing him, thus resulting in his country devolving into a destabilized shit hole?
it has it's good points
Germany thrived under it until hitler went a little too far
You are a real dumb fuck.
Gaddafi and Saddam used it to good effect
they didn't have anybody starting shit or talking bad about their country

So you support a dictatorship? If it's your premise we should be more like Saddam why did we go billions into debt deposing him, thus resulting in his country devolving into a destabilized shit hole?
it has it's good points
Germany thrived under it until hitler went a little too far
You are a real dumb fuck.
Germany kicked a major country's ass-France--''quickly''--with the French getting British help
they kicked US ass in Italy
they kicked Brit ass in North Africa...until they ran out of supplies/etc and the Brits were in an advantageous position for defense
the Germans were and still are good
Gaddafi and Saddam used it to good effect
they didn't have anybody starting shit or talking bad about their country

So you support a dictatorship? If it's your premise we should be more like Saddam why did we go billions into debt deposing him, thus resulting in his country devolving into a destabilized shit hole?
it has it's good points
Germany thrived under it until hitler went a little too far
You are a real dumb fuck.
Germany kicked a major country's ass-France--''quickly''--with the French getting British help
they kicked US ass in Italy
they kicked Brit ass in North Africa...until they ran out of supplies/etc and the Brits were in an advantageous position for defense
the Germans were and still are good

I think it was the "...went a little too far" part that earned you the scorn.

What was "too far"? Pushing the german people to be so "patriotic" that they loaded people into cattle cars?
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

The teacher should have just "aborted" the little bastard and then liberals wouldn't care.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

Heaven help a teacher lay a finger on on a kid! Why, we want these little brats to feel as empowered as possible over adults, don't we? The little brat was probably never even touched and the "assault" was telling him what a little piece of crap he was; if I were the teacher, I'd want to hold the kid by the hair while I slapped the shit out of him until he pissed his pants, and if that were my kid who refused to stand and salute the flag I'd be the one holding him for the teacher. What little assholes we are raising up to run the world for us in another twenty years.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge
I find this a tad bit unbelievable, I know the district well (Boulder county) and it's infested with liberals and SJW's that flip out over the tiniest things...But, life does throw curve balls once in a while.
Last edited:
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

Heaven help a teacher lay a finger on on a kid! Why, we want these little brats to feel as empowered as possible over adults, don't we? The little brat was probably never even touched and the "assault" was telling him what a little piece of crap he was; if I were the teacher, I'd want to hold the kid by the hair while I slapped the shit out of him until he pissed his pants, and if that were my kid who refused to stand and salute the flag I'd be the one holding him for the teacher. What little assholes we are raising up to run the world for us in another twenty years.
Its a good job that you arent a teacher then.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

Heaven help a teacher lay a finger on on a kid! Why, we want these little brats to feel as empowered as possible over adults, don't we? The little brat was probably never even touched and the "assault" was telling him what a little piece of crap he was; if I were the teacher, I'd want to hold the kid by the hair while I slapped the shit out of him until he pissed his pants, and if that were my kid who refused to stand and salute the flag I'd be the one holding him for the teacher. What little assholes we are raising up to run the world for us in another twenty years.

If my kid didn't stand for the pledge, I would want to know why.

If my child's teacher decided to "...hold the kid by the hair while I slapped the shit out of him until he pissed his pants", getting fired or prosecuted would be the BEST thing he could hope for.
Gaddafi and Saddam used it to good effect
they didn't have anybody starting shit or talking bad about their country

So you support a dictatorship? If it's your premise we should be more like Saddam why did we go billions into debt deposing him, thus resulting in his country devolving into a destabilized shit hole?
it has it's good points
Germany thrived under it until hitler went a little too far
You are a real dumb fuck.
Germany kicked a major country's ass-France--''quickly''--with the French getting British help
they kicked US ass in Italy
they kicked Brit ass in North Africa...until they ran out of supplies/etc and the Brits were in an advantageous position for defense
the Germans were and still are good

I think it was the "...went a little too far" part that earned you the scorn.

What was "too far"? Pushing the german people to be so "patriotic" that they loaded people into cattle cars?
this is sarcasm ...hahahahhahaa
I started it on these ridiculous anti-Trump threads because some of them are so ridiculous I thought they wanted funny stuff

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