Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

Why is it so bad to love your country that gives you the ability to make something of yourself and for your family?

Why must one be forced to pledge allegiance to authority to appreciate such things?

Are you a Commie who has to have the government grant you FREE stuff so you can compete against those that produce? That same government under tyrannical rule can also take away that FREE stuff just as easy, like what happens in CUBA

Are you an extremist nut job who throws out the word Commie to anyone who disagrees with your authoritarian view just like the left is quick to throw out the word racist at anyone who disagrees with them?

Sometimes I wonder why I ever fought against the Commies of the USSR to protect people like you..

I wonder how you could have since we never went to war with then.
why should a country provide you free education? Why should a country provide you security for nothing. Don't like living here, go to Cuba, or better N Korea, and see what happens if you talk about sugar man or rocket man.. Pledging to the country that you love to live in and don't want to leave, isn't asking much. But then liberals hate this country so much, they want to Fundamentally Transform it into a shithole like the rest of the communist shitholes out there.
Education isn't free dipshit...It's paid for with real estate taxes, oh and even if you rent, the landlord pays real estate taxes,,,derp....
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge

Heaven help a teacher lay a finger on on a kid! Why, we want these little brats to feel as empowered as possible over adults, don't we? The little brat was probably never even touched and the "assault" was telling him what a little piece of crap he was; if I were the teacher, I'd want to hold the kid by the hair while I slapped the shit out of him until he pissed his pants, and if that were my kid who refused to stand and salute the flag I'd be the one holding him for the teacher. What little assholes we are raising up to run the world for us in another twenty years.

If my kid didn't stand for the pledge, I would want to know why.

If my child's teacher decided to "...hold the kid by the hair while I slapped the shit out of him until he pissed his pants", getting fired or prosecuted would be the BEST thing he could hope for.

You are probably right. In today's backward PC world, the teachers are more f---ked up than the kids. Half of them I wouldn't want near my kid. But there was a time when teachers and schools had common sense and integrity, and the parent respected the teacher as an authority figure and extension of themself away from home, and if you came home from school having gotten in trouble with a teacher at school, you knew you were really going to be in trouble when the old man found out. You did what the teacher told you, because he/she was the ADULT and you were not.
Young lives were sacrificed so you have the freedom you have. You should be grateful if you can stand for the anthem. Since thousands can't because they lost the ability to give you your freedom. What the beck is wrong with people today?

You don't seem to understand the argument here. Nobody has said there is anything wrong with standing for the anthem. This is about a child who didn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and he doesn't have to. The courts ruled on this years ago. His right to not partake is protected under the First Amendment. Conservatives are always squealing about how they are ones who protect the Constitution, as opposed to the left, but the moment you don't like one of the liberties provided to us under the Constitution you're just as quick to throw it out the window.

A true Constitutionalist would demand the teacher be reprimanded for infringing on his civil rights and they would also support the student exercising those rights even while simultaneously disagreeing with his chosen expression.
And it shouldn't be a problem if the shit for brainless child gets sent to Cuba either. Don't like it here, fucking leave...
So it is either lock step with everyone or get the fuck out?

Nope. Not the freedom works.
Freedom, and the excersize thereof; like everything else... Has consequences.

Yes it does. But requiring that every person make a public show of patriotism, regardless of what they believe or what they choose to show, is anti-freedom.
So, no thanks for to the country, that provides them schooling, security, or even some FREE FOOD, yet to ask for a pledge to that country is asking too much. And this is why shitters like you need to fucking go...I don't like you or your kind because you are take all the time and give nothing in return, even just a thank you. Fuck all you liberals.
You don't seem to understand the argument here. Nobody has said there is anything wrong with standing for the anthem. This is about a child who didn't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance and he doesn't have to. The courts ruled on this years ago. His right to not partake is protected under the First Amendment. Conservatives are always squealing about how they are ones who protect the Constitution, as opposed to the left, but the moment you don't like one of the liberties provided to us under the Constitution you're just as quick to throw it out the window.

A true Constitutionalist would demand the teacher be reprimanded for infringing on his civil rights and they would also support the student exercising those rights even while simultaneously disagreeing with his chosen expression.
And it shouldn't be a problem if the shit for brainless child gets sent to Cuba either. Don't like it here, fucking leave...
So it is either lock step with everyone or get the fuck out?

Nope. Not the freedom works.
Freedom, and the excersize thereof; like everything else... Has consequences.

Yes it does. But requiring that every person make a public show of patriotism, regardless of what they believe or what they choose to show, is anti-freedom.
So, no thanks for to the country, that provides them schooling, security, or even some FREE FOOD, yet to ask for a pledge to that country is asking too much. And this is why shitters like you need to fucking go...I don't like you or your kind because you are take all the time and give nothing in return, even just a thank you. Fuck all you liberals.

How the fuck do you know what I give? I am an honorably discharged veteran. I have volunteered regularly in numerous ways over the last 3 decades. I have voted in every election since 1978. I have never cheated on or been late paying my taxes. I participate in local politics.

But because I don't favor forcing people to stand for the pledge, you think I should go? Feel free to come try to kick me out. Fuck you and your idea of freedom. You cry like a baby whenever anyone even TALKS about changing your freedoms, but you have the audacity to tell me I need to go because I allow others to decide for themselves whether they stand for the pledge? If they DO stand, what actually happens? What does that really do? Does it make them patriots? Or does it make them scared to stand their ground? Just standing may show something or it may not.

Want a country that REQUIRES its citizens show their patriotism, whether it is real or not? I suggest looking at China, Cuba, North Korea, or any of a handful of African nations with despotic leaders.

In a FREE Country, we do not do that.
Patriotism in 99.99999 percent of people's minds is following laws...after that it's every man for himself. Obeying and respecting our laws is all a nation can ask. No more no less.
Patriotism in 99.99999 percent of people's minds is following laws...after that it's every man for himself. Obeying and respecting our laws is all a nation can ask. No more no less.

Our nation is the people. It is individuals coming together to provide for the people. This need to pay homage to the state, above the beliefs of the individual is socialism.

Obey laws? Yes. But laws requiring pledging allegience to the state above all else is not what a free country would ever do.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge
Little asshole got what he deserved for not standing. This is why I could never be a teacher. I would get fired for smacking some asshole kid upside the head...I am WAY to politically incorrect to be a teacher.
Snowflakes in actions.

A middle school teacher from Lafayette, Colo., is accused of assaulting a student who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lafayette police were called to the Angevine Middle School on Thursday after reports that a teacher assaulted a child for refusing to stand, according to to the Denver Post.

Physical education teacher Karen Smith is on paid administrative leave from the Boulder Valley School District, pending the outcome of a police investigation.

A school spokesperson did not confirm or deny the allegations against Smith, who has been with the school district for over 20 years, but said students are allowed to sit or stand during the pledge.

There has been a nationwide debate in recent months over standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem after President Trumpattacked NFL players for kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice.

The NFL player protests, which began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, quickly spread throughout the league after Trump’s comments. The president has frequently called on the NFL to impose a rule requiring players to stand.

In October, a Texas high school student was suspended for sitting during the pledge.
Colo. teacher accused of assaulting student who wouldn't stand for Pledge
Little asshole got what he deserved for not standing. This is why I could never be a teacher. I would get fired for smacking some asshole kid upside the head...I am WAY to politically incorrect to be a teacher.

So you, as a teacher, would decide he deserves to get smacked for not paying homage to the state?
Why is it so bad to love your country that gives you the ability to make something of yourself and for your family?

Why must one be forced to pledge allegiance to authority to appreciate such things?

Are you a Commie who has to have the government grant you FREE stuff so you can compete against those that produce? That same government under tyrannical rule can also take away that FREE stuff just as easy, like what happens in CUBA

Are you an extremist nut job who throws out the word Commie to anyone who disagrees with your authoritarian view just like the left is quick to throw out the word racist at anyone who disagrees with them?

Sometimes I wonder why I ever fought against the Commies of the USSR to protect people like you..

I wonder how you could have since we never went to war with then.
why should a country provide you free education? Why should a country provide you security for nothing. Don't like living here, go to Cuba, or better N Korea, and see what happens if you talk about sugar man or rocket man.. Pledging to the country that you love to live in and don't want to leave, isn't asking much. But then liberals hate this country so much, they want to Fundamentally Transform it into a shithole like the rest of the communist shitholes out there.
Tax dollars provide the means for security. To allege 'security for nothing' is a false narrative. And education should be priced as our security is priced. It should be incredibly expensive and free to everyone, just as our security is. That way our education could be just as effective as our security.

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