Colorado Public School Children Forced To Bow To Islam

Mac, how to you get from racist hatred to religion.

Do tell?

PC is PC, Jake.

You folks can't help yourselves.

Do tell!

its a field trip sure when they left they can go back to their regular dress.....i went on a field trip in college to a lab where we had to put on their suits so we did not contaminate their lab....was that being PC?.....


nope for which part?....they cant go back to their regular dress?.....or the PC part?....
Mac, how to you get from racist hatred to religion.

Do tell?

PC is PC, Jake.

You folks can't help yourselves.

Do tell!

its a field trip sure when they left they can go back to their regular dress.....i went on a field trip in college to a lab where we had to put on their suits so we did not contaminate their lab....was that being PC?.....


nope for which part?....they cant go back to their regular dress?.....or the PC part?....
The PC part!

You RACIST!! AAAUUUGHHHHH! So how long has lslam been a race, Jake? .

You were so quick to call me a racist, a word with real meaning, and when called on the fact that you confused a race and a religion, you weren't even man enough to admit it.

Not surprising, of course, that's how the PC Police rolls.

But I did want to point it out.

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Harry, 2 different scenarios. One prevents contamination, the other encourages indoctrination.
After they visited the Mosque, did they go back to the class room and discuss why Muslims are cutting peoples heads off? Were they truthful with the students about them being infidels and that those who believe in the religion of Islam plan on beheading them too? Were they taught that the only way Muslims can usher in peace on earth was to kill them and their families? Or did they teach them that God and Allah are the same?
Islam isn't just another religion, it is a terrorist organization. Teach them that. Islam isn't a happy, touchy, feely route to the same God, it is deadly.
Mac, how to you get from racist hatred to religion.

Do tell?

PC is PC, Jake.

You folks can't help yourselves.

Do tell!

Mac, how to you get from racist hatred to religion.

Do tell?

PC is PC, Jake.

You folks can't help yourselves.

Do tell!

its a field trip sure when they left they can go back to their regular dress.....i went on a field trip in college to a lab where we had to put on their suits so we did not contaminate their lab....was that being PC?.....
Could you drop that class? College isn't mandatory high school. Either religion has no place in compulsory public school or they can bring back daily prayer.
the class was called.....World Religions......they visited 3 different the jewish one the guys maybe had to wear a Yarmulkes....
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Gay weddings are field trip destinations for Ca. kids now. How about math instead. We are no longer educating our youth, we are indoctrinating them. It needs to stop.
can you prove that?.....of course you cant....

Prove what? That they are taking children to gay weddings, or that it is an agenda? Google the first part and use common sense for the second part. What is educational about a wedding? What were they taught? Take them to a planetarium and let their parents worry about sexual orientation. When I went to school, I had no idea what my teacher's affiliations were. They left their ideals at the door and taught us how to write. We don't have time to teach that to the kids today. They are too busy teaching them that everyone's a winner, and what to do with a penis in Kindergarten.

Are you aware that elementary schools are being built with pharmacies? That they can give your child a pregnancy test, call a cab, send the child to an abortion clinic and have them back in time to catch the bus home without ever notifying the parents?
Our namby pamby schools are failing our children. Our kids are idiots, but at least they know how to have sex with anybody and soon, anything.
Take them on a field trip to a school in China, so they can learn how to add and subtract.
Harry, 2 different scenarios. One prevents contamination, the other encourages indoctrination.
After they visited the Mosque, did they go back to the class room and discuss why Muslims are cutting peoples heads off? Were they truthful with the students about them being infidels and that those who believe in the religion of Islam plan on beheading them too? Were they taught that the only way Muslims can usher in peace on earth was to kill them and their families? Or did they teach them that God and Allah are the same?
Islam isn't just another religion, it is a terrorist organization. Teach them that. Islam isn't a happy, touchy, feely route to the same God, it is deadly.
there is not 2 different scenarios,there are 2 different is a radical demented mindset....and some "Christians" come off just as demented with their views.....the other is people worshiping their god just like regular Catholics,Baptist and Jews do .....if you knew a regular old Muslim you might have a different opinion....i worked for years with a couple from Iran and Pakistan....they were pretty vocal about the people subverting their Religion.....and no....after working with them for 15 years they never blew anyone up....
After they visited the Mosque, did they go back to the class room and discuss why Muslims are cutting peoples heads off?
i dont know they may have gone on to their next stop....but im sure they discussed the trip when they got back.....remember these were junior high kids....the teacher has to watch what is discussed.....parents like to sue.....if it was HS seniors the talk would be somewhat different.....Collage im sure the mike is open....
Ah for the good old days when schools didn't push any religion on anyone. And the even older days when Jammie-Jake was pretending to be a cowboy instead of a Republican.
Gay weddings are field trip destinations for Ca. kids now. How about math instead. We are no longer educating our youth, we are indoctrinating them. It needs to stop.
can you prove that?.....of course you cant....

Prove what? That they are taking children to gay weddings, or that it is an agenda? Google the first part and use common sense for the second part. What is educational about a wedding? What were they taught? Take them to a planetarium and let their parents worry about sexual orientation. When I went to school, I had no idea what my teacher's affiliations were. They left their ideals at the door and taught us how to write. We don't have time to teach that to the kids today. They are too busy teaching them that everyone's a winner, and what to do with a penis in Kindergarten.

Are you aware that elementary schools are being built with pharmacies? That they can give your child a pregnancy test, call a cab, send the child to an abortion clinic and have them back in time to catch the bus home without ever notifying the parents?
Our namby pamby schools are failing our children. Our kids are idiots, but at least they know how to have sex with anybody and soon, anything.
Take them on a field trip to a school in China, so they can learn how to add and subtract.
are you talking about the ist grade kids who went to their teachers wedding who happened to be gay?....
Harry, 2 different scenarios. One prevents contamination, the other encourages indoctrination.
After they visited the Mosque, did they go back to the class room and discuss why Muslims are cutting peoples heads off? Were they truthful with the students about them being infidels and that those who believe in the religion of Islam plan on beheading them too? Were they taught that the only way Muslims can usher in peace on earth was to kill them and their families? Or did they teach them that God and Allah are the same?
Islam isn't just another religion, it is a terrorist organization. Teach them that. Islam isn't a happy, touchy, feely route to the same God, it is deadly.

As long as we talk about the Christian wars for over a thousand years as well, as we have some Christians today who want to make the USA a sovereign nation under Christ.

All religions go through maturing processes, and Islam is two centuries behind us.
We all knew what religions our teachers were, you idiots, and they made sure we knew it.

Mrs Evans had a picture of Jesus on the wall behind her with lambs that had our faces of them.

You maroons.

Unless the teacher has a permission out slip for you, shut up.

I am happily Christian until the crazy brigade crashes in.
We all knew what religions our teachers were, you idiots, and they made sure we knew it.

Mrs Evans had a picture of Jesus on the wall behind her with lambs that had our faces of them.

You maroons.

We all had field trips as well when I was in grade school.

Unless the teacher has a permission out slip for you, shut up.

I am happily Christian until the crazy brigade crashes in.

Or home school your kids.

ps: I was a cute little lamb, and I did not grow up to be a horny old goat like Mac and Where.

I found my wife when I was young and never doubted it. In fact, she lived next door, and I never knew a day that in my early life she was not there. I had always known her. Nearly died when she went on ahead, but I relied on the Lord, not my own will, and have grown even stronger.

Some of you social cons need to lay down your spears and trust in the Lord.
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Tom, you are a feral hater.

You are as deadly stupid as some of the terrorists.

So you deny that Islam executes queers, and that they hate Jews with homicidal passion. You're one sick shit, pal.
I deny that you have the right, as a hater, to judge anyone. You hate others with a homicidal passion, so fudge off. :lol: What you think bothers me not.
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