Colorado Public School Children Forced To Bow To Islam

We all knew what religions our teachers were, you idiots, and they made sure we knew it.

Mrs Evans had a picture of Jesus on the wall behind her with lambs that had our faces of them.

You maroons.

Unless the teacher has a permission out slip for you, shut up.

I am happily Christian until the crazy brigade crashes in.

Then I must have graduated before you. Not only wasn't the teacher's preferred religion part of our curriculum, but more importantly, their political affiliation never came up and you couldn't tell what is was by what they taught. Reading, writing, math, science were taught without one mention of a left or right agenda. The agenda then was, education.

I wouldn't let my kids within 100 miles of a public school now.
Harry, 2 different scenarios. One prevents contamination, the other encourages indoctrination.
After they visited the Mosque, did they go back to the class room and discuss why Muslims are cutting peoples heads off? Were they truthful with the students about them being infidels and that those who believe in the religion of Islam plan on beheading them too? Were they taught that the only way Muslims can usher in peace on earth was to kill them and their families? Or did they teach them that God and Allah are the same?
Islam isn't just another religion, it is a terrorist organization. Teach them that. Islam isn't a happy, touchy, feely route to the same God, it is deadly.

As long as we talk about the Christian wars for over a thousand years as well, as we have some Christians today who want to make the USA a sovereign nation under Christ.

All religions go through maturing processes, and Islam is two centuries behind us.

The problem is not all religions do go through a maturing process. So why are we pretending they have? And there is no need other than history, to go back in time. If history is the objective, then by all means show the children the maturing process and then explain to them that Islam hasn't matured at all.

What they are doing is teaching these kids that these religions are comparable. Here is a Christian church, kids. Here is a Jewish Temple, kids. Here is a Muslim mosque, kids. It is misleading.
These are the kids that Muslims will be trying to kill when they graduate and join our armed forces. Our children need to be taught that one of those religions is so horrific that outside of the mosque they visited, the children can't be shown the effects of their deadly terror. That is not racist, nor is it anti-religious. It is the truth. Tell them the truth! Tell them that there are people that are taught in those mosques that go to classrooms and slaughter little children like them. Tell them about the little girl on the bus, and why she won the Nobel prize.
Tell them the truth.
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The other two Abrahamic religions have done so, so, no, you know no such thing, TIR. Our children are far more ready to handle the truth than you. If you don't like it, then put them in private school.
I shouldn't have to Jake.
Tell you what. You come up with some pictures of Christians murdering children in school rooms, and I'll see if I can find any Muslims killing children in classrooms. Then we'll move on to beheadings. We can play, "which one of these religions is not like the others..."
If you can get the school board to let your drive the curriculum go for it, but until then, private school is the way to go.

The problem with your assertion is that the field trip is entirely voluntary. Yes, they require students to follow the dress code of the religion that is hosting their field trip. But no one is "...forced to bow to Islam". They can choose not to go or they can go dressed in the manner the independent religious order requires of all its followers.

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