COLORISM: The hidden prejudice of Black people against other Black people.

Nope, black letter law gives more protections to everyone but straight white males. You folks try to dismiss it or ignore it. Not to worry, the shelf life of woke is almost up. There will be a reckoning.
Incorrect. Stop whining white man.
I don't know but children in the Balkans were taken as a "blood tax".

Arab slavers from North Africa and the Middle East raided Southern Europe and captured millions of people can enslaved them. They castrated many of the males, which killed a ver high percentage of them. The women were turned into sexual servants.
Interesting that you should bring this up. I saw an OLD movie where a "half-caste" woman in the US was murdered and the police interviewed a variety of potential witnesses. A Black who was obviously full negro (and a high class dude: affectations of speech and all) was asked about the woman and he offered that she wasn't really socially acceptable as she had too much white in her. That scene stuck with me as it seemed so unfair.

That might be the case in an African country, but "Colorism" in America is prejudice against darker skinned black people by lighter skinned black people deriving social status from being "More white". Like a lot of subjects when it comes to American Black people, discussing the truth is taboo.

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