COLORISM: The hidden prejudice of Black people against other Black people.

Tell you what. Spend 3 months at sea with 500 other white people, chained up and covered in vomit and feces on a slave ship.
Then we'll talk about white racism.
Show me a single American black that has done that. Chinese illegal immigrants undergo similar horrors today. Blacks are not the only people who have had horrific things happen to them both historically and in current times.
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No one alive has had that experience. Also, youre a fucking idiot if you dont think there were MILLIONS white slaves throughout history. Blacks dont have a monopoly here, retard.
At least the passage from Africa was comparatively short. White Brits, Scots and Irish spent months under similar conditions on their way to slavery in Australia. Slaves had value so slavers at least tried to keep them alive and healthy, exiled convicts had no value so the crews of the convict ships didn’t care if any of their cargo survived.
Show me a single American black that has done that. Chinese illegal immigrants undergo similar horrors today. Blacks are not the only people who have had hoffific things happen to them both historically and in current times.
Yawn. More excuses.
At least the passage from Africa was comparatively short. White Brits, Scots and Irish spent months under similar conditions on their way to slavery in Australia. Slaves had value so slavers at least tried to keep them alive and healthy, exiled convicts had no value so the crews of the convict ships didn’t care if any of their cargo survived.
And even more excuses. Australia was a penal colony. Criminals were sent there. You guys will go to no end to deny things.

I am sure you will try find some supposed white oppression that was worse that Jim Crow in order to deny reality too.
Yawn. More excuses.

And even more excuses. Australia was a penal colony. Criminals were sent there. You guys will go to no end to deny things.

I am sure you will try find some supposed white oppression that was worse that Jim Crow in order to deny reality too.
“Criminals” like Irish or Scots who protested English occupation. “Criminals” who killed a rabbit or deer so their families wouldn’t starve. The term had entirely different to the English back then than it has now.
What is often overlooked when discussing Racism is the phenomenon of "Colorism" within the Black community. That is, prejudice against dark skinned Black people by lighter skinned Black people. Why is this obviously hurtful prejudice against dark skinned Black people ignored by the New Woke Order?

Interesting that you should bring this up. I saw an OLD movie where a "half-caste" woman in the US was murdered and the police interviewed a variety of potential witnesses. A Black who was obviously full negro (and a high class dude: affectations of speech and all) was asked about the woman and he offered that she wasn't really socially acceptable as she had too much white in her. That scene stuck with me as it seemed so unfair.

Yawn. More excuses.

And even more excuses. Australia was a penal colony. Criminals were sent there. You guys will go to no end to deny things.

I am sure you will try find some supposed white oppression that was worse that Jim Crow in order to deny reality too.
Yes; convicts were criminals or POLITICAL PRISONERS. I don't expect you to have a clue as I don't expect you to have a clue about White Slavery and the Balkans.

Yes; convicts were criminals or POLITICAL PRISONERS. I don't expect you to have a clue as I don't expect you to have a clue about White Slavery and the Balkans.

I have a clue. White "slavery" in America was called indentured servitude.
“Criminals” like Irish or Scots who protested English occupation. “Criminals” who killed a rabbit or deer so their families wouldn’t starve. The term had entirely different to the English back then than it has now.
There is always an excuse.
Show me a single American black that has done that. Chinese illegal immigrants undergo similar horrors today. Blacks are not the only people who have had horrific things happen to them both historically and in current times.
More white excuse making. Chinese immigrants do not undergo what slaves did.
Yawn. More excuses.

And even more excuses. Australia was a penal colony. Criminals were sent there. You guys will go to no end to deny things.

I am sure you will try find some supposed white oppression that was worse that Jim Crow in order to deny reality too.
As a person of colour you are responsible for the murder rape and enslavement of millions in the Balkans by 500 years of Coloured (Ottoman) oppression!!! Pay reparations you who benefited from the enslavement of whites!!!

Your logic; pay up!!!!

As a person of colour you are responsible for the murder rape and enslavement of millions in the Balkans by 500 years of Coloured (Ottoman) oppression!!! Pay reparations you who benefited from the enslavement of whites!!!

You logic; pay up!!!!

No I am not. There is no equivalence. Now just stop trying to find something to excuse 403 years of various forms of white racism in America.
At least the passage from Africa was comparatively short. White Brits, Scots and Irish spent months under similar conditions on their way to slavery in Australia. Slaves had value so slavers at least tried to keep them alive and healthy, exiled convicts had no value so the crews of the convict ships didn’t care if any of their cargo survived.
More white excuse making. Chinese immigrants do not undergo what slaves did.
What is this "Black Slavery Exceptionalism"??? lmao

Nope buddy; in the scheme of things ALL slavery was morally WRONG!!! As a coloured person you are responsible for the Black slavers throughout History?? OK; have at it, and pay up!!!

Oh yes! White fragility.
Nope, black letter law gives more protections to everyone but straight white males. You folks try to dismiss it or ignore it. Not to worry, the shelf life of woke is almost up. There will be a reckoning.

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