Comedian Bill Maher

This is why Bill Maher was obesessed with Superhead. She sucked his puny cock so much it gave him a sense of Power he's never had to say some of the most stupidest shit known to man. and what's worse, He took the bitch on the red carpet.

What idiotic racist FOOL takes a well known dirtbag inductry hooker to Black-Tie/Red Carpet events?

BILL MAHER.that's who! ....LOL :clap2:


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prenatal testing as an excuse to snuff out a not normal child b/c life is hard?

Someone with defects isn't "the right people to kill"

If prison sucked, and thanks to bleeding heart liberals, it doesn't, I would be against the death penalty. As it is, liberals, have ensured that it takes 12 or more years to execute someone.

If progs want more dead people, they should have thought about that long ago.
This is why Bill Maher was obesessed with Superhead. She sucked his puny cock so much it gave him a sense of Power he's never had to say some of the most stupidest shit known to man. and what's worse, He took the bitch on the red carpet.

What idiotic racist FOOL takes a well known dirtbag inductry hooker to Black-Tie/Red Carpet events?

BILL MAHER.that's who! ....LOL :clap2:


What makes her a dirtbag? Because she wouldn't give you the time of day? :lol:
This is why Bill Maher was obesessed with Superhead. She sucked his puny cock so much it gave him a sense of Power he's never had to say some of the most stupidest shit known to man. and what's worse, He took the bitch on the red carpet.

What idiotic racist FOOL takes a well known dirtbag inductry hooker to Black-Tie/Red Carpet events?

BILL MAHER.that's who! ....LOL :clap2:


What makes her a dirtbag? Because she wouldn't give you the time of day? :lol:

No, because her snatch has seen more dirty dicks than a prison yard. you and Bill can have her.
Letting old sick folks die would help Medicare.

Why are Christians afraid to die and go to their great reward anyway?
Letting old sick folks die would help Medicare.

Why are Christians afraid to die and go to their great reward anyway?

The so called Christians on this site would and could never set one foot in Heaven with their nasty, hatefull attitude, so they live a long, miserable life and expect us to join in their utopian idealogy.
Letting old sick folks die would help Medicare.

Why are Christians afraid to die and go to their great reward anyway?

[ame=]AGENDA 21 - DEPOPULATION 2009 PART 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I tell all my liberal friends "lead the way, were right behind you"

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Bill Maher Goes Full-Bore Anti-Semitic

February 19, 2013
By Ben Shapiro


Maher doesn’t have a consistent pattern of this kind of messaging. His message varies with his audience – in an interview with the Los Angeles Jewish Journal in November, he defended Israel’s rights to defend itself against Hamas rockets … although one suspects that that defense has more to do with Barack Obama’s tepid support for Israel’s Gaza action than Maher’s own inherent sympathy for Israel.

And that’s the danger.

The left now follows President Obama’s lead with the devotion of a pack of well-trained hound dogs. If he is anti-Israel, they are anti-Israel. If he is not, they are not. (He is never pro-Israel, so that point of view is obviated.)

Thus Brazile’s tolerance for Maher’s anti-Semitic diatribe. President Obama has nominated a Secretary of Defense who clearly is an anti-Semite, and Brazile defends that pick because it’s Obama’s pick. And Hollywood, which has a higher-than-average representation of Jews, remains silent. Imagine if Maher had made this comment about the gay lobby in Washington – the Hollywood crowd would have gone berserk. But when he suggests that the Elders of Zion run the American government, it’s treated as normal not just by Brazile, but by the Hollywood Jewish left, which values its leftism over its Judaism.


With his re-election won, Barack Obama is doing just that. He’s being followed by the typical left, and the Hollywood left. And the Hollywood Jewish left is saying nothing. As usual.

Bill Maher Goes Full-Bore Anti-Semitic
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We are going that rout.

- We have the death Penalty.
- We have abortion.
- We have the NDAA.
- We have Death panels.
Here's a story about Death Panels in the U.K. America is next.

Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year

yet the Life Expectency in the United Kingdom is a year longer than it is in the United States.

Life Expectancy At Birth, Total years statistics - countries compared - Health data on NationMaster

Bill Maher’s Tax Hypocrisy

March 21, 2013
By Ben Shapiro

Last Friday night, Bill Maher spent time on his HBO show blasting away at liberal tax policy. “You know what?” he asked. “Rich people – I’m sure you’d agree with this – actually do pay the freight in this country.” After noting that California’s wealthy carry the vast bulk of the tax burden in the state, he said, “I just want to say liberals – you could actually lose me. It’s outrageous what we’re paying – over 50 percent. I’m willing to pay my share, but yeah, it’s ridiculous.”

This is a far cry from Maher’s 2010 perspective on taxation. Back then, he said, “I’ve done some math that indicates that, considering the hole this country is in, if you are earning more than a million dollars a year and are complaining about a 3.6% tax increase, then you are by definition a greedy a–hole.”

So why is Maher saying now that he’s sick of taxes, when just a couple years ago, he felt that standing against class warfare made people “greedy a—holes”?


Bill Maher?s Tax Hypocrisy
Bill Maher Exposes the Leftist Islamophobia Ruse for Even Leftists to See

By William Sullivan
April 25, 2013


Professor Levin, A Hate Expert

On Friday's Real Time program on HBO, Bill Maher hosted an interview with Brian Levin, the director of the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism. It became clear within thirty seconds that Levin was not attending the religious parity party he had expected.

One can understand why Levin might harbor such expectations. Maher has a pretty apparent disdain for religious adherents of all stripes. But in that first thirty seconds, Maher spoke, with a pointedly singular focus, of the hypocrisy we witness in such fanatical terrorists as the Tsarnaev brothers, who bombed the Boston Marathon last week. "If you read what the older brother wrote on his, uh, on the internet," Maher began, "it says his worldview: Islam. Personal priorities: career and money. And we see a lot of this; I mean, the 9/11 hijackers went to strip clubs the night before they got on the plane."

Two references to notorious acts of Islamic terrorism were enough for Levin. He interjected by saying that "it's not like people who are Muslims who do wacky things have a monopoly on it. We have hypocrites across faiths, Jewish, Christian, who say they're out for God and end up doing not-so-nice things."

Before he could even finish this rather boilerplate attempt to draw religious equivalency between the "not-so-nice things" religious people do and acts of murder and terror sanctified by Islamic groups, Maher had written him off, replying, "You know what, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's liberal b------- right there."

Levin, seemingly blindsided, appealed to the fact that Maher's pointing out hypocrisy in all religion is how he makes his living, but Maher refused to relent.

There's only one faith that kills you, or wants to kill you, if you draw a bad cartoon of the prophet. There's only one faith that kills you, or wants to kill you, if you renounce the faith. An ex-Muslim is a very dangerous thing. Talk to Salman Rushdie after the show about Christian versus Islam. So I'm just saying, let's keep it real.

This is the moment where Levin's agenda was exposed, and anti-jihadists like Pamela Geller were thoroughly vindicated, even if not explicitly. "Well," Levin dawdled, "I guess I have a girl for you, Pam Geller, you could maybe meet," in an attempt to be funny. Maher, confusedly turning to the audience, replied, "Uh, I don't know what that means."


Read more: Articles: Bill Maher Exposes the Leftist Islamophobia Ruse for Even Leftists to See
Bill Maher is half Jewish, dope.

Being a full Jew didn't prevent Soros from rounding up fellow Jews for the Nazi's. He claims it was one of the best times of his life. Being Jewish doesn't preclude you from being a scumbag.
Bill Maher is a great American!

Well, you DO have pretty low standards so in your world he probably is. In the thinking world though, he's considered a hypocritical idiot.

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