Comedian Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin

Another one who forgot the title to the thread?

"Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin"
Did not miss the title at all. It shows that both Jon Stewart and you are more concerned with what a former president said that what our weak president has said and is doing.
Smokinweed said:
So, instead of backing diplomacy?
Of course, when America goes to war in Ukraine, we could blame republicans.

Like they blamed democrats for the Iraq invasion for 15 years.
I must have missed that diplomacy. Are you talking Kamala's, 'look guys....' or Joe's 50 years of foreign diplomacy experience.
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Did not miss the title at all. It shows that both Jon Stewart and you are more concerned with what a former president said that what our weak president has said and is doing.
Why shouldn't people react to what the orange traitor said?
After all, republicans had a hissy fit when Bush was criticized for invading Iraq.
Trump is on Russia's side.
Comedian and political pundit Jon Stewart is laying into Donald Trump, accusing the 45th president of aligning with Vladimir Putin by praising the Russian leader for his 'genius' invasion of Ukraine.
'The Trump/Fox axis isn't soft pedaling Putin's actions...they agree with them,' Stewart tweeted Wednesday. 'They are political allies. They believe in the same things. To them, the American Left and most of Europe are the Evil Empire.
'It is f**king bonkers.'
Trump praised Putin during an interview with conservative podcaster Buck Sexton on Tuesday.
'I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, "This is genius,"' Trump recalled. 'Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine - of Ukraine - Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful.'
'I said, "How smart is that?'" the former U.S. president continued. 'And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force… We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right.'

Alleged comedian Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin.
Putin has outwitted Joe Biden, and that was easy to do.
He bluffed Biden and NATO.
NATO should be disbanded if all that they are going to do is suck-up American tax money and behave like impotent cowards.
Trump did sound like he was praising Putin, but he was really slamming Biden's incompetence and failed leadership.
BTW, this is all about oil and gas for Europeans.
This is what happens when you allow the Climate Change Doomsday Cult to make your energy decisions.
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Goddamn you're dumb.
You really have to wonder about the crazy left.
44 told Putin he would have more flexibility after the election. Told Trump not to upset Russia.
Yet they claim that those were all perfectly fine.
Biden stopped the sanctions against the Russian pipeline that were put in place. Now suddenly they are put back in place.
Biden pulled out of Afghanistan in such a haphazard hurry that we left people and weapons in place. They left blames Trump. All while complaining that Trump should not have set In motion the pullout of that war while claiming under Biden we needed to be out.
Biden has Increased tensions in the Middle East and dropped sanctions against Iran. There by creating even more instability.
But boy is he a genius
You really have to wonder about the crazy left.
There is no wondering about the RW nut jobs.
44 told Putin he would have more flexibility after the election.
Regurgitating Trump's son?
Did Hannity tell you what Obama was going to be more flexible about?
Of course not.

Obama was referring to a nuclear missile treaty with Russia, Reagan signed in 1988.
Did Hannity tell you what Obama did?
Of course not.
Obama did NOTHING.

Did Hannity tell you what his daddy did?
Of course not.

Trump canceled the agreement just like his daddy wanted.
Leaving Putin to build and stage more nuclear missiles, aimed at Europe.

Told Trump not to upset Russia.
BS, he never had to, Trump has been in love with Putin for years.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)June 19, 2013

Yet they claim that those were all perfectly fine.
Biden stopped the sanctions against the Russian pipeline that were put in place.
YES, he did, in May 2021.
Nordstream 2 pipeline was completed in June.
Now suddenly they are put back in place.
Germany did that.
Biden pulled out of Afghanistan in such a haphazard hurry that we left people and weapons in place. They left blames Trump. All while complaining that Trump should not have set In motion the pullout of that war while claiming under Biden we needed to be out.
No, we didn't.
We objected to Trump NOT involving the Afghanistan government in talks with the Taliban.
Releasing over 5000 Taliban prisoners in Afghan prisons.
Biden has Increased tensions in the Middle East and dropped sanctions against Iran. There by creating even more instability.
No, he hasn't.
But boy is he a genius
Nothing compared to your "stable" genius.

Praising his daddy, again...................while he invades Ukraine.
There is no wondering about the RW nut jobs.

Regurgitating Trump's son?
Did Hannity tell you what Obama was going to be more flexible about?
Of course not.

Obama was referring to a nuclear missile treaty with Russia, Reagan signed in 1988.
Did Hannity tell you what Obama did?
Of course not.
Obama did NOTHING.

Did Hannity tell you what his daddy did?
Of course not.

Trump canceled the agreement just like his daddy wanted.
Leaving Putin to build and stage more nuclear missiles, aimed at Europe.

BS, he never had to, Trump has been in love with Putin for years.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)June 19, 2013

YES, he did, in May 2021.
Nordstream 2 pipeline was completed in June.

Germany did that.

No, we didn't.
We objected to Trump NOT involving the Afghanistan government in talks with the Taliban.
Releasing over 5000 Taliban prisoners in Afghan prisons.

No, he hasn't.

Nothing compared to your "stable" genius.

Praising his daddy, again...................while he invades Ukraine.
Damn son you really tried. Have to hand it to you for defending the vegetable the way you do. But come on at least pretend to be subjective
Damn son you really tried. Have to hand it to you for defending the vegetable the way you do. But come on at least pretend to be subjective
Really tried?
Trump is easy.

Sure Obama/Biden are the "vegetables"?

Not everything in this world is about Trump
No shit, tell your self-absorbed, dear leader that.
even though you were mentally hurt by him.
That would be his cult, they're the morons that still support and defend the orange retard.
But thank you for playing unfortunately you do not even win the consolation prize.
Not in Trumplandia, I would be arrested for saying the emperor has no clothes.
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No shit, tell your self-absorbed, dear leader that.

That would be his cult, they're the morons that still support and defend the orange retard.

Not in Trumplandia, I would be arrested for saying the emperor has no clothes.
Roflol. You really need to go on television you are such a comedian. Son I am far from one of Trumps followers. But obviously he hurt you mentally very badly. Do you see him and his followers everywhere? Even in your nightmares?
Roflol. You really need to go on television you are such a comedian. Son I am far from one of Trumps followers. But obviously he hurt you mentally very badly. Do you see him and his followers everywhere? Even in your nightmares?
Of course, you are, just like George, republitards swear they never voted for him, yet won the 2008 election.

Another republitard who ignores the title but still responds to those that comment.

Comedian Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin​

February 26 2022
Former President Donald Trump defended his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday while also calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky "a brave man" amid Russia's deadly invasion of his country.

Trump mocked President Biden and NATO allies for punishing Russia with sanctions, saying Putin was “playing Biden like a drum.” He bragged that Putin did not invade any countries during his term and said this invasion would never have happened “if our election was not rigged” — a reference to his false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him.
LOL. Seek help for your delusions. You notice there aren't that many Republicans out front making comments on their party's standard bearer's praise of his BFF. This is going to be a lot of fun watching Republicans trip all over themselves trying to distance themselves from Trump but appear to be STRONG because, you know, there's a Democrat in the White House. :)

"Very savvy"..."genius".
Yeah, let's face it, if Trump was still President, Putin would have been camping in Ukraine for the last year.

Jesus, you trump haters have no morals. Even when the entire comments are put up, you still TRY to spin shit and call others what you are ..Delusional. Biden is the one taking bribes from everyone including Russia---PUtin didn't attack under TRUMP, he attacked with the BIG 10% GUY who now refuses to stop Russia from attacking people.
Of course, you are, just like George, republitards swear they never voted for him, yet won the 2008 election.

Another republitard who ignores the title but still responds to those that comment.

Comedian Jon Stewart accuses Trump of praising Putin​

February 26 2022
Former President Donald Trump defended his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday while also calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky "a brave man" amid Russia's deadly invasion of his country.

Trump mocked President Biden and NATO allies for punishing Russia with sanctions, saying Putin was “playing Biden like a drum.” He bragged that Putin did not invade any countries during his term and said this invasion would never have happened “if our election was not rigged” — a reference to his false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him.
So you are a Russian asset using your usual disinformation. Nothing new there. Go back and tell your master most Americans know you for what you are.

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