Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
I don't know who will get what time if any. It's why I am waiting for the Courts to play their appropriate part...if any.

Any day now, right?
Unfortunately you're right. There is no justice for leftist crooks.

I'm sure it's frustrating when the world doesn't share your conspiracy theories.

white males has judged this as treason...

they are the most powerful people on the planet and will bring justice to fit their other group has that power...

this group supports trump

There you go trying to think again. I'm a white male, and I think you're full of shit.
What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
What law did the IG say he broke?

I believe you are wrong
I just read some of the report. You appear to be right. He broke FBI rules, but no mention of laws broken.

Imagine if all FBI personnel leaked information to the press for personal reasons.

He admitted to the leaking in order to prompt a special council. Absolutely disgusting, abusing his power to start a sham investigation because he knew there was no evidence to support a normal investigation.

It was not a "sham investigation". It resulted in over 100 charges, 8 or 9 guilty pleas - everyone who has gone to trial has either plead guilty or was found guilty. Every. Single. One. Hardly a "sham investigation" at all.

But Trump dangling pardons, trying to prosecute his enemies, and refusing to allow Congressional oversight, is not abusing power in your eyes.

All convictions had nothing to do with Russian “collusion”, it was a hoax and a sham.
It's hard to remember that once long ago Giuliani wasn't a complete and total buffoon. A completely different world then.
I also imagine a time when you too were not a total fool and buffoon. It's a difficult stretch but I think everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt at least once. But don't forget you time of forgiveness has passed.
^ :cuckoo:
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
What law did the IG say he broke?

I believe you are wrong
I just read some of the report. You appear to be right. He broke FBI rules, but no mention of laws broken.

Imagine if all FBI personnel leaked information to the press for personal reasons.

He admitted to the leaking in order to prompt a special council. Absolutely disgusting, abusing his power to start a sham investigation because he knew there was no evidence to support a normal investigation.

It was not a "sham investigation". It resulted in over 100 charges, 8 or 9 guilty pleas - everyone who has gone to trial has either plead guilty or was found guilty. Every. Single. One. Hardly a "sham investigation" at all.

But Trump dangling pardons, trying to prosecute his enemies, and refusing to allow Congressional oversight, is not abusing power in your eyes.

All convictions had nothing to do with Russian “collusion”, it was a hoax and a sham.

It was not. You idiots continue to deny the evidence from Trumps own mouth. Why did everyone lie to the FBI.

Trump said he did it and he would do it again because he can’t see anything wrong with getting help from Russia.
People want to send him to prison because he broke the rules.

Yet Trump shared classified information with the Russians in the famous meeting in his office.

First everyone denied it even people who said they were in the room denied that it happen

But we are dealing with Trump and he tweets that he could share information with the Russians

"As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining ... to terrorism and airline flight safety.

Yet Trump does not realize that Russian has strong ties with Iran and Russia has a large Muslim population

2nd incident involving Trump (Loose Lips ) in an April 29, 2017, phone call, Trump told Philippines President that the U.S. had positioned two nuclear submarines off the coast of North Korea. The locations of nuclear submarines is a seriously secret that is basic national security and is closely guarded that very few people know there location.

Then there was the issue when individuals were denied clearances for a variety of reasons but Trump’s told them to give them the clearance.

Rules are in place but he just does what he wants with no regard for rules or the potential for people being compromised.

Trump wants to transfer nuclear technology to SA, like yeah that is a good ideal

So Trump has made statements that are considered classified
and using the same reasoning he should go to jail.
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Comey better enjoy his last days of freedom.

<< RUDY GIULIANI: Comey Played His Part as Liar to the Court… Go to Jail… Three or Four Years in Prison >>

RUDY GIULIANI: Comey Played His Part as Liar to the Court... Go to Jail... Three or Four Years in Prison (VIDEO)

Giuliani is a total moron so his statements only have entertainment value

And deep state criminals never go to jail (well, maybe a few low level operatives), the worst thing that can happen to Comey is that he will get paid a lot less than Hillary for his novels...

Since when do people go to jail for violating "policies"? Show me a crime. Firing and loss of pension benefits is the usual punishment. I have to take the IG's position with a grain of salt, because saying anything different would mean he's the next out the door.

Yes, we're all aware left wingers never see crimes committed by their own while braying endlessly about non-existent ones they claim Trump committed. Why bother to keep confirming that incessantly? It's not like you Democrats have the slightest chance of winning without massive voter fraud as it is now, so what is the point of lying when you fool no one at all, not even yourselves? You're sick deviants.
So Russia hates liberals?

No shit

I'm starting to think you are maybe an actual bear, in the actual woods, cut off from the world, playing with a tablet you happen to claw out of a backpack in the camp tent.

Here bear, read up:

Why Putin hates Hillary

Putin hates her fo trying to rig his election?

Moron, in America thats called freedom of speech.

Hillary called out Putin's opposition and journalist squashing regime while Trump publicly licked his ass and moraly equated America with that thug.

Trump on Putin's alleged killing of journalists: 'At least he's a leader'
Obama threatened America journalists

Proof or STFU nutbag.
Do you think O didn’t threaten journalists? If so, you must admit to being uninformed. Do you know of James Rosen?

How can one hold the absurd belief that O was wonderful, but Donnie is the worst?

11 Times Barack Obama Abused Press Freedom
The Obama administration pursuedFox News reporter James Rosen’s private emails — then misled Congress about it. CNN’s Jake Tapper — to his credit — pointed out that Obama had used the Espionage Act against leakers more than all of his predecessors combined.
11 Times Barack Obama Abused Press Freedom | Breitbart
The deep state has progressed way too far. They're already to the point where they think they can break the law publicly and get away with it. Comey says as much in tweets, even going so far as to say he thinks HE deserves an apology. That either makes him totally stupid or totally corrupt. We absolutely need to lock these treasonous deep staters up. No exceptions
Since when do people go to jail for violating "policies"? Show me a crime. Firing and loss of pension benefits is the usual punishment. I have to take the IG's position with a grain of salt, because saying anything different would mean he's the next out the door.
Agreed on the first point, but not sure what you mean by the second point. Is it that all in government are crooks? If so, I can accept that too.

However regarding the IG, apparently a larger IG report on the whole Russiagate thing is forthcoming. It is likely Comey will be found to have committed prosecutable crimes, but who knows?
Any day now, right?
Well we understand that your disregard of the law is a trademark of you subversives!

I'm sure it looks that way from inside your conspiracy theory bubble.
Hell asshole he LIED UNDER OATH to need video of it?

WATCH: Judiciary chairman questions whether Comey lied to Congress
His side put people in prison for less. Much less.
riday morning, James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, sent a letter to the heads of several committees on Capitol Hill, in which he said he wished to "supplement" the testimony he gave in July about the Bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server. During that testimony, Comey had defended his decision not to bring any charges in the case, even though his agents had found evidence that Clinton and her aides were, in his words, "extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

In his letter on Friday, Comey wrote, "In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation." Comey added that the agency couldn't yet determine "whether or not this material may be significant or not," or "how long it will take us to complete this additional work."

Comey's letter was brief and, evidently, carefully stated. Remarkably, though, its release wasn't James Comey’s October Surprise
That is regarding the Clinton investigation, dope.
Not for the laws that she broke, you moron! Were that a factor the US Navy sailor who did far, far less, wouldn't have had to spend a year in prison, you ignorant twerp!

Which sailor was this? You aren't talking about the guy who took pictures inside a nuke submarine and then took them home, when there were signs all over that said, "No Photographs"

Again, you guys can't cite a single case where anyone did what Mrs. Clinton did and went to jail for it.

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