Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
Comey is a product of the system, an example of the type of people who are groomed from inside the FBI. Wray is almost a carbon copy - his loyalties are to the agency, not to the US. He is proving this by fighting the release of any information exposing FBI crimes
Not for the laws that she broke, you moron! Were that a factor the US Navy sailor who did far, far less, wouldn't have had to spend a year in prison, you ignorant twerp!

Which sailor was this? You aren't talking about the guy who took pictures inside a nuke submarine and then took them home, when there were signs all over that said, "No Photographs"

Again, you guys can't cite a single case where anyone did what Mrs. Clinton did and went to jail for it.

He just did .
they all should be locked up from Cardinal Comey to Crooked Hillary to Clueless Clapper to pond scum Brennan!
Not for the laws that she broke, you moron! Were that a factor the US Navy sailor who did far, far less, wouldn't have had to spend a year in prison, you ignorant twerp!

Which sailor was this? You aren't talking about the guy who took pictures inside a nuke submarine and then took them home, when there were signs all over that said, "No Photographs"

Again, you guys can't cite a single case where anyone did what Mrs. Clinton did and went to jail for it.
Does that make her actions acceptable to you? Don’t you think any government official who does what she did should face prosecution ?
"The fact that James Comey was not prosecuted for the absolutely horrible things he did just shows how fair and reasonable Attorney General Bill Barr is. So many people and experts that I have watched and read would have taken an entirely different course. Comey got Lucky!

The disastrous IG Report on James Comey shows, in the strongest of terms, how unfairly I, and tens of millions of great people who support me, were treated. Our rights and liberties were illegally stripped away by this dishonest fool. We should be given our stolen time back?" - President Trump
Naughty, naughty," as Borat would say. When even the
NY Times
refers to a report as "blistering," you know it is bad for the Deep State.
Then I’m guessing that you are honest enough to admit that Donald Trump kicked Americans out of the oval office and then brought in Russian spies and gave them top-secret material. It’s not like we don’t have pictures




Thought so.

What did you think of the video and audio of the Hussein telling the Russians he will be more flexible with them after the election? If that isn’t announcing yourself as Putin’s lapdog I don’t what is.
Flexible and handing over top-secret information to the Russians is the same thing? You don’t get to use the Obama card this time. Because what you said was too fucking stupid.

I get to use the Hussein card all I want, don’t need your permission.
He was a disgrace to our nation and caused the refugee crisis for Europe. The fact that you totally dismiss the Hussein promising to bend over for the Russians while accusing President Trump of some kind of treason just shows what a stooge you are.
Obama caused the immigration crisis in Europe? I’m guessing because it was Obama that invaded Iraq, right? Did I get it right?

Yes he caused it. He is the one that supported ISIS in overthrowing the Assad government, that never attacked us or invaded any neighboring countries. Along with he Libyan government too, who never attacked us.
Obama never supported Isys. Can’t you ever post one time without a lie?
Yes, you’re dishonest.
Then I’m guessing that you are honest enough to admit that Donald Trump kicked Americans out of the oval office and then brought in Russian spies and gave them top-secret material. It’s not like we don’t have pictures




Thought so.

What did you think of the video and audio of the Hussein telling the Russians he will be more flexible with them after the election? If that isn’t announcing yourself as Putin’s lapdog I don’t what is.
Flexible and handing over top-secret information to the Russians is the same thing? You don’t get to use the Obama card this time. Because what you said was too fucking stupid.

I get to use the Hussein card all I want, don’t need your permission.
He was a disgrace to our nation and caused the refugee crisis for Europe. The fact that you totally dismiss the Hussein promising to bend over for the Russians while accusing President Trump of some kind of treason just shows what a stooge you are.
Obama caused the immigration crisis in Europe? I’m guessing because it was Obama that invaded Iraq, right? Did I get it right?

He started 6 new wars..
We all knew Trump was under investigation by comey in 2016..

Quit denying it child

No shit.
The FBI never publicly confirmed so, dope.

Change the goal post much?

That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:
We all knew Trump was under investigation by comey in 2016..

Quit denying it child

No shit.
The FBI never publicly confirmed so, dope.

Change the goal post much?

That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
No shit.
The FBI never publicly confirmed so, dope.

Change the goal post much?

That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

WASHINGTON — For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead — which they ultimately came to doubt — about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.

Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.
No shit.
The FBI never publicly confirmed so, dope.

Change the goal post much?

That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
No shit.
The FBI never publicly confirmed so, dope.

Change the goal post much?

That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
Do you even read your own links, dope?

"Mr. Comey would not even confirm the existence of any investigation of Mr. Trump’s aides when asked during an appearance in September before Congress. In the Obama administration’s internal deliberations over identifying the Russians as the source of the hacks, Mr. Comey also argued against doing so and succeeded in keeping the F.B.I.’s imprimatur off the formal findings, a law enforcement official said. His stance was first reported by CNBC."
Change the goal post much?

That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
Change the goal post much?

That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
Do you even read your own links, dope?

"Mr. Comey would not even confirm the existence of any investigation of Mr. Trump’s aides when asked during an appearance in September before Congress. In the Obama administration’s internal deliberations over identifying the Russians as the source of the hacks, Mr. Comey also argued against doing so and succeeded in keeping the F.B.I.’s imprimatur off the formal findings, a law enforcement official said. His stance was first reported by CNBC."
So he wasn't under an investigation?

Multiple news reports said Trump was..
Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Officer(Dem): “In 2016 we had a Coup. We have to take Comey and others to task. Makes no sense not to prosecute him. Comey got a book deal. I fear for my Country. He tried to kneecap our duly elected president, and there are no consequences.”
That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
That's always been the point, dope.

And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
Do you even read your own links, dope?

"Mr. Comey would not even confirm the existence of any investigation of Mr. Trump’s aides when asked during an appearance in September before Congress. In the Obama administration’s internal deliberations over identifying the Russians as the source of the hacks, Mr. Comey also argued against doing so and succeeded in keeping the F.B.I.’s imprimatur off the formal findings, a law enforcement official said. His stance was first reported by CNBC."
So he wasn't under an investigation?

Multiple news reports said Trump was..

Of course he was, dope. The FBI just didn't publicly confirm so until march of 17.
And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
And I win dork
I'm always honest. If Comey had come out and said Trump was under investigation like he did with Clinton there is a chance we would have a different president right now.

He did you moron in October 2016

Christ, you're retarded. :eusa_doh:

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia
Do you even read your own links, dope?

"Mr. Comey would not even confirm the existence of any investigation of Mr. Trump’s aides when asked during an appearance in September before Congress. In the Obama administration’s internal deliberations over identifying the Russians as the source of the hacks, Mr. Comey also argued against doing so and succeeded in keeping the F.B.I.’s imprimatur off the formal findings, a law enforcement official said. His stance was first reported by CNBC."
So he wasn't under an investigation?

Multiple news reports said Trump was..

Of course he was, dope. The FBI just didn't publicly confirm so until march of 17.


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