Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
We all knew Trump was under investigation by comey in 2016..

Quit denying it child

No, we didn't. We didn't know Trump was under investigation until March 20, 2017 when Comey told Congress that Trump had been under FBI investigation since July 2016. If you have "credible" proof otherwise - please provide it.
I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
What law did the IG say he broke?

I believe you are wrong
I just read some of the report. You appear to be right. He broke FBI rules, but no mention of laws broken.

Imagine if all FBI personnel leaked information to the press for personal reasons.

He didn't leak the information for "personal reasons", he leaked it because the thought the President of the United States was obstructing justice, and in reading the Mueller Report, Comey was absolutely correct.
No he didn't, get your facts straight.

Public didn't know of any FBI investigation into Russian interference untill after election.
Mueller said that there was no "Russian Interference"

You are fucking nuts.

Mueller Warns of Russian Sabotage and Rejects Trump’s ‘Witch Hunt’ Claims
So Russia hates liberals?

No shit

I'm starting to think you are maybe an actual bear, in the actual woods, cut off from the world, playing with a tablet you happen to claw out of a backpack in the camp tent.

Here bear, read up:

Why Putin hates Hillary

Putin hates her fo trying to rig his election?

Moron, in America thats called freedom of speech.

Hillary called out Putin's opposition and journalist squashing regime while Trump publicly licked his ass and moraly equated America with that thug.

Trump on Putin's alleged killing of journalists: 'At least he's a leader'
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The big take away here is that all the FBI rules and policies are meaningless and their agents can do anything they want.
Actually Trump should figure out that the attorney general is supposed to be independent. This is ridiculous.I see attorney general Barr is throwing a huge party at Trump's hotel....... Trump Administration is a disgrace people and is not helping you. Neither is the Liars over at Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh heritage etc etc

The liar is comey

Everybody is lying except Trump - the guy who lies about everything!
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.
Didn’t the IG say he broke the law and should be prosecuted? I believe this is right.

The fact the AG isn’t prosecuting, is just more proof of the corrupt nature of our government.
What law did the IG say he broke?

I believe you are wrong
I just read some of the report. You appear to be right. He broke FBI rules, but no mention of laws broken.

Imagine if all FBI personnel leaked information to the press for personal reasons.

He admitted to the leaking in order to prompt a special council. Absolutely disgusting, abusing his power to start a sham investigation because he knew there was no evidence to support a normal investigation.

It was not a "sham investigation". It resulted in over 100 charges, 8 or 9 guilty pleas - everyone who has gone to trial has either plead guilty or was found guilty. Every. Single. One. Hardly a "sham investigation" at all.

But Trump dangling pardons, trying to prosecute his enemies, and refusing to allow Congressional oversight, is not abusing power in your eyes.
So Russia hates liberals?

No shit

I'm starting to think you are maybe an actual bear, in the actual woods, cut off from the world, playing with a tablet you happen to claw out of a backpack in the camp tent.

Here bear, read up:

Why Putin hates Hillary

Putin hates her fo trying to rig his election?

Moron, in America thats called freedom of speech.

Hillary called out Putin's opposition and journalist squashing regime while Trump publicly licked his ass and moraly equated America with that thug.

Trump on Putin's alleged killing of journalists: 'At least he's a leader'
Obama threatened America journalists

I'm starting to think you are maybe an actual bear, in the actual woods, cut off from the world, playing with a tablet you happen to claw out of a backpack in the camp tent.

Here bear, read up:

Why Putin hates Hillary

Putin hates her fo trying to rig his election?

Moron, in America thats called freedom of speech.

Hillary called out Putin's opposition and journalist squashing regime while Trump publicly licked his ass and moraly equated America with that thug.

Trump on Putin's alleged killing of journalists: 'At least he's a leader'
Obama threatened America journalists

Proof or STFU nutbag.
So Russia hates liberals?

No shit

I'm starting to think you are maybe an actual bear, in the actual woods, cut off from the world, playing with a tablet you happen to claw out of a backpack in the camp tent.

Here bear, read up:

Why Putin hates Hillary

Putin hates her fo trying to rig his election?

Moron, in America thats called freedom of speech.

Hillary called out Putin's opposition and journalist squashing regime while Trump publicly licked his ass and moraly equated America with that thug.

Trump on Putin's alleged killing of journalists: 'At least he's a leader'
Obama threatened America journalists

Wow, you can't make up this shit up.

Thanks for letting us know what a fucking tool you are.

So you loved it when the bitch comey denied Hillary the white House?
Any day now, right?
Unfortunately you're right. There is no justice for leftist crooks.

I'm sure it's frustrating when the world doesn't share your conspiracy theories.

Comey admitted Hillary committed CRIMES. But he decided she really didnt mean it.
Even CNN admits Comey violated FBI policy, but the Justice Dept wont do a damn thing.

Former FBI Director admitted no such thing.

Are all conservatives factless voids.

Pretty much.

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