Comey Is A Goner

Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out. Not a good sign. Again.
Conspiracy theories? What color is your sky?
Show me proof. Not conjecture. Not assumptions. Not "it has to be". Proof. Actual proof.

Until then, they are theories about conspiracies.

Conspiracy theories.
You've been given more than enough proof. Look at what 8 years of Obama brought us? Spying on James Rosen. Using the IRS as a weapon against his opposition, cutting backroom deals with the Russians. Need I say more?
As I said: Not conjecture. Not assumptions. Not "it has to be". Proof. Actual proof.

If a (D) President had made this historic accusation of an (R) President, you'd demand more than you have here.
Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out.

Not a good sign. Again.
He got rid of whatshername for standing up to him, and he will fire Comey, as well, I'm pretty sure. Trump is out for blood, due to all the people being mean to him.
You must have missed Valerie Jarrett's there will be hell to pay threats against Obama's critics. Can you say thin skinned? That's the legacy of Obama & friends. Go after anyone who isn't with you. Thank God he is out and we have a real President now!

A blast from the past:

It was shocking when President George W. Bush stated “you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Senior White House Advisor, Valerie Jarrett, has taken these words to a significantly more dramatic level when she stated that “there will be hell to pay” for Obama’s critics in the second term.

Iranian-born Communist sympathizer Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama’s Senior White House Adviser is strongly rumored, from multiple sources, that just prior to the recent general election, to have issued a clear threat against the rank and file members of the American public who do not support Pres. Obama. Allegedly Jarrett said “After we win this election, it is payback time. For those who supported us, there will be rewards, for the ones who opposed us, they will get what they deserve. There will be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. With no election to worry about, we have two judges ready to go.”

Although allegations against Jarrett for having said the statements are sourced in multiple outlets, I can find no audio recording of the statements by Jarrett. Nor, can I locate an actual official transcript for these alleged threats against Americans who would dare not to support the President. However, in the theater of “actions speak louder than words,” it is highly likely that Jarrett did indeed utter these threats, given her extreme Communist leanings and her very un-American past.

Valerie Jarrett comes from a family which intermarried with the Bill Ayers family. Yes, that would be the Weathermen Underground terrorist leader, Bill Ayers. That would be the same Bill Ayers who told FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl, “that when we take over the United States, and that we will forcibly detain 50 million Americans in re-education camps in which they will probably have to murder 25 million American citizens who cannot be re-educated.” Grathwohl repeated the Ayers statement on the August 18th edition of The Common Sense Show. This is the same Valerie Jarrett family which was also involved with Frank Davis the former head of the Communist Party in the United States. This is the same Frank Davis who Joel Gilbert exposed as Obama’s real father. Additionally, the Jarrett family is also affiliated with other so-called “Red Diaper Babies” in which this young group of intellectual elites called for a communist takeover of the United States in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. For those that know their history, you will remember that the same people engage in terrorist acts involving the detonation of explosive devices in which people died, including a San Francisco police officer. Bill Ayers wife, Bernardine Dorne served a prison term for her participation with this group. And we also know, that Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorne, close friends of Jarrett to this day, funded President Obama’s Harvard education. These facts have led many to believe that Valerie Jarrett is making the major decisions in the White House.

Valerie Jarrett "There Will Be Hell to Pay" for Obama's Critics
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Tom Loved Comey when he came out with the Hillary email scandal lies 1 week before the election..
Many of us did until we realized that Comey was going to roll over. After that? Even his own men despised him. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. It is what it is even though we hoped he could make the leap and do his job.
Just Comey rolled over? So when are Trump and Sessions, now that it's up to them, going to investigate and "lock her up?" :rofl:
He got rid of whatshername for standing up to him, and he will fire Comey, as well, I'm pretty sure. Trump is out for blood, due to all the people being mean to him.

Sally Yates refused to enforce the travel ban and got the bum's rush for it. All these people serve at the pleasure of the president and he ain't real pleased these days.
Sounds good. You have your echo chamber, and that's enough for you.

No, I have ample evidence this happened just like Trump said it did. Like all leftists who jump sides to avoid the scorn of the majority, first hint of trouble, you jump back into your old comfort zone. I told my side of the board you were a good I believe you're either a flake or a stooge.
Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out.

Not a good sign. Again.
He got rid of whatshername for standing up to him, and he will fire Comey, as well, I'm pretty sure. Trump is out for blood, due to all the people being mean to him.
You must have missed Valerie Jarrett's there will be hell to pay threats against those who didn't vote for Obama. That's the legacy of Obama & friends. Go after anyone who isn't with you. Thank God he is out and we have a real President now!

A blast from the past:

Valerie Jarrett "There Will Be Hell to Pay" for Obama's Critics
Sorry. You can smear the Obama administration all you like; it doesn't begin to prove the criminal accusations Trump has made against the former President in his early morning tweet storm--apparently based on alt right news sources. No one should be defending Trump on this one. No one.
Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out.

Not a good sign. Again.
He got rid of whatshername for standing up to him, and he will fire Comey, as well, I'm pretty sure. Trump is out for blood, due to all the people being mean to him.
You must have missed Valerie Jarrett's there will be hell to pay threats against those who didn't vote for Obama. That's the legacy of Obama & friends. Go after anyone who isn't with you. Thank God he is out and we have a real President now!

A blast from the past:

Valerie Jarrett "There Will Be Hell to Pay" for Obama's Critics
Sorry. You can smear the Obama administration all you like; it doesn't begin to prove the criminal accusations Trump has made against the former President in his early morning tweet storm--apparently based on alt right news sources. No one should be defending Trump on this one. No one.

A spoon full of sugar ought to help that medicine go down. Take a heaping spoon full, Ms. Poppins!
Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out. Not a good sign. Again.
Conspiracy theories? What color is your sky?
Show me proof. Not conjecture. Not assumptions. Not "it has to be". Proof. Actual proof.

Until then, they are theories about conspiracies.

Conspiracy theories.
Except for those premeditated actions prior to his leaving that would move an investigation along quite quickly and put his people in charge of it
Sounds good. You have your echo chamber, and that's enough for you.

No, I have ample evidence this happened just like Trump said it did. Like all leftists who jump sides to avoid the scorn of the majority, first hint of trouble, you jump back into your old comfort zone. I told my side of the board you were a good I believe you're either a flake or a stooge.
Just for asking for real evidence that Trump's phones were tapped.

Confirm my conspiracy theories or you're out.

Not a good sign. Again.
He got rid of whatshername for standing up to him, and he will fire Comey, as well, I'm pretty sure. Trump is out for blood, due to all the people being mean to him.
You must have missed Valerie Jarrett's there will be hell to pay threats against those who didn't vote for Obama. That's the legacy of Obama & friends. Go after anyone who isn't with you. Thank God he is out and we have a real President now!

A blast from the past:

Valerie Jarrett "There Will Be Hell to Pay" for Obama's Critics
Sorry. You can smear the Obama administration all you like; it doesn't begin to prove the criminal accusations Trump has made against the former President in his early morning tweet storm--apparently based on alt right news sources. No one should be defending Trump on this one. No one.

There is plenty to smear Obama with....the IRS scandal alone is enough.
The FBI Director must have a death-wish butting heads with his BOSS about a FISA fishing expedition at Trump Tower. There is little doubt something is fishy about Comey and has been for the last year. First he makes an air-tight case against Hildabeast and then declines to prosecute her. Then he reopens the case based on Weiner's laptop, sends notice of it to a Congressional committee knowing it will be on the air within an hour. Then decides there was nothing more possible to learn about the criminal activity of Hillary and her foundation. And now he's told the DOJ to block the investigation. Comey is either a mental-case or fancies himself the arbiter of who will sit in the Oval Office. We know president Trump is seething pissed about all this nonsense and somebody is going to get their ass kicked for it. My bet is Comey is gone.

The so-called president should de-classify and release all evidence of the Obama Administration wiretapping Trump Tower.
ATTENTION: White House council is looking into the legal ramifications of declassifying a FISA's not something that's ever been done before. If they decide to proceed, you leftists have to realize your party is finished.

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