Comey Saved The Trump Campaign...Today Means Nothing

DNC and Hillary Clinton actively engaged in hostility against rival in a legal election, ON VIDEO.
Media Bias 100% the whole world can see it.

Can we prove the FBI thing?
Yeah go on and prove yourself a liar when you vote for Hillary.

Can you point to any proven corruption charge against Hillary?

Oh shit yea I forgot POTUS encouraging illegals to vote.
On record, uhm CNN yea? Numerous counts of voter fraud (filling out the ballots, lost mail in ballots, and the two stacks of ballots arriving on the one ladies mailbox) --- Which side did it is actually irrelevant.
Who do we take this to? The fucking DOJ? The President? Who?

It goes to the voters Tuesday.....I don't believe our Father in Heaven intends to have that old criminal piece of shit to sit in the Oval office.
Ted Bundy was guilty, we know that because he was tried and convicted of the crimes, not because some politico-nutbags accused him of something.

Bullshit... by your logic he never did anything illegal before he was with your own beliefs.
Intent was clear enough to put in as evidence. The entire non-biased media wing lilt up like a Christmas tree claiming it.

Also argue LIbs clearly have no clue what the laws in the country are -- thus /intention/ is blatantly clear
Yeah go on and prove yourself a liar when you vote for Hillary.

Can you point to any proven corruption charge against Hillary?

Was Ted Bundy innocent of serial-murders before he was finally caught?

Ted Bundy was guilty, we know that because he was tried and convicted of the crimes, not because some politico-nutbags accused him of something.

Bullshit... by your logic he never did anything illegal before he was with your own beliefs.

No that is not at all my logic. My logic is about what we know, what we don't and the process of how to rationally tell the difference.

Just because Ted Bundy was guilty doesn't mean Hillary or anyone else in the world is.

Trumpsters in particular rarely understand these concepts and I don't expect you to either.
. Wow, I was disappointed in his news.. Why don't he just shut up now, and go away till after this thing is over ??? Now he is interfering in the election right ?? I mean come onnnnnnn. What the hell is going on ???? Fox all depending on what crew is reporting anymore, has Hillary dripping from their lips or all depending maybe not, but it seems that I'm turning the TV on at the wrong time anymore. Wow.

Fox did a hard-left turn in the last week....Chris Wallace was a total piece of shit to Pence this morning and Megyn Kelly now sounds like a hysterical dyke. I reckon they're back-betting in case the old turd wins the WH and decides to declare war on the them. Willy went after Microsoft back in the mid-90s and damn near put them out of business....Bill Gates has been a good little commie ever since.

Oh really..Now you're blaming Fox. What a bunch of babies pointing your little pudgy fingers in your big circle jerk. Now it's Chris W and Megyn K who are turncoats. You are too fucking stupid to see that next it's gonna be you. Dumbass.
You do not get to dictate what is admissible in our case. If the judge feels it's admissible that's his choice. Judges own the court room.
Oh shit yea I forgot POTUS encouraging illegals to vote.


FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote

"Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting."

"Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

Dreamers, undocumented citizens, are fearful of voting?

Where in this country can they legally vote?
No that is not at all my logic. My logic is about what we know, what we don't and the process of how to rationally tell the difference.

Trumpsters in particular rarely understand these concepts and I don't expect you to either.

We can't know Hillary's future until it claimed she is innocent until convicted and that's ridiculous as I just showed you.
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Oh really..Now you're blaming Fox. What a bunch of babies pointing your little pudgy fingers in your big circle jerk. Now it's Chris W and Megyn K who are turncoats. You are too fucking stupid to see that next it's gonna be you. Dumbass.

You seem extremely ANGRY...figured out it's too late to overcome what Comey did a week ago?
I've been saying for several years now that the GOP is eating its own and you are my poster boy, little man.
If Hillary wins, we will have a Queen. Laws apply to the little people. Not her and whomever she chooses to be in her inner circle. If you think she was corrupt as SOS, when she is POTUS that shit will increase dramatically, and no one will check her. She runs DOJ.
Hate to break it to ya little Rats, but Comey did what he had to do....gave Trump MILLIONS of early votes he had no chance of getting before. And he waited until after the Sunday morning shows to release his statement. He knows he can't get a grand jury, an independent prosecutor, much less an indictment of the old diaper-wearing, colostomy-bagged, traitorous criminal. Not with the scum-sucking Loretta Lynch in the AG he did the next best thing. Oh, and BTW, he hasn't said anything about the other FIVE investigations into the Clinturd Foundation....that's what will send the old cow to prison when Trump names Rudy as the new AG.

Tom, Thanks for your rational and informative arguments. I especially like your historical breadth and data-driven approach to helping us understand the differences between these candidates.

Some people enter politics as angry know-nothings, and they never do the hard work of researching the complicated issues involved. They just bore us to death with the same old angry, name-calling garbage.

Not you.

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