Comey Saved The Trump Campaign...Today Means Nothing

If Hillary wins, we will have a Queen. Laws apply to the little people. Not her and whomever she chooses to be in her inner circle. If you think she was corrupt as SOS, when she is POTUS that shit will increase dramatically, and no one will check her. She runs DOJ.

This is completely false. FISCALLY, Her tenure will be like her husbands who had massive job growth and made larger cuts to welfare than Bush 41 or 43.

Trump is already using the FBI (though Giuliani) to influence an election. He has spoken openly about his contempt for the free press, which is fundamental to a free, open society. If he gets elected, he is going to follow the playbook of tyrannical regimes: prosecute anyone from the press who is critical of his policies and put his political opponents in jail.

He is backed by a movement of people who have been conditioned to believe that liberals and the media are evil. This is all he needs to give people like you the power to hunt and destroy liberals and minorities with the same passion that the Nazis hunted the Jews - a.k.a. evil outsiders who needed to be vanquished to save the nation. Rhetorically Trump has laid the foundation, and he has a group of "rabid homelanders" who are waiting for an atmosphere were the can act violently against their domestic political enemies.

You believe that your country has been stolen by the other side. Once you have your leader in office, you will support a regime that imprisons liberals merely for speaking out against Trump and exercising their First Amendment rights. Manufacturing an "evil other" is how tyrannical regimes destroy the rule of law. They claim that there is a national emergency, and that saving the nation requires hunting internal enemies.

Everything Trump is said about Liberals and the Press implies that he will act like a vengeful king - and his henchmen, Giuliani and Christie, will use Soviet tactics to surveil and imprison the political opposition. And you will help them not because you want to imprison innocent people but because you want to save your country from evil. This is exactly what Hitler did.

God help us. I am waiting for Trump's version of Reichstag Fire - a national emergency used to justify giving Trump and his federal thugs greater power to go after the people who criticize him.
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Hate to break it to ya little Rats, but Comey did what he had to do....gave Trump MILLIONS of early votes he had no chance of getting before. And he waited until after the Sunday morning shows to release his statement. He knows he can't get a grand jury, an independent prosecutor, much less an indictment of the old diaper-wearing, colostomy-bagged, traitorous criminal. Not with the scum-sucking Loretta Lynch in the AG he did the next best thing. Oh, and BTW, he hasn't said anything about the other FIVE investigations into the Clinturd Foundation....that's what will send the old cow to prison when Trump names Rudy as the new AG.

yes comeys wordsmithing was very interesting today


I suspect Comey will resign after the election, much like the set up and subsequent humiliation and resignation of Colin Powell after his compromised report to the UN after Bush used him to lie. Except in this instance it's FBI agents in NY.
Ok lets roll with your logic:

You are guilty of killing people.

I know it wasn't proven, but we must remember that Ted Bundy was guilty before it was proven and so therefore you are too.

I'm calling the cops now, before you kill someone else.

Catch me if you can, loser!
If Hillary wins, we will have a Queen. Laws apply to the little people. Not her and whomever she chooses to be in her inner circle. If you think she was corrupt as SOS, when she is POTUS that shit will increase dramatically, and no one will check her. She runs DOJ.

This is completely false. FISCALLY, Her tenure will be like her husbands who had massive job growth and made larger cuts to welfare than Bush 41 or 43.

Trump is already using the FBI (though Giuliani) to influence an election. He has spoken openly about his contempt for the free press, which is fundamental to a free, open society. If he gets elected, he is going to follow the playbook of tyrannical regimes: prosecute anyone from the press who is critical of his policies and put his political opponents in jail.

He is backed by a movement of people who have been conditioned to believe that liberals and the media are evil. This is all he needs to give people like you the power to hunt and destroy liberals and minorities with the same passion that the Nazis hunted the Jews - a.k.a. evil outsiders who needed to be vanquished to save the nation. Rhetorically Trump has laid the foundation.

You represent a group of people who believe that your country has been stolen by the other side. Once you have your leader in office, you will support a regime that imprisons liberals merely for exercising their First Amendment rights. Manufacturing an "evil other" is how tyrannical regimes destroy the rule of law. They claim that there is a national emergency, and that saving the nation requires hunting internal or domestic enemies.

Everything Trump is said about Liberals and the Press implies that he will act like a vengeful king, and his henchmen, Giuliani and Christie will use Soviet tactics to surveil and imprison the political opposition. And you will help them not because you want to imprison innocent people but because you want to save your country from evil. This is exactly what Hitler did.

God help us. I am waiting for the Trump version of Reichstag Fire - a national emergency used to justify giving Trump and his federal thugs greater power to go after the people who criticize him.

High, high five waaaay up. Excellent.
No that is not at all my logic. My logic is about what we know, what we don't and the process of how to rationally tell the difference.

Trumpsters in particular rarely understand these concepts and I don't expect you to either.

We can't know Hillary's future until it claimed she is innocent until convicted and that's ridiculous as I just showed you.

In case you forgot social studies class from grade school, in this country you're innocent until proven guilty. Look it up
Londoner That is blatantly false. You are a partisan hack.

Hillary is the one who shut down the MSM for Republicans. They have engaged in a blatant smear campaign of Trump from the beginning - including sending people to incite violence in lawfully held rally's

-- I'm going to save copies of all these before they delete them.

Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

If this is referring to the Veritas videos, Bill O'Reilly said on Fox that it was 40 hours of recording edited down to two 20-minute videos. Do the math.
Hate to break it to ya little Rats, but Comey did what he had to do....gave Trump MILLIONS of early votes he had no chance of getting before. And he waited until after the Sunday morning shows to release his statement. He knows he can't get a grand jury, an independent prosecutor, much less an indictment of the old diaper-wearing, colostomy-bagged, traitorous criminal. Not with the scum-sucking Loretta Lynch in the AG he did the next best thing. Oh, and BTW, he hasn't said anything about the other FIVE investigations into the Clinturd Foundation....that's what will send the old cow to prison when Trump names Rudy as the new AG.
There is no way in Hell they conducted a decent investigation in only a few days. This was something I predicted would happen last week. I expected them to conclude this before the election so Hillary could brag about not being investigated and cleared of all charges. Investigations are ongoing still. And she hasn't been cleared of shit.

There is a war going on inside the FBI, Waldo. Wake up.
I'm awake, asshole.
Hate to break it to ya little Rats, but Comey did what he had to do....gave Trump MILLIONS of early votes he had no chance of getting before. And he waited until after the Sunday morning shows to release his statement. He knows he can't get a grand jury, an independent prosecutor, much less an indictment of the old diaper-wearing, colostomy-bagged, traitorous criminal. Not with the scum-sucking Loretta Lynch in the AG he did the next best thing. Oh, and BTW, he hasn't said anything about the other FIVE investigations into the Clinturd Foundation....that's what will send the old cow to prison when Trump names Rudy as the new AG.
Not looking likely you douchbag. LOL.

First things first: Hillary Clinton has a 70 percent chance of winning the election, according to both the FiveThirtyEight polls-only and polls-plus models. That’s up from a 65 percent chance on Sunday night, so Clinton has had a good run in the polls in the final days of the campaign. Clinton’s projected margin of victory in the popular vote has increased to 3.5 percentfrom 2.9 percent.

Comey's announcement did nothing but the people who would care saw it for what it was. A partisan hit job.
Not looking likely you douchbag. LOL.

First things first: Hillary Clinton has a 70 percent chance of winning the election, according to both the FiveThirtyEight polls-only and polls-plus models. That’s up from a 65 percent chance on Sunday night, so Clinton has had a good run in the polls in the final days of the campaign. Clinton’s projected margin of victory in the popular vote has increased to 3.5 percentfrom 2.9 percent.

Comey's announcement did nothing but the people who would care saw it for what it was. A partisan hit job.

There's only one poll that counts and that's today.....BTW, Trump jumped into the lead in sane polls in the last two days...believe nothing you hear until midnight.

Not looking likely you douchbag. LOL.

First things first: Hillary Clinton has a 70 percent chance of winning the election, according to both the FiveThirtyEight polls-only and polls-plus models. That’s up from a 65 percent chance on Sunday night, so Clinton has had a good run in the polls in the final days of the campaign. Clinton’s projected margin of victory in the popular vote has increased to 3.5 percentfrom 2.9 percent.

Comey's announcement did nothing but the people who would care saw it for what it was. A partisan hit job.

There's only one poll that counts and that's today.....BTW, Trump jumped into the lead in sane polls in the last two days...believe nothing you hear until midnight.

Trump maybe won 2 of every 30 polls taken. Get your pants unbuttoned. Take off them drawers. Panties too.


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