Comey To Speak At 11 AM EST

The rule of law is over in the USA if you are a member of the Multinational Corporate Network.

Hillary Clinton can sell US intel and assets to foreign governments and she will get away with it.

She has obviously violated our classified documents storage laws and even then the FBI has decided to look the other way.

This shit has to come to an end. The Oligarchs have to be brought down with taxes, regulations and criminal investigations and it will take an outsider like Trump or Sanders to do it.

But it will happen. The anger and resentment of most of the public is growing stronger and hotter with each of these disgusting incidents. IT will happen, by God.
This FBI Director was appointed by a Republican. It is over. Trump will whine and cry. But it is over. Voters don't care. Please move along...

I wouldn't be too complacent, bub. Comey's findings give Trump plenty of dry powder to attack hiLIARy on her lack of honesty and competency.

Coming from a Liar like Trump, it won't go very far.
The saddest part about this is that the partisans don't get the green light was just given to politicians from both parties to do the same. You try and prosecute anyone going foreward they have the Hillary defense and you can be assured there supporters will turn as blind an eye to their actions as Hillarys did that's what is truly sad how the people will tolerate anything from a politician as long as they have the right letter next to their name.
Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Bullshit, this will NEVER MOVE ON, you fucking pig!

The day will come when we will ahve a national system of trials for treason and Hillary will be on the docket if the whore is not already dead by then. Promise, bitch!
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It'll be time to pack it in and go fishin' if Clinton is elected. Won't bother me much but future generations.... ouch.
Let's just call this a dress rehearsal for November. You better go out and buy your booze now!
Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable
Comey pulled a Roberts, which causes one to wonder what the Obama admin has on him for blackmailing.
Bullshit, this will NEVER MOVE ON, you fucking pig!

Teh day will come when we will ahve a national system of trials for treason and Hilalry will be on the docket if the whore is not already dead by then. Promise, bitch!

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Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

"lose" A belt is "loose."
Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable
So if I leave a loaded gun in a shopping mall I will not be prosecuted when some kid blows his head off?
Welcome to The Age of Obama.
Comey said she committed crimes but he does not recommend prosecution.


There needs to be a special prosecutor.
If you or I or any of us 'little people' had done this we would be in jail, but not an Oligarch puppet like her Royal Highness Clinton!

This is outrageous and there can always be prosecution LATER BABY!

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