Comey To Speak At 11 AM EST

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable

Her INTENTION was to violate the rules by using a private server. Her INTENTION was to deceive the American public by destroying information. She INTENTIONALLY put classified, top secret material on an unsecured server. She INTENTIONALLY shared classified, top secret material to other unsecured devices.


The FBI director disagrees with you. I'll take his professional opinion over yours.

All these RW Wannabe Lawyers are now experts on the Law. FRIGIN HILARIOUS!
Q: Was law violated?

A: Yes.

Just shows the elite are not held accountable in America anymore.

This FBI Director was appointed by a Republican. It is over. Trump will whine and cry. But it is over. Voters don't care. Please move along...

I wouldn't be too complacent, bub. Comey's findings give Trump plenty of dry powder to attack hiLIARy on her lack of honesty and competency.

Coming from a Liar like Trump, it won't go very far.

Trump will win in large part because the current political class is composed of idiotic imbeciles like yourself.

Buy Booze now!
Piss off, now you fucking ass kissing partisan hack.

Looks like someone is having a bad day....

Need a hug?
Ah yes, Failure....That will go nicely with claiming that every other aspect of America is a failure. Thats Trumps theme and a darn good one.

"You're a loser America!" :eusa_dance:
I am talking about people having shame and losing honor, things that partisan Dimbocratic hacks like you cannot possible understand.

Eat shit, whore.
Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable
So if I leave a loaded gun in a shopping mall I will not be prosecuted when some kid blows his head off?
Welcome the The Age of Obama.
The entire point is "criminal act"...

Federal laws were violated, and Comey let a criminal skate..

Damn, don't this smack of all those women and kids who were murdered at Waco???
The left love the elite living above the law.
The left DEPENDS on the elite who use the left to cripple the hard working rising class.

We will need a system of treason trials when we finally get the power to do so and Hillary, Obama and the rest of these Hate America ass hats will see justice.
Ah yes, Failure....That will go nicely with claiming that every other aspect of America is a failure. Thats Trumps theme and a darn good one.

"You're a loser America!" :eusa_dance:
I am talking about people having shame and losing honor, things that partisan Dimbocratic hacks like you cannot possible understand.

Eat shit, whore.

Yeah, like the whole of America! Our Economy is shit, trade deals are shit, National Security is shit, FBI fails, America doesnt win anymore, Education is terrible blah blah blah blah

Gooooo America!
Comey said she committed crimes but he does not recommend prosecution.


There needs to be a special prosecutor.
If you or I or any of us 'little people' had done this we would be in jail, but not an Oligarch puppet like her Royal Highness Clinton!

This is outrageous and there can always be prosecution LATER BABY!
Actually the FBI doesn't decide who gets indicted, the prosecutor or a Grand Jury does. But after Clinton's shady meeting with the AG recently, it's doubtful that she will do the right thing.

I bet she won't even let it go to a grand jury.
"John Roberts" Comey!! If I was Petraeus, I would be livid!

Now Comey will probably get the job of AG when Hillary and Bill take over.
Q: Was law violated?

A: Yes.

Just shows the elite are not held accountable in America anymore.

View attachment 80525

Do you understand PRECEDENT? Look up the definition. His decision not to bring charges was based on PAST PRECEDENT. Even if he did bring charges, they would be thrown out due to LACK OF PRECEDENT.

It would make the Republicans happy, but it would be a waste of time, like the Benghazi fiasco.

Yeah, like the whole of America! Our Economy is shit, trade deals are shit, National Security is shit, FBI fails, America doesnt win anymore, Education is terrible blah blah blah blah

Gooooo America!
It is illuminating how much you delight in a law breaking political whore like Clinton getting away with it yet again because she was determined to be too STUPID to understand the law.

You Dimbocrats day is coming to an end as America pukes you into jail and irrelevance.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse....but on the other hand there is a legal precept aka 'No criminal intent'

No criminal intent??? HAHAHA. She was selling info to our enemies you fool!!! That was the point of using an easily hacked server. THINK


Ignorance of the law is no excuse....but on the other hand there is a legal precept aka 'No criminal intent'[/QUOTE]

No criminal intent??? HAHAHA. She was selling info to our enemies you fool!!! That was the point of using an easily hacked server. THINK[/QUOTE]

She did not sell it....she merely gave it away.

BTW Now we see another angle on what Clinton's motive to meet with lorreta lynch was....gave her an excuse to let the FBI determine that hillary would not be prosecuted.

Thus she escapes the political heat and has a bright future if hillary is elected....da beat goes on. A sad day for America.
Comey said she committed crimes but he does not recommend prosecution.


There needs to be a special prosecutor.
If you or I or any of us 'little people' had done this we would be in jail, but not an Oligarch puppet like her Royal Highness Clinton!

This is outrageous and there can always be prosecution LATER BABY!
Actually the FBI doesn't decide who gets indicted, the prosecutor or a Grand Jury does. But after Clinton's shady meeting with the AG recently, it's doubtful that she will do the right thing.

I bet she won't even let it go to a grand jury.

It's not likely a prosecutor would pursue charges when the investigators recommend they don't. Comey explained very clearly why they didn't.
Yeah, like the whole of America! Our Economy is shit, trade deals are shit, National Security is shit, FBI fails, America doesnt win anymore, Education is terrible blah blah blah blah

Gooooo America!
It is illuminating how much you delight in a law breaking political whore like Clinton getting away with it yet again because she was determined to be too STUPID to understand the law.

You Dimbocrats day is coming to an end as America pukes you into jail and irrelevance.

Awwwww, your shirt collar is all wet with delicious tears
I wouldn't be too complacent, bub. Comey's findings give Trump plenty of dry powder to attack hiLIARy on her lack of honesty and competency.

Coming from a Liar like Trump, it won't go very far.

Trump will win in large part because the current political class is composed of idiotic imbeciles like yourself.

Buy Booze now!
Piss off, now you fucking ass kissing partisan hack.

Looks like someone is having a bad day....

Need a hug?

I bet his dog is hiding. He knows he's likely to get a beating when Master's on a tear.

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