Comey To Speak At 11 AM EST

This is a very sad day for America. Obviously Comey is in Obama's pocket. Nothing will convince me otherwise. The whole damned Obama administration is corrupt.

I never really paid close attention to primary elections until this year....
Then I saw what was going on with the Democrats and how it was set up for Hillary to be the nominee.
Now the e mail deal.....

The American voter still has some degree of power here.
Not a lot ...
But some....

Do you really want to vote for someone like Hillary....
So this will be the Hildebeast's response.....

I told all you fuckers I would be vindicated....

I'm just a dumb ass who acted in a grossly irresponsible manner giving
hostile countries access to highly classified material......
Anyone else they would have thrown the book at.

So there.....

Complete victory.
I have been cleared.
and still qualified to be PResident of the USA?

The increasingly obvious answer to that question is 'No!'.

Looks like...No foul

Only if you have no interest in justice, honesty, morality, ethics and law.

Looks like a big fuss over nothing doesn't it?

More Republicans overplaying a weak hand

This today

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

What a bunch of cry babies we are ...
Those of us who expect a bit more from someone running our State department.
Sad day in America. Comey said that more than likely top secret classified information were taken by our enemies. Then liberals on here are celebrating that. Disgusting, sad day for sure. What's next she puts our nuclear codes on an insecure system?
Looks like...No foul

Only if you have no interest in justice, honesty, morality, ethics and law.

Looks like a big fuss over nothing doesn't it?

More Republicans overplaying a weak hand

This today

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

What a bunch of cry babies we are ...
Those of us who expect a bit more from someone running our State department.

Hillary screwed up and she apologized MANY times. That is something Donald needs to work on.
Yup, the new Benghazi Hearing...
No, nothing like Benghazi, idiot. This was an investigation about criminal acts, not incompetence.

We already knew that Hillary is incompetent but now we also know she is a law breaker and the FBI considers her too stupid to prosecute.
Pat Robertson made his prediction in 1/2/04. He said, ""I think George Bush is going to win in a walk, I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way."

So the Lord will declare the next president?
Sad day in America. Comey said that more than likely top secret classified information were taken by our enemies. Then liberals on here are celebrating that. Disgusting, sad day for sure. What's next she puts our nuclear codes on an insecure system?

So the key question is will Trump use this to rebrand Hillary as an incompetent tool of the multinational corporations or not?

I say he does and uses it to pull about 15% of the Dimbocratic vote to him.
Gee whiz, this certainly is a surprising outcome.....considering Bill Clinton met with the Attorney General the other day.
Yep, the fix was in. They had it all staged.
"John Roberts" Comey!! If I was Petraeus, I would be livid!

Now Comey will probably get the job of AG when Hillary and Bill take over.

Petraeus " INTENTIALLY " handed over the secret information. Hillary DID NOT!
Hey moron, he handed it to someone with a Top Secret Clearence.

Hillary accidently setup a private server and email accounts?
WOW! Turned over to FOX News and it is like a Funeral Home. They are almost crying...:crybaby:
Comey said she committed crimes but he does not recommend prosecution.


There needs to be a special prosecutor.
If you or I or any of us 'little people' had done this we would be in jail, but not an Oligarch puppet like her Royal Highness Clinton!

This is outrageous and there can always be prosecution LATER BABY!
Actually the FBI doesn't decide who gets indicted, the prosecutor or a Grand Jury does. But after Clinton's shady meeting with the AG recently, it's doubtful that she will do the right thing.

I bet she won't even let it go to a grand jury.

I thought the AG said she was not going to override the FBI
I guess Clinton accidentally chose a private server and accidentally sent top secret information to unsecured devices.

Nope, she did it and said she was sorry

Looks like the end of it....unless you are Republican

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