Comey To Speak At 11 AM EST

Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable
So if I leave a loaded gun in a shopping mall I will not be prosecuted when some kid blows his head off?
Welcome the The Age of Obama.
Depends on the race.
On a side note, despite how predictable their reaction, it still is quite breathtaking to see the Progs celebrate that their candidate isn't being indicted.

How low the bar has fallen....
Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable

The partisans cannot understand that. They will wine and cry and roll around in the floor and they will lose....AGAIN!
This FBI Director was appointed by a Republican. It is over. Trump will whine and cry. But it is over. Voters don't care. Please move along...

I wouldn't be too complacent, bub. Comey's findings give Trump plenty of dry powder to attack hiLIARy on her lack of honesty and competency.

Coming from a Liar like Trump, it won't go very far.

Trump will win in large part because the current political class is composed of idiotic imbeciles like yourself.
On a side note, despite how predictable their reaction, it still is quite breathtaking to see the Progs celebrate that their candidate isn't being indicted.

How low the bar has fallen....

I agree. No one thought an idiot like Donald could win the nomination.
Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable

The partisans cannot understand that. They will wine and cry and roll around in the floor and they will lose....AGAIN!
The left love the elite living above the law.
Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable

Her INTENTION was to violate the rules by using a private server. Her INTENTION was to deceive the American public by destroying information. She INTENTIONALLY put classified, top secret material on an unsecured server. She INTENTIONALLY shared classified, top secret material to other unsecured devices.

Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable
So if I leave a loaded gun in a shopping mall I will not be prosecuted when some kid blows his head off?
Welcome the The Age of Obama.

I don't really understand what your post has to do with this case. I understand you're a bit emotional right now so I'll leave it alone.
This FBI Director was appointed by a Republican. It is over. Trump will whine and cry. But it is over. Voters don't care. Please move along...

I wouldn't be too complacent, bub. Comey's findings give Trump plenty of dry powder to attack hiLIARy on her lack of honesty and competency.

Coming from a Liar like Trump, it won't go very far.

Trump will win in large part because the current political class is composed of idiotic imbeciles like yourself.

Buy Booze now!
The partisans cannot understand that. They will wine and cry and roll around in the floor and they will lose....AGAIN!
She broke the law and is getting away with it because she is politcally connected.

And idiots like you are OK with that because you think you will get more free shit.

Fuck off, moron.
Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable
So if I leave a loaded gun in a shopping mall I will not be prosecuted when some kid blows his head off?
Welcome the The Age of Obama.

That depends. If you are a White Christian Heterosexual Male, you will definitely be prosecuted.

Chane your name to Mohammed and claim to self-identify as a Gay Black Woman, and you'll skate.
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable
So if I leave a loaded gun in a shopping mall I will not be prosecuted when some kid blows his head off?
Welcome the The Age of Obama.

I don't really understand what your post has to do with this case. I understand you're a bit emotional right now so I'll leave it alone.

Maybe one he sobers up, he will understand....NAW...THAT WON'T HAPPEN.
This FBI Director was appointed by a Republican. It is over. Trump will whine and cry. But it is over. Voters don't care. Please move along...

I wouldn't be too complacent, bub. Comey's findings give Trump plenty of dry powder to attack hiLIARy on her lack of honesty and competency.

Coming from a Liar like Trump, it won't go very far.

Trump will win in large part because the current political class is composed of idiotic imbeciles like yourself.

Buy Booze now!
Piss off, now you fucking ass kissing partisan hack.
Intent, intent, intent. It's all about intent.

Not prosecutable

Her INTENTION was to violate the rules by using a private server. Her INTENTION was to deceive the American public by destroying information. She INTENTIONALLY put classified, top secret material on an unsecured server. She INTENTIONALLY shared classified, top secret material to other unsecured devices.


The FBI director disagrees with you. I'll take his professional opinion over yours.

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