Comey To Speak At 11 AM EST

Not the least bit surprised government will not hold one of their own accountable the rules that apply to the rest of us never apply to them. I bet by the end of the week politicans all over Washington both Democrat and Republican will be setting up their own private servers so they and they alone can decide what the people have a right to know. On the bright side we can now end the myth of government transparncy and accountablity once and for all.
Sadly, this played out as I has predicted. Politics prevail. Setting aside that hiLIARy won't be prosecuted, Comey's comments are still pretty damning. She clearly lied about her email to the public; and her supposed "Competence" qualification is destroyed given the carelessness handling of email by the State Dept.
This FBI Director was appointed by a Republican. It is over. Trump will whine and cry. But it is over. Voters don't care. Please move along...
Clinton intentionally decided to use a private server and put classified information on it so Comey's decision not to advise charges because of the lack of intent to do wrong-doing is ridiculous.
This FBI Director was appointed by a Republican. It is over. Trump will whine and cry. But it is over. Voters don't care. Please move along...

I wouldn't be too complacent, bub. Comey's findings give Trump plenty of dry powder to attack hiLIARy on her lack of honesty and competency.
I said it months ago....
FBI calls Hillary a dumb ass for what she did but it's all good....
She's too fucking stupid to be president. She can't even handle classified emails properly.

Is that all? Try harder Chicken Little
Shove it up your ass you condescending bitch. I will speak my opinion.

Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Comey said she committed crimes but he does not recommend prosecution.


There needs to be a special prosecutor.

No, he said there has NEVER been a similar instance in the past where charges have been brought. You need to take some comprehension classes.
He said a lot more than that. Comey, a Democrat appointee, said that she committed many crimes, but he doesn't recommend prosecution.

It's fucking outrageous and obviously politically motivated.

You are the one who needs to work on your comprehension.
Either Hillary goes to jail or the system is rigged.

There is no not guilty in Republicans minds. Thats not an option
Per the FBI she violated Federal law.
So yes, it just shows the elite are not accountable.

The FBI works on precedent, as do all levels of government. The prosecutors in this situation said that there was no precedent to bring charges. This is the end of it. Now move along.
Bullshit. They determine if laws are violated. Period.

She violated Federal law per the FBI.
Just shows you leftists love to see the elite unaccountable to the laws we are.

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