Comey's Leaked Memo Can Land Him In Prison

Wouldn't this require our great leader to be guilty of obstruction fo justice?

What does the memo have to do with whether or not Trump actually obstructed justice?

Under the assumption Trump did not attempt to*...Doesn't seem to be a crime here

Of course not....Comey only had to "feel" the President was tampering with him and if that was the case, the law is very clear...he had to report it to the Asst. AG. Many here believe this whole episode is a charade because nobody has seen this "memo" if there even is one.
Wouldn't this require our great leader to be guilty of obstruction fo justice?

What does the memo have to do with whether or not Trump actually obstructed justice?

Under the assumption Trump did not attempt to*...Doesn't seem to be a crime here

Of course not....Comey only had to "feel" the President was tampering with him and if that was the case, the law is very clear...he had to report it to the Asst. AG. Many here believe this whole episode is a charade because nobody has seen this "memo" if there even is one.
Here is the deal under the law if Comey believed Trump was trying to obstruct justice he was required to inform the DOJ if he believed that and didn't do so he has a problem on the other hand if he didn't believe that then this whole memo story is a whole lot of nothing.

I've been reading that Comey was obligated to inform the DOJ if he felt the investigation was being stymied in anyway. Ruh roh.
I've been reading that trying to obstruct justice is against the law.

The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh.
Can't imagine they'd find a penitentiary where the goon would be safe from the animals, but then that's his problem, eh? Try to out-slick the The Donald at your peril you fools.


Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.

Gregg Jarrett: Comey's revenge is a gun without powder
Perfect. You're going after Comey not the criminal who committed the obstruction of justice. Says so much about you.
Wouldn't this require our great leader to be guilty of obstruction fo justice?

What does the memo have to do with whether or not Trump actually obstructed justice?

Under the assumption Trump did not attempt to*...Doesn't seem to be a crime here

Of course not....Comey only had to "feel" the President was tampering with him and if that was the case, the law is very clear...he had to report it to the Asst. AG. Many here believe this whole episode is a charade because nobody has seen this "memo" if there even is one.

"many here" being Trumpsters.

If there are any memos, I look forward to their review by Congress- and release to the American people.

Don't you?
Perfect. You're going after Comey not the criminal who committed the obstruction of justice. Says so much about you.

What it says about you is you know even less about the law than you do about the Stalinists who own your sorry ass.
Here is the deal under the law if Comey believed Trump was trying to obstruct justice he was required to inform the DOJ if he believed that and didn't do so he has a problem on the other hand if he didn't believe that then this whole memo story is a whole lot of nothing.

I've been reading that Comey was obligated to inform the DOJ if he felt the investigation was being stymied in anyway. Ruh roh.
I've been reading that trying to obstruct justice is against the law.

The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh.

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

I bet you were you enraged about Obama obstructing justice, huh?
Perfect. You're going after Comey not the criminal who committed the obstruction of justice. Says so much about you.

What it says about you is you know even less about the law than you do about the Stalinists who own your sorry ass.
That's the weakest excuse ever for defending your criminal president and hoping someone else takes the blame.
You'd be a loyal compatriot for Mussolini or Hitler.
Here is the deal under the law if Comey believed Trump was trying to obstruct justice he was required to inform the DOJ if he believed that and didn't do so he has a problem on the other hand if he didn't believe that then this whole memo story is a whole lot of nothing.

I've been reading that Comey was obligated to inform the DOJ if he felt the investigation was being stymied in anyway. Ruh roh.
I've been reading that trying to obstruct justice is against the law.

The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh.

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????
The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh
Here is the deal under the law if Comey believed Trump was trying to obstruct justice he was required to inform the DOJ if he believed that and didn't do so he has a problem on the other hand if he didn't believe that then this whole memo story is a whole lot of nothing.

I've been reading that Comey was obligated to inform the DOJ if he felt the investigation was being stymied in anyway. Ruh roh.
I've been reading that trying to obstruct justice is against the law.

The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh.

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

I bet you were you enraged about Obama obstructing justice, huh?
The deeper shit the Tramp gets himself into the more frequent nutjobs like this bonehead deflects to Obama or Hillary.
Here is the deal under the law if Comey believed Trump was trying to obstruct justice he was required to inform the DOJ if he believed that and didn't do so he has a problem on the other hand if he didn't believe that then this whole memo story is a whole lot of nothing.

I've been reading that Comey was obligated to inform the DOJ if he felt the investigation was being stymied in anyway. Ruh roh.
I've been reading that trying to obstruct justice is against the law.

The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh.

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

I bet you were you enraged about Obama obstructing justice, huh?
The deeper shit the Tramp gets himself into the more frequent nutjobs like this bonehead deflects to Obama or Hillary.

I find that the vulgarity that you post is so disgusting, that even a reading of same need be followed by a full course of penicillin.

As a personal favor, any posts to me.
This has been a week of epic leaks. Someone or more are looking out for the American people.
They know just how bad Tramp is for this country and they're doing their part to reveal the truth.
Here is the deal under the law if Comey believed Trump was trying to obstruct justice he was required to inform the DOJ if he believed that and didn't do so he has a problem on the other hand if he didn't believe that then this whole memo story is a whole lot of nothing.

I've been reading that Comey was obligated to inform the DOJ if he felt the investigation was being stymied in anyway. Ruh roh.
I've been reading that trying to obstruct justice is against the law.

The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh.

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????

"Obama says Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server"
Obama says Hillary Clinton didn’t harm national security with private email server

"Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary’s Private Email Server; ‘A Mistake’ That Gets ‘Blown Up’"
Obama Whines About Criticism Of Hillary's Private Email Server; 'A Mistake' That Gets 'Blown Up'

"CHRIS WALLACE: In October, you were prepared to say you were prepared to say she hadn't jeopardized. And the question is, can you still say that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security.

WALLACE: Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she will not be, in any way, protected?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case. Full stop. Period.


HEGSETH: Bret, he went on to say that there's classified and then there's classified. Is the president setting the table here? Is he already meddling?"
After Obama Says He Is Not Influencing Email Investigation, Conservative Media Claim President Is “Tipping The Scale” For Clinton

Obama effectively pardons Hillary

Ex-DOJ official: Obama signaling FBI to back off Hillary

I bet you were you enraged about Obama obstructing justice, huh?
The deeper shit the Tramp gets himself into the more frequent nutjobs like this bonehead deflects to Obama or Hillary.

I find that the vulgarity that you post is so disgusting, that even a reading of same need be followed by a full course of penicillin.

As a personal favor, any posts to me.
Do you enjoy the asparagus laden turds of Tramp's to eat or his fast food diet turds?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Here is the deal under the law if Comey believed Trump was trying to obstruct justice he was required to inform the DOJ if he believed that and didn't do so he has a problem on the other hand if he didn't believe that then this whole memo story is a whole lot of nothing.

I've been reading that Comey was obligated to inform the DOJ if he felt the investigation was being stymied in anyway. Ruh roh.
I've been reading that trying to obstruct justice is against the law.

The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh.

A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????
The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh

I posted this:
"A US President attempting to obstruct justice?????"

You linked to it, and posted this:
"The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- blah blah blah...."

Time for a teachable moment:

non se·qui·tur
ˌnän ˈsekwədər/
  1. a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement. Google

Is it old age, or are you always this stupid?
That's the weakest excuse ever for defending your criminal president and hoping someone else takes the blame.
You'd be a loyal compatriot for Mussolini or Hitler.

Nope....I'd have shot either one of them on sight same as my dad wanted to do after Normandy. Again, you don't know your ass from a pina colada, punk.
Here is the deal under the law if Comey believed Trump was trying to obstruct justice he was required to inform the DOJ if he believed that and didn't do so he has a problem on the other hand if he didn't believe that then this whole memo story is a whole lot of nothing.

I've been reading that Comey was obligated to inform the DOJ if he felt the investigation was being stymied in anyway. Ruh roh.
I've been reading that trying to obstruct justice is against the law.

The ONLY way Comey is guilty of anything- is if Trump is found guilty of obstructing justice.

ruh roh.
No he's admitted inadvertantly that he's been obstructing justice all along when he allowed Hillary to get away with destruction of evidence. His using the "she didn't know" excuse on her email server scandal is also problematic, because it shows here that he does not recognize that same standard.
He could open up a huge anount of contradictions and problems for himself if the Memo is true. So his trouble is not necessarilly attached in the way you are narrating.
sooooooooooo, I'll ask again.

has Lois been arrested yet ?


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