Commercials for Govt. Services.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2011
The other day I was driving home and I heard a commercial for the county library. The commercial was saying how over 6 million people use the library every year and there are over 450k adults taking free classes and also there are 50k kids in summer reading programs. I thought they were going to ask for donations or to become members or something but instead they were trying to get more people to come. Now who in this day and age doesn't know about libraries? I mean obviously at least 6 million people know. Did they have some extra money in the budget so they decided on a commercial?
I also heard another commercial not long ago promoting food stamps. Now it's one thing to offer the service but do we really need to be spending tax dollars to sell people on the idea of taking more tax dollars?
I guess you never heard or seen all the ads pimping for people to get on food stamps, WIC, Medicare, etcetera, huh?
The other day I was driving home and I heard a commercial for the county library. The commercial was saying how over 6 million people use the library every year and there are over 450k adults taking free classes and also there are 50k kids in summer reading programs. I thought they were going to ask for donations or to become members or something but instead they were trying to get more people to come. Now who in this day and age doesn't know about libraries? I mean obviously at least 6 million people know. Did they have some extra money in the budget so they decided on a commercial?
I also heard another commercial not long ago promoting food stamps. Now it's one thing to offer the service but do we really need to be spending tax dollars to sell people on the idea of taking more tax dollars?

"I also heard another commercial not long ago promoting food stamps. Now it's one thing to offer the service but do we really need to be spending tax dollars to sell people on the idea of taking more tax dollars?"

You do if your running a rapidly sinking and ever desperate campaign to stay in the White House at any cost.

You really don't think the administration actually cares about people on food stamps, do you?
The other day I was driving home and I heard a commercial for the county library. The commercial was saying how over 6 million people use the library every year and there are over 450k adults taking free classes and also there are 50k kids in summer reading programs. I thought they were going to ask for donations or to become members or something but instead they were trying to get more people to come. Now who in this day and age doesn't know about libraries? I mean obviously at least 6 million people know. Did they have some extra money in the budget so they decided on a commercial?
I also heard another commercial not long ago promoting food stamps. Now it's one thing to offer the service but do we really need to be spending tax dollars to sell people on the idea of taking more tax dollars?

The ones that irritate me the most are the ones which tout "the new healthcare law". :mad:
Obamacare was utterly PARTISAN. So, they're not simply informing people about a program, rather... they're using OUR taxpayer dollars for political purposes. There's no mistaking the fact that Democrats would be the beneficiaries if they could somehow convince America that the healthcare debacle was acceptable. And without bipartisan support for the legislation, I honestly don't see how it's not illegal for them to just help themselves to OUR money in such a plainly self-serving endeavor.
I guess you never heard or seen all the ads pimping for people to get on food stamps, WIC, Medicare, etcetera, huh?

I heard one of those on the radio but it was being played by a local host. I don't watch but a few shows and I fast forward all the commercials. I think it's shameless pandering though.
The other day I was driving home and I heard a commercial for the county library. The commercial was saying how over 6 million people use the library every year and there are over 450k adults taking free classes and also there are 50k kids in summer reading programs. I thought they were going to ask for donations or to become members or something but instead they were trying to get more people to come. Now who in this day and age doesn't know about libraries? I mean obviously at least 6 million people know. Did they have some extra money in the budget so they decided on a commercial?
I also heard another commercial not long ago promoting food stamps. Now it's one thing to offer the service but do we really need to be spending tax dollars to sell people on the idea of taking more tax dollars?

Then there's the whole Census Bureau/Super Bowl ad fiasco.
I saw a commercial about joining the Army...

Who doesnt know about the army?
What was once a nutter whinefest........has become a liberal laugh-in.

Some things never change.
PSAs are free.

The airtime may be free but what about production costs?

What "production"? Reading off a card?

cameras, sound, lighting, actors, wardrobe, writers, director, food service, and a host of other costs. Do you honestly think anything is free? I would almost gaurantee that when they find out it's the government paying they double the costs too.

Even besides that they are promoting services we should be downplaying as a last resort with the foodstamps and welfare commercials.

It's funny how the socialists/progressives show up to defend the practice though.

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