Commiefornia votes to ban schools from starting before 8:30am

Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
There's some pretty significant research behind the idea. Teens are biologically predisposed to stay up late. Sending them to bed earlier doesn't usually result in them going to sleep earlier. A later start time means more alert students and better results for said students.

Why are you against this?
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?
really--? you don't know?
.....they are trying to be PARENTS--that's not the government's job and it doesn't work! other members said, the kids will just stay up later's like MObama's school lunch program--looks good on paper, but does not work in reality
...if my kids went to a public school and the government tried to force/tell my kids what to eat, there would be a lot of fireworks they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?
really--? you don't know?
.....they are trying to be PARENTS--that's not the government's job and it doesn't work! other members said, the kids will just stay up later's like MObama's school lunch program--looks good on paper, but does not work in reality
...if my kids went to a public school and the government tried to force/tell my kids what to eat, there would be a lot of fireworks they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha

Were they trying to be PARENTS when they set the start time to before 8?

What is magical about starting before 8?

For the record my son's high school starts at 7:20, middle school at 8:30 and elementary at 9:30, but they use the same buses for all grades which is why it is spaced that way.
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?
really--? you don't know?
.....they are trying to be PARENTS--that's not the government's job and it doesn't work! other members said, the kids will just stay up later's like MObama's school lunch program--looks good on paper, but does not work in reality
...if my kids went to a public school and the government tried to force/tell my kids what to eat, there would be a lot of fireworks they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha
They are responding to scientific data in a responsible way. You can still keep your kids up till midnight if it suits you.
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?

The problem is government making law in exchange for personal decisions.

The government sets the time that schools start, they always have. What makes 7:30 any more magical than 8:30?
see previous posts

Your previous post had an error... they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha

Seems they are doing just the opposite, they have admitted that kids do not go to sleep on time so they are trying to give them more sleep time. Probably will not work, but seems such a minor thing.

Why is before 8 some magical number?
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?
really--? you don't know?
.....they are trying to be PARENTS--that's not the government's job and it doesn't work! other members said, the kids will just stay up later's like MObama's school lunch program--looks good on paper, but does not work in reality
...if my kids went to a public school and the government tried to force/tell my kids what to eat, there would be a lot of fireworks they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha
They are responding to scientific data in a responsible way. You can still keep your kids up till midnight if it suits you.

LMAO @ "scientific data". It's more leftist BS
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?

The problem is government making law in exchange for personal decisions.

The government sets the time that schools start, they always have. What makes 7:30 any more magical than 8:30?
see previous posts

Your previous post had an error... they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha

Seems they are doing just the opposite, they have admitted that kids do not go to sleep on time so they are trying to give them more sleep time. Probably will not work, but seems such a minor thing.

Why is before 8 some magical number?
they just wasted and will waste state $$$$$ on EXACTLY what you say---a minor thing--a minor thing that will fail
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?
really--? you don't know?
.....they are trying to be PARENTS--that's not the government's job and it doesn't work! other members said, the kids will just stay up later's like MObama's school lunch program--looks good on paper, but does not work in reality
...if my kids went to a public school and the government tried to force/tell my kids what to eat, there would be a lot of fireworks they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha
They are responding to scientific data in a responsible way. You can still keep your kids up till midnight if it suits you.

LMAO @ "scientific data". It's more leftist BS
I know you are a conservative science denier but there is real peer reviewed reasearch on the matter under discussion.

Delaying School Starting Time by One Hour: Some Effects on Attention Levels in Adolescents

Not that any of you conservitards will bother to read it.
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?

The problem is government making law in exchange for personal decisions.

The government sets the time that schools start, they always have. What makes 7:30 any more magical than 8:30?

Each school district should be making their own decision on this. Transportation equipment, local traffic, where the kids are coming from, where the staff is coming from, these are all factors. In farming communities, the kids have already been up since 5 a.m. to milk the damn cows.

Implementing statewide start times- especially in such a diverse state with so many communities like California- is actually pretty freaking stupid.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
Another direct assault upon women working.
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?

The problem is government making law in exchange for personal decisions.
Lol, who do you think decided on 7:30 as the start time?

Well if you read the OP, many citizens think that should be left up to the locals and school board as it always has been. Now the state is trying to overrule what the locals decide.
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?
really--? you don't know?
.....they are trying to be PARENTS--that's not the government's job and it doesn't work! other members said, the kids will just stay up later's like MObama's school lunch program--looks good on paper, but does not work in reality
...if my kids went to a public school and the government tried to force/tell my kids what to eat, there would be a lot of fireworks they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha
They are responding to scientific data in a responsible way. You can still keep your kids up till midnight if it suits you.
nothing will change
the kids/parents who were responsible enough to go to bed early will
the others will not
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?

The problem is government making law in exchange for personal decisions.

The government sets the time that schools start, they always have. What makes 7:30 any more magical than 8:30?
see previous posts

Your previous post had an error... they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha

Seems they are doing just the opposite, they have admitted that kids do not go to sleep on time so they are trying to give them more sleep time. Probably will not work, but seems such a minor thing.

Why is before 8 some magical number?

Gee for someone who claims n
They cite a study that says kids starting school later produces better results. But I guess all those illegals they take in that are holding up classes because they can't speak English is not the problem.

Sorta hard to learn when you can't understand the lesson being taught

That’s why they learn English.

Lot of them can't utter a syllable of it
For the record my son's high school starts at 7:20, middle school at 8:30 and elementary at 9:30, but they use the same buses for all grades which is why it is spaced that way.

That is eminently sensible. Setting up a schedule based on the staff and equipment available.

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