Commiefornia votes to ban schools from starting before 8:30am

Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
Actually...instead of calling it commie, which it isn’t...consider the merits because there are are some. It has nothing to do with preparing kids for the adult world because Kids are not adults. Not physiologically, not mentally, and not developmentally and not with what their bodies and brains need. The problem with early start times now is their day doesn’t start then. It starts much much earlier with hours simply spent on a bus. Start times are now staggered to accommodate bussing and that is a big driver behind these increasingly early start times.

You and I are probably the same age or close I think. Every school I went to I either walked, biked or had a bus ride that was maybe half an hour. I don’t think that is the case any. School consolidation means kids have to be up much earlier, get back much later and when you add in all the extra curricular stuff kids do these days along with homework, early to bed isn’t early enough. If you want to insist on comparing it to adults...the average work schedule is between 8 and 5, but school starts even earlier?

Some interesting info....

Later School Start Times: Lazy or Legit?

So adults don't have to wake up early to get ready for work, eat breakfast, commute to work?

I start at 7:00 am but I'm up at 5:30 to get ready for the day. Granted I do stay up until 11:00 pm or so, but I usually take an hour or two nap when I get home from work. I don't sacrifice sleep for anything because of how important it is.

Time is just a number. For those trying to site liberal studies that says kids do better because they start later, then WTF do they do when the time changes twice a year? After all, if they start school at 8:30 now, what do they do when time changes back and they are at school 7:30 the old time? It sounds like a farce to me.

Sure, people like to stay up late. I know I do, and I'm 58 years old! But the world doesn't revolve around me. My boss says be here at 7:00, I better be there at 7:00. It's discipline; something we should be teaching our kids; especially in the high school years.

We're the same age then :p

Why do you call them liberal studies? They aren't partisan.

Because liberal studies are FOS. Time is just a number. In other words, if the entire country moved the clocks back two hours, we would all adjust and continue living our normal lives. It's like the example I gave of time change. When the clocks go back or forth an hour, we still wake up at X time and go to bed at X time.

It's not the clock on the wall, it's lack of discipline that keeps kids up. It's mental, not physical.

I don't think it's that simple Ray. We're not saying LESS schooling, we're saying don't start so early - keep in mind a start time of 7:30 is usually preceded by an hours worth of bussing. Something neither you nor I likely had to contend with.

In this particular case - is it really so bad? What if it was Alabama that decided to do this instead of California. Would it be Commiebama?
They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work.

That's right, and thanks to those sheep dip, now those kids will be getting home a half hour later and have less daylight to go out and play, less time in the evening, so will probably end up staying up later at night and end up getting no more sleep anyway.


I knew I should have kept it, the other day I was rifling through a website with old and rare pictures. One of them was a B&W photo taken years ago of kids in another country I think who on their way to school had to cross a river and THEY PULLED THEM ACROSS THE RIVER ON A CABLE USING HAND DRIVEN PULLEYS.

CAN YOU IMAGINE someone sending their kid to school today and telling them or letting someone else tell them they had to literally PULL THEMSELVES across a river BY HAND hanging on a wire over raging water?

I don't think kids today could even do it. We have protected them all into being worthless pussies who think a problem is their smartphone battery's gone dead.

I found it!

View attachment 214208

I have one better. We were in the low 90's on this day:

Too hot for class: More schools added to closing list for Tuesday

You're kidding. Never heard of it being too hot for school! Or too cold. Must be worried about a lawsuit. Low 90's is hot but not THAT hot! Don't the buses have AC? The schools? So what is left but the short walk home, and half of them get picked up by their mommies anyway.

When I was a kid, you waited at the bus stop no matter what. I remember buses being 30 minutes late because the snow was so bad and we weren't allowed to go home. Come hell or high water, that bus got there with chains on and got you to school. And you went.

That's the point. Up north, we do have a lot of days kids don't go to school because of snow, but then they advanced it to being too cold outside. Now too hot outside. WTF can kids go to school anyway?

Like this law, we keep pandering to these children and that will have an affect on their adult life, because work doesn't pander to people. You need to do whatever it takes to make your employer happy.

I went to a private Catholic school; this was back in the 60's and early 70's. Our school didn't even have a fan yet alone AC. We wore dress pants and white dress shirts buttoned to the top so we could wear our mandated ties. On hot days, they let us take off the ties, but the windows were open and we just sweat it out.

Believe it or not, nobody ever died from it.

We did not have airconditioning either...but then, we did not START back until September - not August, September and we ended early June, before hot weather really set in.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
Actually...instead of calling it commie, which it isn’t...consider the merits because there are are some. It has nothing to do with preparing kids for the adult world because Kids are not adults. Not physiologically, not mentally, and not developmentally and not with what their bodies and brains need. The problem with early start times now is their day doesn’t start then. It starts much much earlier with hours simply spent on a bus. Start times are now staggered to accommodate bussing and that is a big driver behind these increasingly early start times.

You and I are probably the same age or close I think. Every school I went to I either walked, biked or had a bus ride that was maybe half an hour. I don’t think that is the case any. School consolidation means kids have to be up much earlier, get back much later and when you add in all the extra curricular stuff kids do these days along with homework, early to bed isn’t early enough. If you want to insist on comparing it to adults...the average work schedule is between 8 and 5, but school starts even earlier?

Some interesting info....

Later School Start Times: Lazy or Legit?

So adults don't have to wake up early to get ready for work, eat breakfast, commute to work?

I start at 7:00 am but I'm up at 5:30 to get ready for the day. Granted I do stay up until 11:00 pm or so, but I usually take an hour or two nap when I get home from work. I don't sacrifice sleep for anything because of how important it is.

Time is just a number. For those trying to site liberal studies that says kids do better because they start later, then WTF do they do when the time changes twice a year? After all, if they start school at 8:30 now, what do they do when time changes back and they are at school 7:30 the old time? It sounds like a farce to me.

Sure, people like to stay up late. I know I do, and I'm 58 years old! But the world doesn't revolve around me. My boss says be here at 7:00, I better be there at 7:00. It's discipline; something we should be teaching our kids; especially in the high school years.

We're the same age then :p

Why do you call them liberal studies? They aren't partisan.

Because liberal studies are FOS. Time is just a number. In other words, if the entire country moved the clocks back two hours, we would all adjust and continue living our normal lives. It's like the example I gave of time change. When the clocks go back or forth an hour, we still wake up at X time and go to bed at X time.

It's not the clock on the wall, it's lack of discipline that keeps kids up. It's mental, not physical.

I don't think it's that simple Ray. We're not saying LESS schooling, we're saying don't start so early - keep in mind a start time of 7:30 is usually preceded by an hours worth of bussing. Something neither you nor I likely had to contend with.

In this particular case - is it really so bad? What if it was Alabama that decided to do this instead of California. Would it be Commiebama?

Oh please. This is just one item in a laundry list of idiocy in that state. The point here is that there was a legislative process that took place to pander to kids who didn't want to go to sleep on time. It's lunacy. As the OP pointed out, parents of these children were unhappy with the decision (If Brown signs it) because they rightfully felt that it was up to them or their school board to make such a decision--not the state.
They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work.

That's right, and thanks to those sheep dip, now those kids will be getting home a half hour later and have less daylight to go out and play, less time in the evening, so will probably end up staying up later at night and end up getting no more sleep anyway.


I knew I should have kept it, the other day I was rifling through a website with old and rare pictures. One of them was a B&W photo taken years ago of kids in another country I think who on their way to school had to cross a river and THEY PULLED THEM ACROSS THE RIVER ON A CABLE USING HAND DRIVEN PULLEYS.

CAN YOU IMAGINE someone sending their kid to school today and telling them or letting someone else tell them they had to literally PULL THEMSELVES across a river BY HAND hanging on a wire over raging water?

I don't think kids today could even do it. We have protected them all into being worthless pussies who think a problem is their smartphone battery's gone dead.

I found it!

View attachment 214208

I have one better. We were in the low 90's on this day:

Too hot for class: More schools added to closing list for Tuesday

You're kidding. Never heard of it being too hot for school! Or too cold. Must be worried about a lawsuit. Low 90's is hot but not THAT hot! Don't the buses have AC? The schools? So what is left but the short walk home, and half of them get picked up by their mommies anyway.

When I was a kid, you waited at the bus stop no matter what. I remember buses being 30 minutes late because the snow was so bad and we weren't allowed to go home. Come hell or high water, that bus got there with chains on and got you to school. And you went.

That's the point. Up north, we do have a lot of days kids don't go to school because of snow, but then they advanced it to being too cold outside. Now too hot outside. WTF can kids go to school anyway?

Like this law, we keep pandering to these children and that will have an affect on their adult life, because work doesn't pander to people. You need to do whatever it takes to make your employer happy.

I went to a private Catholic school; this was back in the 60's and early 70's. Our school didn't even have a fan yet alone AC. We wore dress pants and white dress shirts buttoned to the top so we could wear our mandated ties. On hot days, they let us take off the ties, but the windows were open and we just sweat it out.

Believe it or not, nobody ever died from it.

We did not have airconditioning either...but then, we did not START back until September - not August, September and we ended early June, before hot weather really set in.

Well we could do that because we didn't take so much time off for bad weather. Now, kids have to go to school longer to makeup all those lost days.
That's right, and thanks to those sheep dip, now those kids will be getting home a half hour later and have less daylight to go out and play, less time in the evening, so will probably end up staying up later at night and end up getting no more sleep anyway.


I knew I should have kept it, the other day I was rifling through a website with old and rare pictures. One of them was a B&W photo taken years ago of kids in another country I think who on their way to school had to cross a river and THEY PULLED THEM ACROSS THE RIVER ON A CABLE USING HAND DRIVEN PULLEYS.

CAN YOU IMAGINE someone sending their kid to school today and telling them or letting someone else tell them they had to literally PULL THEMSELVES across a river BY HAND hanging on a wire over raging water?

I don't think kids today could even do it. We have protected them all into being worthless pussies who think a problem is their smartphone battery's gone dead.

I found it!

View attachment 214208

I have one better. We were in the low 90's on this day:

Too hot for class: More schools added to closing list for Tuesday

You're kidding. Never heard of it being too hot for school! Or too cold. Must be worried about a lawsuit. Low 90's is hot but not THAT hot! Don't the buses have AC? The schools? So what is left but the short walk home, and half of them get picked up by their mommies anyway.

When I was a kid, you waited at the bus stop no matter what. I remember buses being 30 minutes late because the snow was so bad and we weren't allowed to go home. Come hell or high water, that bus got there with chains on and got you to school. And you went.

That's the point. Up north, we do have a lot of days kids don't go to school because of snow, but then they advanced it to being too cold outside. Now too hot outside. WTF can kids go to school anyway?

Like this law, we keep pandering to these children and that will have an affect on their adult life, because work doesn't pander to people. You need to do whatever it takes to make your employer happy.

I went to a private Catholic school; this was back in the 60's and early 70's. Our school didn't even have a fan yet alone AC. We wore dress pants and white dress shirts buttoned to the top so we could wear our mandated ties. On hot days, they let us take off the ties, but the windows were open and we just sweat it out.

Believe it or not, nobody ever died from it.

We did not have airconditioning either...but then, we did not START back until September - not August, September and we ended early June, before hot weather really set in.

Well we could do that because we didn't take so much time off for bad weather. Now, kids have to go to school longer to makeup all those lost days.

I'm not sure what to make of that. I think some of it is greater amounts of bussing, which is more affected by the weather.
I have one better. We were in the low 90's on this day:

Too hot for class: More schools added to closing list for Tuesday

You're kidding. Never heard of it being too hot for school! Or too cold. Must be worried about a lawsuit. Low 90's is hot but not THAT hot! Don't the buses have AC? The schools? So what is left but the short walk home, and half of them get picked up by their mommies anyway.

When I was a kid, you waited at the bus stop no matter what. I remember buses being 30 minutes late because the snow was so bad and we weren't allowed to go home. Come hell or high water, that bus got there with chains on and got you to school. And you went.

That's the point. Up north, we do have a lot of days kids don't go to school because of snow, but then they advanced it to being too cold outside. Now too hot outside. WTF can kids go to school anyway?

Like this law, we keep pandering to these children and that will have an affect on their adult life, because work doesn't pander to people. You need to do whatever it takes to make your employer happy.

I went to a private Catholic school; this was back in the 60's and early 70's. Our school didn't even have a fan yet alone AC. We wore dress pants and white dress shirts buttoned to the top so we could wear our mandated ties. On hot days, they let us take off the ties, but the windows were open and we just sweat it out.

Believe it or not, nobody ever died from it.

We did not have airconditioning either...but then, we did not START back until September - not August, September and we ended early June, before hot weather really set in.

Well we could do that because we didn't take so much time off for bad weather. Now, kids have to go to school longer to makeup all those lost days.

I'm not sure what to make of that. I think some of it is greater amounts of bussing, which is more affected by the weather.

The only bus I ever took was public transportation when I had to go to high school which was over five miles away. It only took 15 minutes or so.

Other than that, I walked to my primary and junior high schools. In this law that was passed, they gave a waiver to schools that served communities outside of the cities.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

I hardly see why this is such a big deal
Because it stops the advanced classes that high achieving students get to take. Now those students are locked in to the same crap classes as everyone else.
Why on earth would you think that? You just pull that out of your butt?


It’s her daily lie.
You're kidding. Never heard of it being too hot for school! Or too cold. Must be worried about a lawsuit. Low 90's is hot but not THAT hot! Don't the buses have AC? The schools? So what is left but the short walk home, and half of them get picked up by their mommies anyway.

When I was a kid, you waited at the bus stop no matter what. I remember buses being 30 minutes late because the snow was so bad and we weren't allowed to go home. Come hell or high water, that bus got there with chains on and got you to school. And you went.

That's the point. Up north, we do have a lot of days kids don't go to school because of snow, but then they advanced it to being too cold outside. Now too hot outside. WTF can kids go to school anyway?

Like this law, we keep pandering to these children and that will have an affect on their adult life, because work doesn't pander to people. You need to do whatever it takes to make your employer happy.

I went to a private Catholic school; this was back in the 60's and early 70's. Our school didn't even have a fan yet alone AC. We wore dress pants and white dress shirts buttoned to the top so we could wear our mandated ties. On hot days, they let us take off the ties, but the windows were open and we just sweat it out.

Believe it or not, nobody ever died from it.

We did not have airconditioning either...but then, we did not START back until September - not August, September and we ended early June, before hot weather really set in.

Well we could do that because we didn't take so much time off for bad weather. Now, kids have to go to school longer to makeup all those lost days.

I'm not sure what to make of that. I think some of it is greater amounts of bussing, which is more affected by the weather.

The only bus I ever took was public transportation when I had to go to high school which was over five miles away. It only took 15 minutes or so.

Other than that, I walked to my primary and junior high schools. In this law that was passed, they gave a waiver to schools that served communities outside of the cities.

I was able to walk to all my schools but one, and it was a brief bus ride.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

I hardly see why this is such a big deal
Because it stops the advanced classes that high achieving students get to take. Now those students are locked in to the same crap classes as everyone else.
Why on earth would you think that? You just pull that out of your butt?


It’s her daily lie.
Advanced classes start at 6am. My stepdaughter was in advanced classes. With this new rule classes can't start before 8:30 am. Those classes are now over. The most achieving students are locked into the same classes as the rest.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

Local governments set the starting time now.

Government is government is government.

The government of Florida passed a law that forbade schools from starting before the third Monday in August. That was a Republican government that did this because parents were getting pissed off that school was starting earlier and earlier.

Or was that due to the heat down there?

No. Schools started moving the start date forward so they could prepare for the FCAT, which helps determine school funding based on a school’s composite score. Some schools had moved their start date from the third or fourth week in August to the first week. Parents got very upset, so the Republican legislature passed a law that no school could start classes until the third Monday in August. This was about 10 years ago.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

I hardly see why this is such a big deal
Because it stops the advanced classes that high achieving students get to take. Now those students are locked in to the same crap classes as everyone else.
Why on earth would you think that? You just pull that out of your butt?


It’s her daily lie.
Advanced classes start at 6am. My stepdaughter was in advanced classes. With this new rule classes can't start before 8:30 am. Those classes are now over. The most achieving students are locked into the same classes as the rest.

If you read the article it states that such classes do not fall under the rule. :290968001256257790-final:
at the end of the day, if you RW idiots dont have children IN SCHOOL - IN CALIFORNIA YOU DONT HAVE A DOG IN THIS HUNT !!!!

so please, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

at the end of the day, if you RW idiots dont have children IN SCHOOL - IN CALIFORNIA YOU DONT HAVE A DOG IN THIS HUNT !!!!

so please, SHUT THE FUCK UP.


I know you leftist don't believe in a free country, but until we don't have one any longer, we can opine on any damn thing we want.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

Local governments set the starting time now.

Government is government is government.

The government of Florida passed a law that forbade schools from starting before the third Monday in August. That was a Republican government that did this because parents were getting pissed off that school was starting earlier and earlier.

Or was that due to the heat down there?

No. Schools started moving the start date forward so they could prepare for the FCAT, which helps determine school funding based on a school’s composite score. Some schools had moved their start date from the third or fourth week in August to the first week. Parents got very upset, so the Republican legislature passed a law that no school could start classes until the third Monday in August. This was about 10 years ago.

Well.......I never heard of that since it's not a federal thing and Republicans usually stay out of local matters, but I recall several times where some working parents wanted year round school because it was difficult to have their kids taken care of during the summer months. They basically wanted a public baby sitting service.
at the end of the day, if you RW idiots dont have children IN SCHOOL - IN CALIFORNIA YOU DONT HAVE A DOG IN THIS HUNT !!!!

so please, SHUT THE FUCK UP.


I know you leftist don't believe in a free country, but until we don't have one any longer, we can opine on any damn thing we want.

opine ?

owhine about totally irrelevant bullshit -

Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. ...
Ray, let's get our priorities in order!

First, prohibit daylight savings time!
2. Prohibit Jeans at school. If students show up in jeans, they should be required to remove them.
3. Hard-boiled eggs must always be peeled or otherwise “skinned” from the small end first.

Then, and only then should the United States Supreme Court determine upon the opening hours of all schools within our nation. I guess there ain't much happening in Cleveland?

Respectfully, Supposn
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. ...
Ray, let's get our priorities in order!

First, prohibit daylight savings time!
2. Prohibit Jeans at school. If students show up in jeans, they should be required to remove them.
3. Hard-boiled eggs must always be peeled or otherwise “skinned” from the small end first.

Then, and only then should the United States Supreme Court determine upon the opening hours of all schools within our nation. I guess there ain't much happening in Cleveland?

Respectfully, Supposn

What does the Supreme Court have to do with this? The Supreme Court decides on Constitutional issues--not school issues.

I'm all for keeping the clocks at daylight savings time.

School times and curriculums should be decided at the local level, not the state or national level.

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