Common Sense and Our Dangerous National Debt

Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending.

Tell me something. Has the government deficit been going up or down since Obama took office?

If down, how do you come to the conclusion the Democrats want to increase federal spending?

Also, during the 8 years of the Bush Administration, did Republicans increase or decrease federal spending?

If they increased it, how did you arrive at the conclusion that only Democrats increase federal spending?

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Look Moron, When Obama moved into the WHITE House federal revenue was way down and the deficit was way up because we were in a recession. As the private sector slowly drags us out of the recession in spite of the Obama Regime, Federal revenues go back up decreasing the deficit. Without Obama's roadblocks we would have been in a boom since 2010.
If the idiots wouldn't have voted for obie we would be discussing the Romney boom today. As it is they need to keep trying to convince us there is a good economy when nobody is actually living in one.
why dont we just print up about a million 10,000 bills and pay off the debt?
Only if I can do it at home...
and to think the IRS is up our butts over 2,000.00. but Obama's 18 trillion? are they sending him an "overdue bill"??
You know it does not flow from center to peripheral ..
Then why does the left always think some center group they hate can pay for their bullshit? The left never runs out of people that should pay the peripheral do they?
why dont we just print up about a million 10,000 bills and pay off the debt?
Only if I can do it at home...
hey, don't they make printers that print real legal money? can I buy one at Best Buy?
Sure, the hard part is getting the clothe just right for the bills....
at some point we will run out of trees/material/ink to print up the 30 trillion dollars we will owe come 2020. then what? file bankruptcy? I have an idea, lets sell the earth to a nearby alien planet.
why dont we just print up about a million 10,000 bills and pay off the debt?
Only if I can do it at home...
hey, don't they make printers that print real legal money? can I buy one at Best Buy?
Sure, the hard part is getting the clothe just right for the bills....
at some point we will run out of trees/material/ink to print up the 30 trillion dollars we will owe come 2020. then what? file bankruptcy? I have an idea, lets sell the earth to a nearby alien planet.
During Reagan we sold the US to Japan, it's been in recession ever since.......
why dont we just print up about a million 10,000 bills and pay off the debt?
Only if I can do it at home...
hey, don't they make printers that print real legal money? can I buy one at Best Buy?
Sure, the hard part is getting the clothe just right for the bills....
at some point we will run out of trees/material/ink to print up the 30 trillion dollars we will owe come 2020. then what? file bankruptcy? I have an idea, lets sell the earth to a nearby alien planet.
During Reagan we sold the US to Japan, it's been in recession ever since.......
I wonder how much Sarah Palin is worth to the aliens who abduct sexy white women for their {fill in the blank}. I would imagine her alien clones are worth 18 trillion in some nearby klingon planet. (dont know how to spell that planet mr spock lives on)
Only if I can do it at home...
hey, don't they make printers that print real legal money? can I buy one at Best Buy?
Sure, the hard part is getting the clothe just right for the bills....
at some point we will run out of trees/material/ink to print up the 30 trillion dollars we will owe come 2020. then what? file bankruptcy? I have an idea, lets sell the earth to a nearby alien planet.
During Reagan we sold the US to Japan, it's been in recession ever since.......
I wonder how much Sarah Palin is worth to the aliens who abduct sexy white women for their {fill in the blank}. I would imagine her alien clones are worth 18 trillion in some nearby klingon planet. (dont know how to spell that planet mr spock lives on)
Does Mars still need women?
hey, don't they make printers that print real legal money? can I buy one at Best Buy?
Sure, the hard part is getting the clothe just right for the bills....
at some point we will run out of trees/material/ink to print up the 30 trillion dollars we will owe come 2020. then what? file bankruptcy? I have an idea, lets sell the earth to a nearby alien planet.
During Reagan we sold the US to Japan, it's been in recession ever since.......
I wonder how much Sarah Palin is worth to the aliens who abduct sexy white women for their {fill in the blank}. I would imagine her alien clones are worth 18 trillion in some nearby klingon planet. (dont know how to spell that planet mr spock lives on)
Does Mars still need women?
ha ha ha, I can just vision President Scott Walker greeting the aliens somewhere in Nevada. They land on some strip, Sarah Palin is there along with maybe 20 other sexy white ladies, the Leader delivers a mile wide crate with 25 Trillion Dollars, then in exchange, the 20 or so ladies enter the ship, and a deal is made. Our Debt Is Paid Off!!!
I guess what the OP wants is to be like Bush and lower taxes, start two wars, and expand medicare. That really brought the budget under control, not.
Sure, the hard part is getting the clothe just right for the bills....
at some point we will run out of trees/material/ink to print up the 30 trillion dollars we will owe come 2020. then what? file bankruptcy? I have an idea, lets sell the earth to a nearby alien planet.
During Reagan we sold the US to Japan, it's been in recession ever since.......
I wonder how much Sarah Palin is worth to the aliens who abduct sexy white women for their {fill in the blank}. I would imagine her alien clones are worth 18 trillion in some nearby klingon planet. (dont know how to spell that planet mr spock lives on)
Does Mars still need women?
ha ha ha, I can just vision President Scott Walker greeting the aliens somewhere in Nevada. They land on some strip, Sarah Palin is there along with maybe 20 other sexy white ladies, the Leader delivers a mile wide crate with 25 Trillion Dollars, then in exchange, the 20 or so ladies enter the ship, and a deal is made. Our Debt Is Paid Off!!!
Maybe they grow weed on the space ship??
at some point we will run out of trees/material/ink to print up the 30 trillion dollars we will owe come 2020. then what? file bankruptcy? I have an idea, lets sell the earth to a nearby alien planet.
During Reagan we sold the US to Japan, it's been in recession ever since.......
I wonder how much Sarah Palin is worth to the aliens who abduct sexy white women for their {fill in the blank}. I would imagine her alien clones are worth 18 trillion in some nearby klingon planet. (dont know how to spell that planet mr spock lives on)
Does Mars still need women?
ha ha ha, I can just vision President Scott Walker greeting the aliens somewhere in Nevada. They land on some strip, Sarah Palin is there along with maybe 20 other sexy white ladies, the Leader delivers a mile wide crate with 25 Trillion Dollars, then in exchange, the 20 or so ladies enter the ship, and a deal is made. Our Debt Is Paid Off!!!
Maybe they grow weed on the space ship??
yah, maybe they can give us 25 trillion in thousand dollar bills, and 90 tons of pot? how much is the street value of that?
The debt has only been paid off once in our history and that with a Democratic president.
even I knew the war wasn't going to work in 2003. that was the start of our downfall. although the economy was fine after the war, we blew our profits on the war right thru 2008. then Pelosi/Reid came into power and made things so much worse.
Until the Republicans finally forced Obama to agree to some spending restraint in 2013, Obama was shattering Bush's spending record. From January 2009 to October 2013, Obama piled up more debt than Bush did in his entire 8 years.

What is galling is to see Obama and the Dems proudly noting that the deficit has fallen over the last year and a half, when the deficit would still be rising if they had had their way in the budget battles. This is like when Obama took credit for the increase in domestic oil production when there would have been no increase if his suit against the North Dakota drilling had succeeded.

Again, until the Republicans finally gathered up some nerve and played hardball to get Obama to agree to some modest spending restraint, Obama and the Dems were spending like drunken sailors.

Finally, I saw someone make the argument that the only time the national debt was paid off was under a Democratic president. Gosh, are you serious? That was Andrew Jackson, and that was in the days when the Democratic Party was the conservative party. Jackson was a fiscal hawk and a strong opponent of federal control of banks, the national bank, fiat currency, etc., etc.
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At latest count, we are now $18 trillion in debt, which is more than our GDP, and the government continues to run a deficit of around half a trillion dollars each year.

Common sense and basic math tell us that we will never get out of debt unless we first stop going into debt.

Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending.

It's funny you say that when half that debt was incurred by Republican Presidents and Congresses.

Why don't you speak the WHOLE truth? You can't get to the solution unless you start from the WHOLE truth.
Remember Grover Norquist? He coerced Republican candidates to sign a "no tax increase" pledge. Remember that?

Tell me something. Didja ever notice he never had them sign a "no spending increase" pledge?


Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.
common sense tells me the debt must not be too dangerous, not a single politician ever does a damn thing about it ..


wake me up when they do.

Until the Republicans finally forced Obama to agree to some spending restraint in 2013, Obama was shattering Bush's spending record. From January 2009 to October 2013, Obama piled up more debt than Bush did in his entire 8 years.

What is galling is to see Obama and the Dems proudly noting that the deficit has fallen over the last year and a half, when the deficit would still be rising if they had had their way in the budget battles. This is like when Obama took credit for the increase in domestic oil production when there would have been no increase if his suit against the North Dakota drilling had succeeded.

Again, until the Republicans finally gathered up some nerve and played hardball to get Obama to agree to some modest spending restraint, Obama and the Dems were spending like drunken sailors.

Finally, I saw someone make the argument that the only time the national debt was paid off was under a Democratic president. Gosh, are you serious? That was Andrew Jackson, and that was in the days when the Democratic Party was the conservative party. Jackson was a fiscal hawk and a strong opponent of federal control of banks, the national bank, fiat currency, etc., etc.

The only significant spending increases the Democrats made into law were the stimulus bills. Also the Republicans were against limiting increases in military spending, let alone reducing military spending.

The stimulus was a temporary thing and was in direct co-relation with the 2008 crash. You never made mention of the fact that the first 3 years of Obama's presidency were part of the Recession in which government revenues shrink naturally anyway, thus adding to the deficit (and in effect debt)

Other reasons for the high deficit were the two wars in the middle east were finally calculated into the budget rather then their costs being hidden, and also Obama agreeing to extend the Bush Tax Cuts in 2010.

Finally the Republicans did not play hardball and got Obama to agree to nothing.....the sequestration was never meant to be enacted but it was because the two sides could not agree to terms. The military cuts and tax increases which the GOP was against went into effect as did other spending cuts that the GOP was against as well. It's really not as black and white as you make it out to be, which frankly just makes it look like propaganda to an informed person.
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why dont we just print up about a million 10,000 bills and pay off the debt?
Only if I can do it at home...
hey, don't they make printers that print real legal money? can I buy one at Best Buy?
Sure, the hard part is getting the clothe just right for the bills....
at some point we will run out of trees/material/ink to print up the 30 trillion dollars we will owe come 2020. then what? file bankruptcy? I have an idea, lets sell the earth to a nearby alien planet.
You don't think they actually print that money do you?

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