Common Sense by Ed Koch


Aug 13, 2012
"There is only one common sense way to balance a budget: cut expenses and increase revenues in some combination. When cutting expenses, the government becomes subject to the charge of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and middle-class, because they receive a substantial portion of entitlements. Revenues can be raised in a number of ways. Increasing the taxes on the economically better off is sometimes called class warfare by the opponents.

The Democrats are reluctant to cut programs and expenses, and the Republicans are reluctant to increase taxes on the wealthy. Democrats don't want to hurt the poor and middle-class people. Some simply believe that Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid are so needed by those classes that they would rather go over the fiscal cliff thinking it is all a delusion perpetrated by the conservatives, especially the bankers and brokers of Wall Street.

Democrats and Republicans that are digging in their heels are clearly wrong and when we go over the cliff and they wake up, it will be too late.

We will pay the price of having our credit rating lowered, perhaps substantially. We will have to pay future higher interest costs to borrow money. Expenses will have to be reduced, but not in an orderly or consensual way, but more haphazardly and contested. Furthermore, unemployment, now down to 7.7 percent, will once again soar, and even the rich will not be protected in their investments. Surely no one in his right mind believes the Great Recession of the past few years was either easy to bear or good for the country and that we should facilitate a reoccurrence.

Both sides should do what they earlier tried to do and failed — select six members from each party in each House, a total of 24, and actually move into the Capitol. They should lock the doors and not come out until they have agreed on a budget. They should agree to expense reductions that are 3 to 1 over revenue increases, as set forth in the Simpson-Bowles plan. I believe if the parties cannot agree on a budget, they should accept the recommendations of Simpson-Bowles.

Normally, it is the president who submits a budget to the Congress for adoption. That won't work here. What the parties should do is each submit their plans to reduce expenses and raise revenues in order to meet an agreed-upon target that includes balancing the budget and paying down the national debt. The larger the goal, the better for the country, and in no event should the combination of revenue increases and expense reductions be less than the $4.0 trillion over 10 years as proposed by Simpson-Bowles. Indeed, it should be far higher.

Now some suggestions on revenues:

1. Impose the original $800 billion cost reduction on drug companies over 10 years foolishly reduced to $8 billion by the president, and allow Medicare to use its volume discount purchasing advantage.

2. Tax non-profit corporations. Much of their money, while not given to shareholders by way of dividends, is distributed to the employees who draw huge salaries. In an article that appeared in Bloomberg Markets Magazine authored by David Evans, there was a brilliant examination of the non-profits with this statement: "There are 1.63 million tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., according to the Urban Institute. Nonprofit charities reported revenue of $1.51 trillion in 2010 from donations, government grants and contracts. Zerbe says that the U.S. Treasury could collect tens of billions of dollars annually in taxes from nonprofits that make money essentially as for-profit companies."

3. Eliminate the carried interest loophole allowing hedge fund managers to pay 15 percent instead of regular rates on their incomes.

4. Raise the marginal tax rates on millionaires but not on those making less than $1 million annually. Living in New York City or other major cities is expensive. One is not super rich if making $250,000 a year, having two children in college at a cost that can reach $50,000 a year per child. A so-called millionaires' tax should apply to real millionaires.

5. Create a national stock transfer tax covering everyone, no matter where the stock is purchased or sold, that could raise billions over 10 years. Moving overseas cannot avoid the jurisdiction of the IRS.

6. Require all corporations retaining profits overseas to repatriate those monies within one or two years or be subject to a 15 percent annual surcharge, providing billions of dollars over the next 10 years.

On Social Security, my suggestions on expense reductions are:

1. Age eligibility should be adjusted upward. When it was adopted in 1935, people were expected to die at the age of 63, so most would not be eligible. We now live into our 80s with many of us reaching 100.

2. We should have a needs test on government payment eligibility.

On Medicare:

1. Medicare eligibility also should be based on financial need, and higher co-payments should be imposed.

2. Pending a revision of the tax code and an elimination of loopholes, use Mitt Romney's proposal of aggregating all loopholes and imposing a cap. Romney suggested $25,000.

If the Congress and the president do not agree on a balanced budget plan, then we should allow either the Simpson-Bowles plan to be adopted or permit the sequestration plan to take effect.

A sustainably balanced budget will encourage investment and productive activity by our businesses and citizens and produce economic growth, yielding a fiscal dividend of higher tax revenue and lower social costs.

When we balanced our budget in my first term, New York City began a renaissance that has continued to this day. We desperately need this outcome for our country.

Kicking the can down the road should not be an option. If the Congress and the president don't agree on a budget and expense reductions and revenue increases for the next 10 years before the new year, they will have violated their fundamental duty to protect us and our country, and they and their parties should be punished at the polls."

Mr. President, Members of Congress Do Your Duty
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Ed Koch was always a lib. Therefore totally ignorant of economics. Let's see how well taxing non profits, which includes churches and universities, goes down.
It may not be a perfect plan but he at least has one.

The GOP has a plan. Cato Institute has a plan. Plans are like assholes.
But a plan has to:
1) Accomplish or mostly accomplish the goals
2) Have some chance of being enacted.

Koch's does neither.
Imposing a stock transfer tax, a wet dream of the Left, will kill whatever is left of a stock market here. Money is international and moves quickly. Traders will find some other venue, like the Bahamas, for their trading. Taxing non profits is simply a non-starter. It would destroy all non profits in this country. The salaries they pay out to employees is already taxed as income. Requiring companies to repatriate profits will lead to fewer profits, not more tax revenue.
I could go on and on here.
My only point is that here is a former mayor offering his opinion and actually having a plan to back it up unlike so many pundits out there. One can argue the merits and the feasibility but that's the case for any plan, which is why we are seeing the gridlock that we are.

Two plans, each saying the other's won't work. Same concept as saying Koch's won't. Who knows who really is right? Each side naturally will say they are.
"There is only one common sense way to balance a budget: cut expenses and increase revenues in some combination. When cutting expenses, the government becomes subject to the charge of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and middle-class, because they receive a substantial portion of entitlements. Revenues can be raised in a number of ways. Increasing the taxes on the economically better off is sometimes called class warfare by the opponents.

The Democrats are reluctant to cut programs and expenses, and the Republicans are reluctant to increase taxes on the wealthy. Democrats don't want to hurt the poor and middle-class people. Some simply believe that Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid are so needed by those classes that they would rather go over the fiscal cliff thinking it is all a delusion perpetrated by the conservatives, especially the bankers and brokers of Wall Street.

Democrats and Republicans that are digging in their heels are clearly wrong and when we go over the cliff and they wake up, it will be too late.

We will pay the price of having our credit rating lowered, perhaps substantially. We will have to pay future higher interest costs to borrow money. Expenses will have to be reduced, but not in an orderly or consensual way, but more haphazardly and contested. Furthermore, unemployment, now down to 7.7 percent, will once again soar, and even the rich will not be protected in their investments. Surely no one in his right mind believes the Great Recession of the past few years was either easy to bear or good for the country and that we should facilitate a reoccurrence.

Both sides should do what they earlier tried to do and failed — select six members from each party in each House, a total of 24, and actually move into the Capitol. They should lock the doors and not come out until they have agreed on a budget. They should agree to expense reductions that are 3 to 1 over revenue increases, as set forth in the Simpson-Bowles plan. I believe if the parties cannot agree on a budget, they should accept the recommendations of Simpson-Bowles.

Normally, it is the president who submits a budget to the Congress for adoption. That won't work here. What the parties should do is each submit their plans to reduce expenses and raise revenues in order to meet an agreed-upon target that includes balancing the budget and paying down the national debt. The larger the goal, the better for the country, and in no event should the combination of revenue increases and expense reductions be less than the $4.0 trillion over 10 years as proposed by Simpson-Bowles. Indeed, it should be far higher.

Now some suggestions on revenues:

1. Impose the original $800 billion cost reduction on drug companies over 10 years foolishly reduced to $8 billion by the president, and allow Medicare to use its volume discount purchasing advantage.

2. Tax non-profit corporations. Much of their money, while not given to shareholders by way of dividends, is distributed to the employees who draw huge salaries. In an article that appeared in Bloomberg Markets Magazine authored by David Evans, there was a brilliant examination of the non-profits with this statement: "There are 1.63 million tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., according to the Urban Institute. Nonprofit charities reported revenue of $1.51 trillion in 2010 from donations, government grants and contracts. Zerbe says that the U.S. Treasury could collect tens of billions of dollars annually in taxes from nonprofits that make money essentially as for-profit companies."

3. Eliminate the carried interest loophole allowing hedge fund managers to pay 15 percent instead of regular rates on their incomes.

4. Raise the marginal tax rates on millionaires but not on those making less than $1 million annually. Living in New York City or other major cities is expensive. One is not super rich if making $250,000 a year, having two children in college at a cost that can reach $50,000 a year per child. A so-called millionaires' tax should apply to real millionaires.

5. Create a national stock transfer tax covering everyone, no matter where the stock is purchased or sold, that could raise billions over 10 years. Moving overseas cannot avoid the jurisdiction of the IRS.

6. Require all corporations retaining profits overseas to repatriate those monies within one or two years or be subject to a 15 percent annual surcharge, providing billions of dollars over the next 10 years.

On Social Security, my suggestions on expense reductions are:

1. Age eligibility should be adjusted upward. When it was adopted in 1935, people were expected to die at the age of 63, so most would not be eligible. We now live into our 80s with many of us reaching 100.

2. We should have a needs test on government payment eligibility.

On Medicare:

1. Medicare eligibility also should be based on financial need, and higher co-payments should be imposed.

2. Pending a revision of the tax code and an elimination of loopholes, use Mitt Romney's proposal of aggregating all loopholes and imposing a cap. Romney suggested $25,000.

If the Congress and the president do not agree on a balanced budget plan, then we should allow either the Simpson-Bowles plan to be adopted or permit the sequestration plan to take effect.

A sustainably balanced budget will encourage investment and productive activity by our businesses and citizens and produce economic growth, yielding a fiscal dividend of higher tax revenue and lower social costs.

When we balanced our budget in my first term, New York City began a renaissance that has continued to this day. We desperately need this outcome for our country.

Kicking the can down the road should not be an option. If the Congress and the president don't agree on a budget and expense reductions and revenue increases for the next 10 years before the new year, they will have violated their fundamental duty to protect us and our country, and they and their parties should be punished at the polls."

Mr. President, Members of Congress Do Your Duty


Oh man..did you actually read through this?

Enacted most of this would send the right wing into a panic.
"There is only one common sense way to balance a budget: cut expenses and increase revenues in some combination. When cutting expenses, the government becomes subject to the charge of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and middle-class, because they receive a substantial portion of entitlements. Revenues can be raised in a number of ways. Increasing the taxes on the economically better off is sometimes called class warfare by the opponents.

The Democrats are reluctant to cut programs and expenses, and the Republicans are reluctant to increase taxes on the wealthy. Democrats don't want to hurt the poor and middle-class people. Some simply believe that Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid are so needed by those classes that they would rather go over the fiscal cliff thinking it is all a delusion perpetrated by the conservatives, especially the bankers and brokers of Wall Street.

Democrats and Republicans that are digging in their heels are clearly wrong and when we go over the cliff and they wake up, it will be too late.

We will pay the price of having our credit rating lowered, perhaps substantially. We will have to pay future higher interest costs to borrow money. Expenses will have to be reduced, but not in an orderly or consensual way, but more haphazardly and contested. Furthermore, unemployment, now down to 7.7 percent, will once again soar, and even the rich will not be protected in their investments. Surely no one in his right mind believes the Great Recession of the past few years was either easy to bear or good for the country and that we should facilitate a reoccurrence.

Both sides should do what they earlier tried to do and failed — select six members from each party in each House, a total of 24, and actually move into the Capitol. They should lock the doors and not come out until they have agreed on a budget. They should agree to expense reductions that are 3 to 1 over revenue increases, as set forth in the Simpson-Bowles plan. I believe if the parties cannot agree on a budget, they should accept the recommendations of Simpson-Bowles.

Normally, it is the president who submits a budget to the Congress for adoption. That won't work here. What the parties should do is each submit their plans to reduce expenses and raise revenues in order to meet an agreed-upon target that includes balancing the budget and paying down the national debt. The larger the goal, the better for the country, and in no event should the combination of revenue increases and expense reductions be less than the $4.0 trillion over 10 years as proposed by Simpson-Bowles. Indeed, it should be far higher.

Now some suggestions on revenues:

1. Impose the original $800 billion cost reduction on drug companies over 10 years foolishly reduced to $8 billion by the president, and allow Medicare to use its volume discount purchasing advantage.

2. Tax non-profit corporations. Much of their money, while not given to shareholders by way of dividends, is distributed to the employees who draw huge salaries. In an article that appeared in Bloomberg Markets Magazine authored by David Evans, there was a brilliant examination of the non-profits with this statement: "There are 1.63 million tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., according to the Urban Institute. Nonprofit charities reported revenue of $1.51 trillion in 2010 from donations, government grants and contracts. Zerbe says that the U.S. Treasury could collect tens of billions of dollars annually in taxes from nonprofits that make money essentially as for-profit companies."

3. Eliminate the carried interest loophole allowing hedge fund managers to pay 15 percent instead of regular rates on their incomes.

4. Raise the marginal tax rates on millionaires but not on those making less than $1 million annually. Living in New York City or other major cities is expensive. One is not super rich if making $250,000 a year, having two children in college at a cost that can reach $50,000 a year per child. A so-called millionaires' tax should apply to real millionaires.

5. Create a national stock transfer tax covering everyone, no matter where the stock is purchased or sold, that could raise billions over 10 years. Moving overseas cannot avoid the jurisdiction of the IRS.

6. Require all corporations retaining profits overseas to repatriate those monies within one or two years or be subject to a 15 percent annual surcharge, providing billions of dollars over the next 10 years.

On Social Security, my suggestions on expense reductions are:

1. Age eligibility should be adjusted upward. When it was adopted in 1935, people were expected to die at the age of 63, so most would not be eligible. We now live into our 80s with many of us reaching 100.

2. We should have a needs test on government payment eligibility.

On Medicare:

1. Medicare eligibility also should be based on financial need, and higher co-payments should be imposed.

2. Pending a revision of the tax code and an elimination of loopholes, use Mitt Romney's proposal of aggregating all loopholes and imposing a cap. Romney suggested $25,000.

If the Congress and the president do not agree on a balanced budget plan, then we should allow either the Simpson-Bowles plan to be adopted or permit the sequestration plan to take effect.

A sustainably balanced budget will encourage investment and productive activity by our businesses and citizens and produce economic growth, yielding a fiscal dividend of higher tax revenue and lower social costs.

When we balanced our budget in my first term, New York City began a renaissance that has continued to this day. We desperately need this outcome for our country.

Kicking the can down the road should not be an option. If the Congress and the president don't agree on a budget and expense reductions and revenue increases for the next 10 years before the new year, they will have violated their fundamental duty to protect us and our country, and they and their parties should be punished at the polls."

Mr. President, Members of Congress Do Your Duty


Oh man..did you actually read through this?

Enacted most of this would send the right wing into a panic.

So? :D

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