Common sense policy. Should we make learning English a prerequisite for attaining U.S.citizenship?

Should immigrants be required to speak English before becoming citizens?

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How could assimilate without knowing the language? should we not have any semblance of American culture?
how can you fill out the forms, study for the test or say the oath if you dont know the language,,,

So you’re saying it’s on the books already? Explain to me how come so many American citizens don’t speak English.
Since we don't have such a requirement to become president (ref. Xiden speeches) then I find it hard to think there should be one for anything else.....
How could assimilate without knowing the language? should we not have any semblance of American culture?
how can you fill out the forms, study for the test or say the oath if you dont know the language,,,

So you’re saying it’s on the books already? Explain to me how come so many American citizens don’t speak English.

that should concern you and yet maybe that explains the clowns running the circus. Try that game in another country and see how far that gets you.
Unless someone knows English, they can't serve on a jury or perform other civil functions.

And more importantly, they really can't understand the political banter, which is all in English. There is no Arabic, Spanish or Farsi interpretations offered by Hannity or the EIB Network. A citizen who doesn't understand English is woefully ill informed and shouldn't vote either.
How could assimilate without knowing the language? should we not have any semblance of American culture?
how can you fill out the forms, study for the test or say the oath if you dont know the language,,,
Because the dumb ass government will provide the forms in the language of their choice at tax payer expense, having to have at least 3 languages for each form is expensive. Just look at the ballots i South Florida English, Spanish and Creole
There is a powerful incentive for immigrants to learn English to get jobs and such but people over 50 have a hell of a time a leaning a new language. Should they be barred from citizenship because of age?
1. it cost taxpayers [ YOU ] $$$$$$ if they don't learn English--DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2.not efficient at work if you don't know English--DUH!!!!!!!..
...I work with people that can't speak English well
How could assimilate without knowing the language? should we not have any semblance of American culture?
Everyone should speak English, know how to make apple pie,
drive an *American car and own at least 2 guns.

I prefer a slingshot and pocket full of rocks.

*preferably a pick up
There is a powerful incentive for immigrants to learn English to get jobs and such but people over 50 have a hell of a time a leaning a new language. Should they be barred from citizenship because of age? we should fk over the US because they are at a certain age???!!!....
....this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore ..things are much different
1. In theory, one must know English before becoming a citizen.

2. Of course, the test is a joke.

Examiner: What city do you live in?
Examinee: I live in Los Angeles.
Examiner: Wow! You speak English very good.
Examinee: You mean "well."
Examiner: You've just passed the language part of the citizenship exam. Congratulations!

3. Of course, many states spend millions of dollars printing election ballots in at least a dozen languages because many of those new citizens claim that they cannot understand an English-language ballot! (Americans are such pushovers.)

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