Communication between God and man

Actually he did not AUTHOR canon law------his (?) grandson JUSTINIAN ----codified the stuff.
The laws have fallen out of the new revised history of Catholicism. Some bits that
were so VITAL that they found their way into the Nuremburg laws of 1933 included ---proscription
upon intermarriage between Jews and Christians, Death sentence upon any jew involved or
cooperative with a Christian conversion to Judaism and-----get this----proscription on RIDING
A HORSE OR CARRYING A WEAPON------for jews and samaritans. (in Nazi german the horse
thing turned into public transportation or even getting into a car driven by a Christian)
Employment of a Christian by a jew. -----Proscriptions on land ownership. You will not find this
stuff in your catholic school history books. It got washed out.
Constantine's policies--->>Justinian law---->>Canon Law-->>Inquisition-__>>Nuremburg laws
(there was also a branch that grew into Shariah)
Sorry-----all true. John XIII and Emperor Franz Josef-----will be FOREVER heroes in
Jewish lore for moderating that filth. Ataturk tried to temper the Constantine stuff down in
Shariah-------it worked out IN TURKEY --sorta----but failed to touch most of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE
(AKA caliphate) "divine and natural law"? which part is divine and which part is natural?
The part the formed the basis for the Inquisition is "natural" or "divine"?. For some insight into
the SHARIAH moiety------read ROBERT SPENCER. Christians are to Shariah-----what muslims
were to Canon law until very recently. Ask Saint Isabella I ---Queen of Spain late 15th century
and yet another victim of the legacy of Constantine------MONTEZUMA << garroted by divine and
natural law and lots of gold.

The legacy of NATURAL AND DIVINE LAW lives on------in ISIS. Fascinating stuff
She was deep into THE DIVINE and sponsor of the mass murderer----HERNAN CORTEZ

Amazing how dots can be connected and reconnected to come up with astonishing opposites. Now, can you connect all this to the Klingons?
Actually he did not AUTHOR canon law------his (?) grandson JUSTINIAN ----codified the stuff.
The laws have fallen out of the new revised history of Catholicism. Some bits that
were so VITAL that they found their way into the Nuremburg laws of 1933 included ---proscription
upon intermarriage between Jews and Christians, Death sentence upon any jew involved or
cooperative with a Christian conversion to Judaism and-----get this----proscription on RIDING
A HORSE OR CARRYING A WEAPON------for jews and samaritans. (in Nazi german the horse
thing turned into public transportation or even getting into a car driven by a Christian)
Employment of a Christian by a jew. -----Proscriptions on land ownership. You will not find this
stuff in your catholic school history books. It got washed out.
Constantine's policies--->>Justinian law---->>Canon Law-->>Inquisition-__>>Nuremburg laws
(there was also a branch that grew into Shariah)
Sorry-----all true. John XIII and Emperor Franz Josef-----will be FOREVER heroes in
Jewish lore for moderating that filth. Ataturk tried to temper the Constantine stuff down in
Shariah-------it worked out IN TURKEY --sorta----but failed to touch most of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE
(AKA caliphate) "divine and natural law"? which part is divine and which part is natural?
The part the formed the basis for the Inquisition is "natural" or "divine"?. For some insight into
the SHARIAH moiety------read ROBERT SPENCER. Christians are to Shariah-----what muslims
were to Canon law until very recently. Ask Saint Isabella I ---Queen of Spain late 15th century
and yet another victim of the legacy of Constantine------MONTEZUMA << garroted by divine and
natural law and lots of gold.

The legacy of NATURAL AND DIVINE LAW lives on------in ISIS. Fascinating stuff
She was deep into THE DIVINE and sponsor of the mass murderer----HERNAN CORTEZ

Amazing how dots can be connected and reconnected to come up with astonishing opposites. Now, can you connect all this to the Klingons?

to what "OPPOSITES" do you refer? "opposites"? or "dots"? You do not find the
SURVIVAL of the polices of Constantine -----interesting? Klingon society seems to me to
be reminiscent of the social structure of the Greek city-state SPARTA.
Getting back to ROMAN SOCIETY------that LANDOWNER's right to vote comes to us
FROM ROME. The SENATORS were land-owners and represented the rest of the Landowners.
to what "OPPOSITES" do you refer? "opposites"? or "dots"? You do not find the SURVIVAL of the polices of Constantine -----interesting? Klingon society seems to me to be reminiscent of the social structure of the Greek city-state SPARTA.
Getting back to ROMAN SOCIETY------that LANDOWNER's right to vote comes to us
FROM ROME. The SENATORS were land-owners and represented the rest of the Landowners.

I am mildly noting that down through the ages (before and after Constantine--and certainly today) people interpret what was written for a different time and culture through the prism of their own time and culture. In doing so, the intent of the original policy is glossed over, even lost. Throughout history we often see people excusing horrible behavior on the grounds that their modern day interpretation of a policy implemented for a bygone age says it must be okay.

The other thing we see: Past policies that were corrected seventy-eighty years ago (sometimes longer, sometimes shorter) are still used to denigrate modern day people or groups who were never a part of such practices.

Are all human beings condemned forever to live in a world that only sees through the rear view mirror?
to what "OPPOSITES" do you refer? "opposites"? or "dots"? You do not find the SURVIVAL of the polices of Constantine -----interesting? Klingon society seems to me to be reminiscent of the social structure of the Greek city-state SPARTA.
Getting back to ROMAN SOCIETY------that LANDOWNER's right to vote comes to us
FROM ROME. The SENATORS were land-owners and represented the rest of the Landowners.

I am mildly noting that down through the ages (before and after Constantine--and certainly today) people interpret what was written for a different time and culture through the prism of their own time and culture. In doing so, the intent of the original policy is glossed over, even lost. Throughout history we often see people excusing horrible behavior on the grounds that their modern day interpretation of a policy implemented for a bygone age says it must be okay.

The other thing we see: Past policies that were corrected seventy-eighty years ago (sometimes longer, sometimes shorter) are still used to denigrate modern day people or groups who were never a part of such practices.

Are all human beings condemned forever to live in a world that only sees through the rear view mirror?

You are parroting contemporary platitudes. Where do you see DENIGRATION? -----oh excuse me---
you are not------you are only "mildly noting". I responded to your comment about "DIVINE AND
NATURAL LAW" To me------Sir Isaac Newton described some laws that can be termed
DIVINE AND NATURAL (like his laws of thermodynamics) The laws of the catholic church----
as determined BY ROME do not strike me as "DIVINE AND NATURAL" What do you suppose
was the "INTENT OF THE ORIGINAL POLICY OF CONSTANTINE" ? something divine and
natural? His policies did make it into "CANON LAW" ----the system you define as "DIVINE AND
NATURAL" Isabella is noted (mildly) as so PIOUS AN IMPLEMENTER of divine and natural
Canon Law that she was under consideration for something I believe is called CANONIZATION to
the level of a SAINT.

Why Isabella Qualifies for Sainthood

Isabella CARRIED ON THE POLICES OF CONSTANTINE. As a result-----I have relatives
by marriage whose families after leaving Spain more than 500 years ago----STILL SPEAK SPANISH.
The policies of Constantine LIVE ON. It is FASCINATING--------and people are talking about
making ISABELLA a saint--------In pre-Constantine times ------THE SENATE (landowners) could
elevate a person to the status of "god". The distribution of LADINO speakers in the world----is
a fascinating study. Do you think that the college of Cardinals (modern day roman senate) will
consult MONTEZUMA?. Ladino is written in Hebrew letters. Only 22 letters and very phonetic.
If the college of cardinals would like the opinion of Ladino speakers regarding the good Queen-----
I could easily get a letter written to circulate around the world--------this issue is NOT ANCIENT...
I responded to your comment about "DIVINE AND
NATURAL LAW" To me------Sir Isaac Newton described some laws that can be termed
DIVINE AND NATURAL (like his laws of thermodynamics) The laws of the catholic church----
as determined BY ROME do not strike me as "DIVINE AND NATURAL" What do you suppose
was the "INTENT OF THE ORIGINAL POLICY OF CONSTANTINE" ? something divine and
natural? His policies did make it into "CANON LAW" ----the system you define as "DIVINE AND
NATURAL" Isabella is noted (mildly) as so PIOUS AN IMPLEMENTER of divine and natural
Canon Law that she was under consideration for something I believe is called CANONIZATION to
the level of a SAINT.

I am not claiming all of Canon Law is Divine Law or Natural Law. However, Divine Law and Natural Law is part of Canon Law. I wanted to know which Divine Law or Natural Law Constantine actually authored. You chose another tangent, which is fine. People have different backgrounds and varying interests.
I responded to your comment about "DIVINE AND
NATURAL LAW" To me------Sir Isaac Newton described some laws that can be termed
DIVINE AND NATURAL (like his laws of thermodynamics) The laws of the catholic church----
as determined BY ROME do not strike me as "DIVINE AND NATURAL" What do you suppose
was the "INTENT OF THE ORIGINAL POLICY OF CONSTANTINE" ? something divine and
natural? His policies did make it into "CANON LAW" ----the system you define as "DIVINE AND
NATURAL" Isabella is noted (mildly) as so PIOUS AN IMPLEMENTER of divine and natural
Canon Law that she was under consideration for something I believe is called CANONIZATION to
the level of a SAINT.

I am not claiming all of Canon Law is Divine Law or Natural Law. However, Divine Law and Natural Law is part of Canon Law. I wanted to know which Divine Law or Natural Law Constantine actually authored. You chose another tangent, which is fine. People have different backgrounds and varying interests.[/QUOTE

I do not know that Constantine, himself AUTHORED anything I do not even know if
he was literate. His minions, including what I believe was his descendant JUSTIN---
authored lots of the stuff that was ratified by the later popes as CHURCH LAW---or CANON
LAW. Early on there was a multitude of laws that impacted on non-Christians ---which by
the time the roman church had been established in the Middle east meant Samaritans and
Jews. and were so oppressive to both groups that jews scattered and Samaritans were
almost wiped out of existence. The laws involved restrictions on legal, and economic
rights -----ie the USUAL and remained in existence for more than 1500 years. Their
impact as a matter of custom and usage remains in effect and are periodically
dredged up for OLD TIMES SAKE----one of such examples of the dredging
includes the Nuremburg laws. You want ACTUAL SPECIFICS? You DON'T KNOW?
I lost Merry-weather------during this HEAT WAVE, I could use some MERRY WEATHER. I find
the history of "canon-law" and its impact on MOST of the world-----FASCINATING. ------
not MERRY. I find the ROMAN influence on "canon law" even more fascinating. The
"western world" ------is largely an offspring of ROME. I have never been in Italy
Ok then, let's start on page 1, do you have any proof that a god made the world in 6 days, which goes against all scientific knowledge?

First, I never believed God made the world in a literal six days. That is a literal interpretation of the English translation from the original Hebrew. We can see (supported by other Bible passages by the way) that the word translated as "day" in English also means an indefinite period of time, but one signifying a beginning and an end.
See? You can't even all agree on what the bible means, so how do you expect non-believers to accept it? Under which meaning should I accept it? Some say literal 6 days, some say no. Who's right? :dunno:
See? You can't even all agree on what the bible means, so how do you expect non-believers to accept it? Under which meaning should I accept it? Some say literal 6 days, some say no. Who's right? :dunno:

I don't expect non-believers to bother reading it, let alone accept it. What say you: Was the purpose of the author(s) of Genesis to inform the audience of that time the age of the planet?
I lost Merry-weather------during this HEAT WAVE, I could use some MERRY WEATHER. I find
the history of "canon-law" and its impact on MOST of the world-----FASCINATING. ------
not MERRY. I find the ROMAN influence on "canon law" even more fascinating. The
"western world" ------is largely an offspring of ROME. I have never been in Italy

I guess I am more interested in each individual than the world as a whole.
I lost Merry-weather------during this HEAT WAVE, I could use some MERRY WEATHER. I find
the history of "canon-law" and its impact on MOST of the world-----FASCINATING. ------
not MERRY. I find the ROMAN influence on "canon law" even more fascinating. The
"western world" ------is largely an offspring of ROME. I have never been in Italy

I guess I am more interested in each individual than the world as a whole.

oh-----EACH and every------and the sparrow that falleth from the nest
See? You can't even all agree on what the bible means, so how do you expect non-believers to accept it? Under which meaning should I accept it? Some say literal 6 days, some say no. Who's right? :dunno:

I don't expect non-believers to bother reading it, let alone accept it. What say you: Was the purpose of the author(s) of Genesis to inform the audience of that time the age of the planet?

Genesis is an example of sublime literature------art is a justification in itself
God told me that Mormons are a bunch of delusional nuts stuck in a cult. he isn't angry about it. He finds it rather amusing, especially the underwear....

It seems talking to god makes you crazy because Joseph Smith asked god which religion he should join and god said NONE OF THEM because they are all corrupt.

Had Joseph stopped there he would have been right. But instead he said god then told him to start his own church. Nice. He must have been a great con man

How do you know God didn't tell him that
God told me that Mormons are a bunch of delusional nuts stuck in a cult. he isn't angry about it. He finds it rather amusing, especially the underwear....

It seems talking to god makes you crazy because Joseph Smith asked god which religion he should join and god said NONE OF THEM because they are all corrupt.

Had Joseph stopped there he would have been right. But instead he said god then told him to start his own church. Nice. He must have been a great con man

How do you know God didn't tell him that

God told me that he didn't.
Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.

You can ask God after studying out the principles it teaches.

But you don't want to. You want someone else to.
I've studied and read... I've asked your invisible friend to contact me... but nothing. Ever. Why do you religious folks always think that unbelievers have never read up on the subject. I went to church, sunday school, studied Catechism through my private school into my late teens, still read up on the subjects... and have found nothing concrete to hang on to. Like I said, the stories, especially in the Mormon book, sounds made up and cartoonish, never mind that they go against science, which a thinking person can't get around.

Maybe it's because you claim to have read up and then start talking about John Smith and completely ignoring the fact that your problems are literally being answered by what your responding to.
Talking in circles, you folks seem to like to do that, don't you? Instead of giving me solid proof that your god exists. Go for it, I'm listening...

The problem is you aren't listening. You want someone else to do the work for you to get to know God. No one can do that.

I keep inviting you to. It's like me inviting you to see my friend in the house on the hill. All you have to do is go up to the door and knock and get to know Him yourself, but you just demand proof someone lives there with no desire to get to know Him. Nevermind that your neighbors go to the house frequently and have great relationships with Him.

No one can be in a relationship for you. That is something you have to do on your own.

Brigham has given some knowledge how to do it. Remember that when you are ready
God told me that Mormons are a bunch of delusional nuts stuck in a cult. he isn't angry about it. He finds it rather amusing, especially the underwear....

It seems talking to god makes you crazy because Joseph Smith asked god which religion he should join and god said NONE OF THEM because they are all corrupt.

Had Joseph stopped there he would have been right. But instead he said god then told him to start his own church. Nice. He must have been a great con man

How do you know God didn't tell him that

God told me that he didn't.

Aren't you an atheist?
Ok then, let's start on page 1, do you have any proof that a god made the world in 6 days, which goes against all scientific knowledge?

First, I never believed God made the world in a literal six days. That is a literal interpretation of the English translation from the original Hebrew. We can see (supported by other Bible passages by the way) that the word translated as "day" in English also means an indefinite period of time, but one signifying a beginning and an end.
See? You can't even all agree on what the bible means, so how do you expect non-believers to accept it? Under which meaning should I accept it? Some say literal 6 days, some say no. Who's right? :dunno:

This is precisely why the Lord gives us the Holy Ghost to lead us. So He can teach the truths of the scriptures.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.

You can ask God after studying out the principles it teaches.

But you don't want to. You want someone else to.
I've studied and read... I've asked your invisible friend to contact me... but nothing. Ever. Why do you religious folks always think that unbelievers have never read up on the subject. I went to church, sunday school, studied Catechism through my private school into my late teens, still read up on the subjects... and have found nothing concrete to hang on to. Like I said, the stories, especially in the Mormon book, sounds made up and cartoonish, never mind that they go against science, which a thinking person can't get around.

Maybe it's because you claim to have read up and then start talking about John Smith and completely ignoring the fact that your problems are literally being answered by what your responding to.
Talking in circles, you folks seem to like to do that, don't you? Instead of giving me solid proof that your god exists. Go for it, I'm listening...

The problem is you aren't listening. You want someone else to do the work for you to get to know God. No one can do that.

I keep inviting you to. It's like me inviting you to see my friend in the house on the hill. All you have to do is go up to the door and knock and get to know Him yourself, but you just demand proof someone lives there with no desire to get to know Him. Nevermind that your neighbors go to the house frequently and have great relationships with Him.

No one can be in a relationship for you. That is something you have to do on your own.

Brigham has given some knowledge how to do it. Remember that when you are ready
I don't see anything in those writings that would make me think that your god actually exists. Maybe you have something specific?
Ok then, let's start on page 1, do you have any proof that a god made the world in 6 days, which goes against all scientific knowledge?

First, I never believed God made the world in a literal six days. That is a literal interpretation of the English translation from the original Hebrew. We can see (supported by other Bible passages by the way) that the word translated as "day" in English also means an indefinite period of time, but one signifying a beginning and an end.
See? You can't even all agree on what the bible means, so how do you expect non-believers to accept it? Under which meaning should I accept it? Some say literal 6 days, some say no. Who's right? :dunno:

This is precisely why the Lord gives us the Holy Ghost to lead us. So He can teach the truths of the scriptures.
So is your truth 6 actual days, or something else?

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