Communication between God and man

Scientist agree on conclusions, otherwise what they disagree on are theories. Are you saying that you believe in a theory? Because not all Christians can be right. How would you be able to tell who is right and who is wrong?

(From a hymn based on teachings of St. John of the Cross.)

Holy darkness, blessed night,
heaven's answer hidden from our sight.
As we await you, O God of silence,
we embrace your holy night.

Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul. Love your neighbor as yourself.

That's what Christians care about getting right.
Scientist agree on conclusions, otherwise what they disagree on are theories. Are you saying that you believe in a theory? Because not all Christians can be right. How would you be able to tell who is right and who is wrong?

(From a hymn based on teachings of St. John of the Cross.)

Holy darkness, blessed night,
heaven's answer hidden from our sight.
As we await you, O God of silence,
we embrace your holy night.

Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul. Love your neighbor as yourself.

That's what Christians care about getting right.
As if. :lol:

Christians care about the bible and Jesus... Things you can't even all agree on amongst yourselves.
Christians care about the bible and Jesus... Things you can't even all agree on amongst yourselves.

We have already set forth that scientists don't agree among themselves. Nor do teachers, doctors, lawyers, or any other profession. Nor do husbands and wives. Nor do families.

What is this obsession you have that Christians MUST agree? Why must they agree? And what changes are you hoping for if they do agree?
What is this obsession you have that Christians MUST agree? Why must they agree? And what changes are you hoping for if they do agree?

I think he is just pointing out the obvious. You are comically avoiding being honest.

I think it matters if Christians agree. Isn't that what Jesus prayed, that they, believers in him, would all be of one accord, one mind, one teaching.?.. John 17:21

Either God is edible or he isn't. Some say yes, some say no.

Either Jesus was God or he wasn't. Some say yes, some say no.

either following the law according to the revelation of Jesus is the only way that leads to eternal life or its not. Not even one denomination has a clue..

all christian denominations profess to have hold of the truth. This is impossible given the many contradictions between their teachings.

are you saying that what the actual truth is doesn't matter?
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I think he is just pointing out the obvious. You are comically avoiding being honest.

I think it matters if Christians agree. Isn't that what Jesus prayed, that they, believers in him, would all be of one accord, one mind, one teaching.?..

Either God is edible or he isn't.

Either Jesus was God or he wasn't.

either following the law leads to eternal life or it doesn't.

all christian denominations profess to have hold of the truth. This is impossible given the many contradictions between their teachings.

are you saying what the actual truth is doesn't matter?

From the moment Jesus spoke of his true presence, people disagreed and went their own way--and yet Christianity and Christ's words have persisted on to this day.

It's not so much that the truth doesn't matter, but rather the truth IS--and life and the world goes on all around it. Jesus did pray that we might all be one, and that prayer continues, as does his words to not be fooled--His teachings would cause disagreements everywhere, especially within families.

I would no more stop believing in science until everyone on earth agreed on every aspect of science, than I would stop believing in God until everyone on earth agreed on every aspect of God. Everyone is in a different place on their educational journey and on their spiritual journey. Many disagreements erupt because of that reality. Even though I already knew how to tie my shoes when my children were born, I didn't expect them to be born knowing how to tie shoes. Many things we have to learn. Like science. And, especially religion/faith.
I think he is just pointing out the obvious. You are comically avoiding being honest.

I think it matters if Christians agree. Isn't that what Jesus prayed, that they, believers in him, would all be of one accord, one mind, one teaching.?..

Either God is edible or he isn't.

Either Jesus was God or he wasn't.

either following the law leads to eternal life or it doesn't.

all christian denominations profess to have hold of the truth. This is impossible given the many contradictions between their teachings.

are you saying what the actual truth is doesn't matter?

From the moment Jesus spoke of his true presence, people disagreed and went their own way--and yet Christianity and Christ's words have persisted on to this day.

It's not so much that the truth doesn't matter, but rather the truth IS--and life and the world goes on all around it. Jesus did pray that we might all be one, and that prayer continues, as does his words to not be fooled--His teachings would cause disagreements everywhere, especially within families.

I would no more stop believing in science until everyone on earth agreed on every aspect of science, than I would stop believing in God until everyone on earth agreed on every aspect of God. Everyone is in a different place on their educational journey and on their spiritual journey. Many disagreements erupt because of that reality. Even though I already knew how to tie my shoes when my children were born, I didn't expect them to be born knowing how to tie shoes. Many things we have to learn. Like science. And, especially religion/faith.
great. so tell me what you have learned in your old age.

Jesus did speak of his teaching causing division in the same way that the lights were placed by God in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night but he did speak of that light revealing only one way, one truth and one life.

what is that truth? you should know how to tie your shoes by now, right?

Is God edible?
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Christians care about the bible and Jesus... Things you can't even all agree on amongst yourselves.

We have already set forth that scientists don't agree among themselves. Nor do teachers, doctors, lawyers, or any other profession. Nor do husbands and wives. Nor do families.

What is this obsession you have that Christians MUST agree? Why must they agree? And what changes are you hoping for if they do agree?
Christians are trying to convince non-Christians of their beliefs and you all have different ones. So if you all don't agree, how do we know who is right to follow?
Christians are trying to convince non-Christians of their beliefs and you all have different ones. So if you all don't agree, how do we know who is right to follow?

How do you know which faith or denomination to follow? The same way you decide what scientific beliefs to take up and which ones to ignore; the same way you decide which political party or social club to join or book to read. You do your own research and follow your heart.
Christians are trying to convince non-Christians of their beliefs and you all have different ones. So if you all don't agree, how do we know who is right to follow?

How do you know which faith or denomination to follow? The same way you decide what scientific beliefs to take up and which ones to ignore; the same way you decide which political party or social club to join or book to read. You do your own research and follow your heart.
So in other words, nobody knows the right path and the bible is no help finding it.

Btw, I take up the "scientific beliefs" that can be proven scientifically. The rest, like your theory about god, is just fartsmoke, to cover up the fact that you have no proof and no real clue.
He can't put food on my table but he can give me cancer. :eek:

He is not behind what is edible on the planet? Only the diseases? I did not know that.
Most of the food we eat has been genetically modified by humans because what god put here was deemed not good enough.

not exactly-----actual genetic manipulation is fairly new------selective breeding could be
considered "man made"------sorta
So in other words, nobody knows the right path and the bible is no help finding it.

You do understand you are taking something very simple and making it complicated beyond belief? The right path is to love God with all that is in you, with all that is you. And love your fellow man as yourself.

The Ten Commandments are a guide to help people on their way. The first three cover loving God; the remain seven cover loving our fellow man.

This is the Bible in a nutshell. And it is the right path.
Totally made up jumbo-jumbo, which offers no concrete proof whatsoever, just a lot of flowery words. Sad.

You, like everyone else, are invited to find out for yourself through study, prayer, and experimenting on the Word.

But you have to pay the price to learn for yourself. Or you can remain Ignorant of whether there is a God or the principles of Eternity
Your whole Mormon concept is a made up story. Do you really think that if your god really existed that you'd need to discover it in a book? Anyone who discovered anything, discovered it in the real world, not in a book. Think about it.

Again, the books and quotes you dont want to read are encouraging you to find out for yourself in the real world. People learn through study and action.
Except you can't prove anything from the Mormon book. Loki and all his buds, ancients subs, golden plates, ... none f it can be proven, making it a book of fiction. Maybe if you had something provable people would take Mormons seriously.

You can ask God after studying out the principles it teaches.

But you don't want to. You want someone else to.
You can ask God things? If he is all knowing as you guys claim, ask him what my birthday is. If you can come back with the right answer you will prove his existence. If you aren't able to get the answer, that should be the exact moment you realize you've wasted your life with superstitious bullshit made up by primitive and ignorant men.
So in other words, nobody knows the right path and the bible is no help finding it.

You do understand you are taking something very simple and making it complicated beyond belief? The right path is to love God with all that is in you, with all that is you. And love your fellow man as yourself.

The Ten Commandments are a guide to help people on their way. The first three cover loving God; the remain seven cover loving our fellow man.

This is the Bible in a nutshell. And it is the right path.
But if you don't believe that the stories in the bible are true, then what makes you all of a sudden believe the story about Moses, a burning bush and tablets that miraculously appear out of nowhere? That makes no sense.
But if you don't believe that the stories in the bible are true, then what makes you all of a sudden believe the story about Moses, a burning bush and tablets that miraculously appear out of nowhere? That makes no sense.

Didn't say I don't believe the stories in the Bible are true. I said I read them with the author's theme in mind, and stay within the confines of the culture of that time. Exodus 20 says God delivered the Ten Commandments. I don't read that as that they appeared out of nowhere. Chapter 34 tells us Moses had to present the stone for the Lord to write upon, and while in the Lord's presence, Moses' face grew radiant, which frightened the Israelites so much he had to wear a veil over it. Interesting story.
don't ya'll agree?

I'll not discuss what is sacred to me with what is profane to you.

One bread, one body
One Lord of all
One cup of blessing which we bless.
And we, though many
throughout the earth
we are one body in this one Lord.
Grain for the fields
scattered and grown
gathered to One for all.

If you will not be respectful in a discussion about this, then we can refer each other to verses about pearls before swine, and shaking dust from one's feet. Your choice. But I will ignore any post from you that is disrespectful on this matter.

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