communism looks good to people who feel utterly hopeless


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
Communism is a terrible system which is responsible for the state-murders of 100 million people from China to Russia to just wherever it is implemented.

So I am not saying there is anything good about it. It is about the govt having all power and the people having virtually none.

However, I've known a lot of downtrodden people who feel hopeless about getting anywhere in life, economically. They usually have not just one problem but many. I've known a few low-income people who have low self esteem so they don't bother looking for a better paying job and etc.. Most of those people that seem to have so many problems they can't solve have had very poor family situations, were rejected or whatever.

And like I say elsewhere, I just don't understand how the govt can find money for the most godawful things, but somehow, there is never enough money to build low income housing for people who are in low-paying jobs or worse, can't even find a job.

It seems like you have to be buddies with some politician or someone like that in order to get any money sent your way. Then you look at people like Pelosi, making money, apparently, on insider trading which is supposed to be illegal, but big wig democrats always get a pass when it comes to the law and being held accountable. I know a poor person, however, who never "gets away" with the slightest infraction of any rule at the shelter he stays in.

why are Americans OK or somewhat OK with Congress members earning massive bucks even though they are corrupt, and yet they don't want to help the homeless who may be obeying all laws? I say TERM limits and no insider trading. Senator Hawley has a bill that would end this. I hope it passes.. but knowing how things go, maybe it won't.
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The lure of free shit, watching Tiktok videos and getting high all day resonates with losers. It's not sustainable, of course, but they frankly don't give a shit.
Hope and Joy, Bitches!
Communism is a terrible system which is responsible for the state-murders of 100 million people from China to Russia to just wherever it is implemented.

So I am not saying there is anything good about it. It is about the govt having all power and the people having virtually none.

However, I've known a lot of downtrodden people who feel hopeless about getting anywhere in life, economically. They have usually have not just one problem but many. I've known a few low-income people who have low self esteem so they don't bother looking for a better paying job and etc.. Most of those people that seem to have so many problems they can't solve have had very poor family situations, were rejected or whatever.

And like I say elsewhere, I just don't understand how the govt can find money for the most godawful things, but somehow, there is never enough money to build low income housing for people who are in low-paying jobs or worse, can't even find a job.

It seems like you have to be buddies with some politician or someone like that in order to get any money sent your way. Then you look at people like Pelosi, making money, apparently, on insider trading which is supposed to be illegal, but big wig democrats always get a pass when it comes to the law and being held accountable. I know a poor person, however, who never "gets away" with the slightest infraction of any rule at the shelter he stays in.

why are Americans OK or somewhat OK with Congress members earning massive bucks even though they are corrupt, and yet they don't want to help the homeless who may be obeying all laws? I say TERM limits and no insider trading. Senator Hawley has a bill that would end this. I hope it passes.. but knowing how things go, maybe it won't.
has a free prosperous people ever chosen a totalitarian government?

communism is merely a way for people to cope with economic realities

communism looks good to people who feel utterly hopeless​

That's why people all over the world -- people who feel utterly hopeless at home, seek the American dream. They face obstacles few Americans ever would or could in order to come to commie America.


Communism is a terrible system which is responsible for the state-murders of 100 million people from China to Russia to just wherever it is implemented.

So I am not saying there is anything good about it. It is about the govt having all power and the people having virtually none.

However, I've known a lot of downtrodden people who feel hopeless about getting anywhere in life, economically. They have usually have not just one problem but many. I've known a few low-income people who have low self esteem so they don't bother looking for a better paying job and etc.. Most of those people that seem to have so many problems they can't solve have had very poor family situations, were rejected or whatever.

And like I say elsewhere, I just don't understand how the govt can find money for the most godawful things, but somehow, there is never enough money to build low income housing for people who are in low-paying jobs or worse, can't even find a job.

It seems like you have to be buddies with some politician or someone like that in order to get any money sent your way. Then you look at people like Pelosi, making money, apparently, on insider trading which is supposed to be illegal, but big wig democrats always get a pass when it comes to the law and being held accountable. I know a poor person, however, who never "gets away" with the slightest infraction of any rule at the shelter he stays in.

why are Americans OK or somewhat OK with Congress members earning massive bucks even though they are corrupt, and yet they don't want to help the homeless who may be obeying all laws? I say TERM limits and no insider trading. Senator Hawley has a bill that would end this. I hope it passes.. but knowing how things go, maybe it won't.

So you know a lot of Communists?
The lure of free shit, watching Tiktok videos and getting high all day resonates with losers. It's not sustainable, of course, but they frankly don't give a shit.
Hope and Joy, Bitches!
I don't appreciate your implication that everyone who is poor is a loser. A lot of the canonized saints chose poverty.. St Francis of Assisi and others.
has a free prosperous people ever chosen a totalitarian government?

communism is merely a way for people to cope with economic realities
Totalitarian governments result from opportunism.

Herbert Hoover, quotes about Nazi:
Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.

Collectivist, which have many flavors like communis, socialism, fascism, or progressivism, lie in wait for an "emergency", whether manufactured or real, to seize power.

Inevitably, an opportunity arises, such as an economic downturn or massive debt created that crushes an economy, etc., that allows them to gain power.

I guess that is why democracies normally don't last that long, or if they do, you may as well be voting in a place like Venezuela or Iran, which means your votes mean nothing at all.
Totalitarian governments result from opportunism.

Herbert Hoover, quotes about Nazi:
Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.

Collectivist, which have many flavors like communis, socialism, fascism, or progressivism, lie in wait for an "emergency", whether manufactured or real, to seize power.

Inevitably, an opportunity arises, such as an economic downturn or massive debt created that crushes an economy, etc., that allows them to gain power.

I guess that is why democracies normally don't last that long, or if they do, you may as well be voting in a place like Venezuela or Iran, which means your votes mean nothing at all.
opportunism caused by the greed and fecklessness of kiugs and corrupt dictators.

not to brag on fidel's government, but maybe, for the people of cuba, their lives have improved over battista's brutal regime.
Democrats are the backers of capitalism and free markets,

Republicans back commie-style monopolies. When the corportions are the government (the Republican plan), then the government/corporation owns the means of productioun, and you have communism/socialism.

Trump cultists, what exactly drives you to reflexively tonguebathe every commie you see? It's weird and creepy.

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