Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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Same slippery slope when they required cars to have seat belts.

No, it is not. With seat belts lives can be saved. Not so with solar panels.[/QUOTE

on new homes------SO?

Seat belts are at least justified. I really dont care though. They elected, they reap.
Same slippery slope when they required cars to have seat belts.

No, it is not. With seat belts lives can be saved. Not so with solar panels.[/QUOTE

on new homes------SO?

Seat belts are at least justified. I really dont care though. They elected, they reap.

lots of weird DEMANDS in building codes

What they forget to mention is that is also requires the switchgear and monitoring gear to make sure the power coming into your house and the power generated by the panels play nice with each other.

With housing prices as crazy as they already are in california, adding another 25-30k to the cost (and another maintenance item) seems like shooting yourself in the foot.
Will they also require the batteries to store the electricity? Without those, you're only off grid during daylight hours. You know, when everyone is at work or school...

Oh yeah, forgot the battery costs in addition to the switchgear costs.

What they forget to mention is that is also requires the switchgear and monitoring gear to make sure the power coming into your house and the power generated by the panels play nice with each other.

With housing prices as crazy as they already are in california, adding another 25-30k to the cost (and another maintenance item) seems like shooting yourself in the foot.

oh-----it costs that much? sheeeeeesh why so much?
Hey, you get what you vote for. How long now have Californians been electing these clowns to run their state? Home prices are already some of the highest in the country. The middle class is being priced out. The state has had a net loss of 1,000,000 residents over the past decade, mostly due to the cost of housing. This will only accelerate it.

Democrats talk a good game about helping the poor, but when you look at what they actually do they cater to special interest groups first and foremost and hurt the poor as a result. They've been turning the state into a banana republic for a long time.

I agree.

I live in Florida and believe me if solar panels were viable everyone in the Sunshine State would have them.

Another stupid move by the idiots who run that State.

California used to be a State everyone wanted to live in, now people are leaving. To damned expensive to live in that State. Hell a shack sells for millions.

Until to voters stop voting those idiot Dems into office, nothing will change and people sure won't be able to afford to live there.

What they forget to mention is that is also requires the switchgear and monitoring gear to make sure the power coming into your house and the power generated by the panels play nice with each other.

With housing prices as crazy as they already are in california, adding another 25-30k to the cost (and another maintenance item) seems like shooting yourself in the foot.

oh-----it costs that much? sheeeeeesh why so much?

it's not just plopping panels on a roof. The roof needs to be reinforced for the panel installation, wire and conduit needs to run from the panels to a master controller, and that controller needs to be tied into switchgear and automatic transfer switches to regulate the power from the panels and the power from the grid (power sources don't like running into each other).

Add in battery costs and you are looking at a sizable investment.
When we get hit with a big solar flare or attacked and our electrical systems all go down.....when shit hits the fan.....

Californians are the only ones that will survive..... And preppers.
do any of you left wingers know how much fossil fuel is consumed to produce a solar panel? Do you know how long they last? do you know how to dispose of worn out ones? Three simple questions-------------------anyone?
When we get hit with a big solar flare or attacked and our electrical systems all go down.....when shit hits the fan.....

Californians are the only ones that will survive..... And preppers.

are you really that stupid? your solar panels are connected to the grid, If it goes down your solar switch and control panel would probably be zapped unless you have a solar system that is totally independent, but those are very very rare.
When we get hit with a big solar flare or attacked and our electrical systems all go down.....when shit hits the fan.....

Californians are the only ones that will survive..... And preppers.

And how do you think your own local switchgear is going so survive that flare?

And the inland people i california will be fine. The ones in the Urban areas, considering the bad guys are the ones with the guns, not so much.
Was it "communists" that 'forced' cleaner cars on people and cleaned up the air everyone (not just motorists) breathe?
Was it "communists" that 'forced' cleaner cars on people and cleaned up the air everyone (not just motorists) breathe?

solar panels do not "clean the air". Neither do windmills. They both produce a small amount of the electricity needed to keep humans functioning. They also have a very high initial cost and high maintenance costs and a relatively short life span.

some day I hope the technology will make solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, and other alternates viable, but until then forcing them on people was a stupid waste of money.
Solar panels are an investment, not a cost; they pay for themselves.
Solar panels last for decades.
Maintenance is laughably little; brush off the snow.
The best thing about solar, and the thing control freaks hate, is that it decentralizes power.
Solar panels are an investment, not a cost; they pay for themselves.
Solar panels last for decades.
Maintenance is laughably little; brush off the snow.
The best thing about solar, and the thing control freaks hate, is that it decentralizes power.

most honest solar brokers will tell you that the break even point is around 10 years for a new solar system and that most systems have a useful life of 15-18 years. the panels themselves are relatively maintenance free (unless you have a hail storm) but the electrical components are just like your AC, furnace, or stove, they break down, wear out, or require replacement parts.
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