Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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Hate to tell you this but it has been this way for a long time in a lot of areas. The builder of a subdivision can put stuff like this in your covenances and restrictions that cover things much more menial than this. Convenances and restrictions are supposed to enhance a properties values but I them all the time that hurt value. As an appraiser we are required tpo report restrictions that effect value in a negative way, this sure pisses the home owner off at me, but I like my lisence so I do it any way! At least this is a reqirement that would not likely adversly effect value. One of the biggest mistakes I see home purchasers make is not reading convances and restrictions, they have grand plans for their new home and then when they go to get the permits to do what they want the guy behind the counter sais you can't, against covenances and restrictions.
Well, low income people can't afford homes there anyway, may as well put them MORE out of reach.


Heaven forbid that we move in new, more viable directions. Status quo uber alles.
Something that pays itself off and then puts money in your pocket is not the same as buying something that just loses value and is discarded, like an S.U.V.
Solar panels are an investment, not a cost; they pay for themselves.
Solar panels last for decades.
Maintenance is laughably little; brush off the snow.
The best thing about solar, and the thing control freaks hate, is that it decentralizes power.

most honest solar brokers will tell you that the break even point is around 10 years for a new solar system and that most systems have a useful life of 15-18 years. the panels themselves are relatively maintenance free (unless you have a hail storm) but the electrical components are just like your AC, furnace, or stove, they break down, wear out, or require replacement parts.

:rolleyes: Most honest brokers do a COST ANALYSIS of a specific house, with specific roof, in a specific state with specific weather, expected energy costs and tax incentives.

Break even point for me is just 2-3 years.

Regulatory policies are enacted by elected officials reflecting the will of the majority of the people.

If the people object to a given policy, they are at liberty to petition the government to change that policy, or to otherwise remove from office those elected officials who enacted the policy.

It’s called a republican form of government, nothing ‘communist’ about it.
Completely full of shit.
Cali has an energy problem . Also has a lot of sunlight !

Seems like a smart idea .

Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. But shouldn't the citizens be allowed to make that decision and not the government?
It's a form of taking property without just compensation.
What began as a voluntary movement becomes "presumed consent".

That taking away of all private property is a long term goal for some.

What is UN Agenda 21?

And Smart Cities

Warming up people to the idea that this is all a good thing through our dear president Bill Clinton;
In 1992, at the UN’s Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates approved a plan describing in great detail how to meet those future needs. They issued a document called Agenda 21, which the UN labeled as a “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” The UN sold Agenda 21 as a “soft law” policy, meaning it was an idea that nations would need to take up and impose through their own mechanisms.

That soft policy included using humans as herd animals with the ability to harvest as needed. And it has been being promoted as a good thing to help out one another with that brotherly love of giving up life for another with more money to spend in the system can have your parts. A simple no will no longer suffice.

The mandatory Solar Panels in California was a decision made by the California Energy commission. I'd probably take a looksy and see who is on that commission if I was really curious about it all.
California to Vote on Solar Panels | Solar Stocks Soaring
Solar stocks are rising across the board today on the news that California is holding a vote to enforce mandatory solar panels on new homes.

It has been a few months since US president Donald Trump pushed import tariffs on solar panels into the US back in January. At the time, it was thought that the tariffs could make the US less reliant on other countries for its solar power components. However, stocks in the US solar industry plummeted on the news.

>> Sunpower Stocks Leap on SolarWorld Americas Purchase

But now, it looks like the idea may actually be paying off. Last week, the Orange County Register reported that the California Energy Commission is to hold a vote on May 9th – this Wednesday – on new state energy standards which would require nearly all homes built after 2020 to have solar panels.
A little snipet I was going to put in that post when the puter locked up. A friend is in FB jail for posting this little reminder;

I can't applaud them more for that.

I've believed that all new houses should be made with solar panels in them for decades.

No it shouldn't be a choice anymore.

We don't have a choice about a lot of things when It comes to houses. There are housing codes and zoning laws that we all must comply with.

So what if they created a law that says all new homes must come with a built-in gun safe, or perhaps an indoor swimming pool, or maybe a 120 inch big screen?

T'here is a difference when government makes regulation for safety and government makes regulation for pet projects; especially when such regulations will cost you thousands and thousands of dollars.
Governments can and certainly do make it's citizens buy things they don't want.

What they forget to mention is that is also requires the switchgear and monitoring gear to make sure the power coming into your house and the power generated by the panels play nice with each other.

With housing prices as crazy as they already are in california, adding another 25-30k to the cost (and another maintenance item) seems like shooting yourself in the foot.

oh-----it costs that much? sheeeeeesh why so much?

it's not just plopping panels on a roof. The roof needs to be reinforced for the panel installation, wire and conduit needs to run from the panels to a master controller, and that controller needs to be tied into switchgear and automatic transfer switches to regulate the power from the panels and the power from the grid (power sources don't like running into each other).

Add in battery costs and you are looking at a sizable investment.

And the batteries need to be replaced. Depending on the battery it can be anywhere between 5 and 15 years. Solar batteries range from $5,000 to $7,000+ and from $400 dollars per kilowatt hour (kWh) to $750/kWh. These prices are only for the battery itself, not for the cost of installation or additional necessary equipment...
I can't applaud them more for that.

I've believed that all new houses should be made with solar panels in them for decades.

No it shouldn't be a choice anymore.

We don't have a choice about a lot of things when It comes to houses. There are housing codes and zoning laws that we all must comply with.

So what if they created a law that says all new homes must come with a built-in gun safe, or perhaps an indoor swimming pool, or maybe a 120 inch big screen?

T'here is a difference when government makes regulation for safety and government makes regulation for pet projects; especially when such regulations will cost you thousands and thousands of dollars.
Governments can and certainly do make it's citizens buy things they don't want.

And when they do, it's very dangerous to a free society. It's why Americas who believe in freedom should fight it every step of the way.
Truth be told, I would go solar and get off the grid right now if I could afford to, but that is 2 or 3 years off...
Solar panels are an investment, not a cost; they pay for themselves.
Solar panels last for decades.
Maintenance is laughably little; brush off the snow.
The best thing about solar, and the thing control freaks hate, is that it decentralizes power.

most honest solar brokers will tell you that the break even point is around 10 years for a new solar system and that most systems have a useful life of 15-18 years. the panels themselves are relatively maintenance free (unless you have a hail storm) but the electrical components are just like your AC, furnace, or stove, they break down, wear out, or require replacement parts.

What I would like to know is what keeps the water out of your house? Are the panels installed on top of the shingles or are the panels the waterproofing?
Was it "communists" that 'forced' cleaner cars on people and cleaned up the air everyone (not just motorists) breathe?

Yes, and that;s why cars are thousands of dollars more than they otherwise would be.

At least with cars you can make the claim cleaner burning cars benefit everybody. Nobody benefits from solar panels except the companies that make, sell or install them.
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