Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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Unconstitutional. Government can not for citizen's to buy a product.

No one is forcing anyone to buy a house with solar panels on it.

This is for new buildings not existing. So if you don't want to buy a house with solar panels on it, you don't have to.

Meanwhile there are zoning and building codes that all new houses must meet. Solar panels are just one of them.

I guess you would have rejected laws that put inside plumbing in all homes in America and wanted to keep that outhouse with all that bacteria and disease growing in it. And I guess you would have rejected the electrification of America too. It looks like you're happy to use lamps with oil that have that pesky problem of causing homes to burn to the ground. And I guess you don't want electric sockets that trip so that you don't have an electrical fire burning your house down. And I guess you would prefer to chop your wood to burn in a stove for heat and to cook. Who needs those pesky laws that require you to have electricity. Do you still ride a horse or use a horse and buggy for your transportation needs?

The good news is that people who think the way you do are dying off and will be few and far between. Just like those who fought the conversion to electricity and inside plumbing.
So new houses built are required to have solar power panels installed ? Tell me how that is not forcing people to buy a product.?

I believe people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to do as long as it does not affect the rights of others. By the way putting solar panels on homes isn't saving anyone from anything.
Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world.

They are basically out in the middle of nowhere in the Pacific Ocean. A large part of everything there has to be shipped in. That includes energy.

Except now Hawaii is going renewables. Especially Maui. Which is my second home. They are well above their project goal of 30% renewables by 2020 now. They have 34% renewable.

Solar panels are on a lot of homes and buildings. They have been building a wind farm on the mountains on the north shore. They now have windmills from the top of the mountain all the way to the bottom on the south side of the mountain. The trade winds blow like clockwork from about noon to 6pm. Plus they just brought their first solar farm on line this month.

Their goal is 100% renewables for all the islands.

If Hawaii can do it so can the rest of our nation.

California is with Hawaii in leading the way. My state isn't far behind. We have places here that are the Saudi Arabia of wind and started building our wind farm in the 90s so that now we have one of the largest wind farms in the nation. I get a credit on my electric bill every month from that wind farm. On top of having the third lowest electric rates in the nation. I hope that other states wake up and see that renewables are the future and that the majority of the people in our nation want it.

Click the link below to get info on Maui's program.

Maui’s first large-scale solar project comes online in South Maui

Their goal is 100% renewables for all the islands.

If Hawaii can do it so can the rest of our nation.

That is an excellent idea!!!

I'm wondering what I should do, here in Chicago, to generate enough renewable energy
in the middle of January, when there is a foot of snow on my roof?

Thanks in advance!
Unconstitutional. Government can not for citizen's to buy a product.

No one is forcing anyone to buy a house with solar panels on it.

This is for new buildings not existing. So if you don't want to buy a house with solar panels on it, you don't have to.

Meanwhile there are zoning and building codes that all new houses must meet. Solar panels are just one of them.

I guess you would have rejected laws that put inside plumbing in all homes in America and wanted to keep that outhouse with all that bacteria and disease growing in it. And I guess you would have rejected the electrification of America too. It looks like you're happy to use lamps with oil that have that pesky problem of causing homes to burn to the ground. And I guess you don't want electric sockets that trip so that you don't have an electrical fire burning your house down. And I guess you would prefer to chop your wood to burn in a stove for heat and to cook. Who needs those pesky laws that require you to have electricity. Do you still ride a horse or use a horse and buggy for your transportation needs?

The good news is that people who think the way you do are dying off and will be few and far between. Just like those who fought the conversion to electricity and inside plumbing.
So new houses built are required to have solar power panels installed ? Tell me how that is not forcing people to buy a product.?

I believe people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to do as long as it does not affect the rights of others. By the way putting solar panels on homes isn't saving anyone from anything.

The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.
Solar panels are an investment, not a cost; they pay for themselves.
Solar panels last for decades.
Maintenance is laughably little; brush off the snow.
The best thing about solar, and the thing control freaks hate, is that it decentralizes power.

most honest solar brokers will tell you that the break even point is around 10 years for a new solar system and that most systems have a useful life of 15-18 years. the panels themselves are relatively maintenance free (unless you have a hail storm) but the electrical components are just like your AC, furnace, or stove, they break down, wear out, or require replacement parts.

:rolleyes: Most honest brokers do a COST ANALYSIS of a specific house, with specific roof, in a specific state with specific weather, expected energy costs and tax incentives.

Break even point for me is just 2-3 years.
Unconstitutional. Government can not for citizen's to buy a product.

No one is forcing anyone to buy a house with solar panels on it.

This is for new buildings not existing. So if you don't want to buy a house with solar panels on it, you don't have to.

Meanwhile there are zoning and building codes that all new houses must meet. Solar panels are just one of them.

I guess you would have rejected laws that put inside plumbing in all homes in America and wanted to keep that outhouse with all that bacteria and disease growing in it. And I guess you would have rejected the electrification of America too. It looks like you're happy to use lamps with oil that have that pesky problem of causing homes to burn to the ground. And I guess you don't want electric sockets that trip so that you don't have an electrical fire burning your house down. And I guess you would prefer to chop your wood to burn in a stove for heat and to cook. Who needs those pesky laws that require you to have electricity. Do you still ride a horse or use a horse and buggy for your transportation needs?

The good news is that people who think the way you do are dying off and will be few and far between. Just like those who fought the conversion to electricity and inside plumbing.

I don't know of anyplace that has a law requiring you to have electricity. Furthermore you can't understand the difference between laws for safety and laws for political agendas?
Sure it is. Where do you think the government gets the money to pay for the rest of your system? It's not really a tax cut, it's more of a subsidy.

No sir, it's a tax cut - straight up deductions from my tax liability.

I'm just keeping more of my money in my pocket, so I could spend it into economy, right?

So solar panel company A gets 28K for instilling your system. You pay $6,200 of that cost. How does Solar panel company A get the rest of that money from your deductions?

It just doesn't make sense. A tax cut means you pay less in taxes. It does not mean that you pay less for something and government pays it for you.

Pretty simple - Company gets money from me, I pay less to governmet in taxes (get a tax-cut).

It's exactly how righties describe it - "more of my money in my pocket to spend into economy"..only even better since I do in fact spend 100% of it into economy before even getting the tax-cut.

Economic stimulus multipliers off the charts :biggrin:

No, that would only be true if you actually paid for the entire system and wrote it off, but by your earlier claim, you paid just a little over 6K and the 22K got paid by the government. That's not a tax cut.

No that is NOT what I said. I said my cost is 6k.

I paid the 29k up front, but will recoup most back in tax-cuts.

Now it sounds like you're changing the story. So you wrote a check for 29K, and are going to write if off?
Hey, you get what you vote for. How long now have Californians been electing these clowns to run their state? Home prices are already some of the highest in the country. The middle class is being priced out. The state has had a net loss of 1,000,000 residents over the past decade, mostly due to the cost of housing. This will only accelerate it.

Democrats talk a good game about helping the poor, but when you look at what they actually do they cater to special interest groups first and foremost and hurt the poor as a result. They've been turning the state into a banana republic for a long time.
The FEUDAL SYSTEM. No middle class. The rich and the thoroughly screwed.

Yes. How dare they mandate that I never have an electric bill.

Now you're catching on.

I know, right?
I'm still hot that they require me to have functional toilets. I'm perfectly happy to shit in a bucket.
Unconstitutional. Government can not for citizen's to buy a product.

No one is forcing anyone to buy a house with solar panels on it.

This is for new buildings not existing. So if you don't want to buy a house with solar panels on it, you don't have to.

Meanwhile there are zoning and building codes that all new houses must meet. Solar panels are just one of them.

I guess you would have rejected laws that put inside plumbing in all homes in America and wanted to keep that outhouse with all that bacteria and disease growing in it. And I guess you would have rejected the electrification of America too. It looks like you're happy to use lamps with oil that have that pesky problem of causing homes to burn to the ground. And I guess you don't want electric sockets that trip so that you don't have an electrical fire burning your house down. And I guess you would prefer to chop your wood to burn in a stove for heat and to cook. Who needs those pesky laws that require you to have electricity. Do you still ride a horse or use a horse and buggy for your transportation needs?

The good news is that people who think the way you do are dying off and will be few and far between. Just like those who fought the conversion to electricity and inside plumbing.
So new houses built are required to have solar power panels installed ? Tell me how that is not forcing people to buy a product.?

I believe people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to do as long as it does not affect the rights of others. By the way putting solar panels on homes isn't saving anyone from anything.

The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.


It wasnt even a good lie.
Hey, you get what you vote for. How long now have Californians been electing these clowns to run their state? Home prices are already some of the highest in the country. The middle class is being priced out. The state has had a net loss of 1,000,000 residents over the past decade, mostly due to the cost of housing. This will only accelerate it.

Democrats talk a good game about helping the poor, but when you look at what they actually do they cater to special interest groups first and foremost and hurt the poor as a result. They've been turning the state into a banana republic for a long time.
The FEUDAL SYSTEM. No middle class. The rich and the thoroughly screwed.

Yes. How dare they mandate that I never have an electric bill.

Now you're catching on.

I know, right?
I'm still hot that they require me to have functional toilets. I'm perfectly happy to shit in a bucket.
Two to three flushes will make them work better.
Unconstitutional. Government can not for citizen's to buy a product.

No one is forcing anyone to buy a house with solar panels on it.

This is for new buildings not existing. So if you don't want to buy a house with solar panels on it, you don't have to.

Meanwhile there are zoning and building codes that all new houses must meet. Solar panels are just one of them.

I guess you would have rejected laws that put inside plumbing in all homes in America and wanted to keep that outhouse with all that bacteria and disease growing in it. And I guess you would have rejected the electrification of America too. It looks like you're happy to use lamps with oil that have that pesky problem of causing homes to burn to the ground. And I guess you don't want electric sockets that trip so that you don't have an electrical fire burning your house down. And I guess you would prefer to chop your wood to burn in a stove for heat and to cook. Who needs those pesky laws that require you to have electricity. Do you still ride a horse or use a horse and buggy for your transportation needs?

The good news is that people who think the way you do are dying off and will be few and far between. Just like those who fought the conversion to electricity and inside plumbing.
So new houses built are required to have solar power panels installed ? Tell me how that is not forcing people to buy a product.?

I believe people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to do as long as it does not affect the rights of others. By the way putting solar panels on homes isn't saving anyone from anything.
They are also being forced to not have wood shake roofs....the horror!
Hey, you get what you vote for. How long now have Californians been electing these clowns to run their state? Home prices are already some of the highest in the country. The middle class is being priced out. The state has had a net loss of 1,000,000 residents over the past decade, mostly due to the cost of housing. This will only accelerate it.

Democrats talk a good game about helping the poor, but when you look at what they actually do they cater to special interest groups first and foremost and hurt the poor as a result. They've been turning the state into a banana republic for a long time.
The FEUDAL SYSTEM. No middle class. The rich and the thoroughly screwed.

Yes. How dare they mandate that I never have an electric bill.

Now you're catching on.

I know, right?
I'm still hot that they require me to have functional toilets. I'm perfectly happy to shit in a bucket.

So you're trying to compare no indoor plumbing which can lead to diseases for you and your neighbors to solar panels?
Will they also require the batteries to store the electricity? Without those, you're only off grid during daylight hours. You know, when everyone is at work or school...

Not to worry. Nobody has to work in Socialist California! And school? Yeah, OK, on the days when the little shits aren't walking out on strike protesting something or other then....yeah, some may be in school. Remember, California is working hard to become the first binary state. Homes for the rich liberals; cardboard boxes and highway underpasses for ordinary people without the means to outmigrate.
The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.

It's $25k to $30k, not $100k
The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.

It's $25k to $30k, not $100k

As if that is a reliable estimate. CA is notorious for way underestimating costs and overestimating benefits.

In realityland, complying with their poorly thought out regs costs way more than the estimates they shill through the press.
I know, right?
I'm still hot that they require me to have functional toilets. I'm perfectly happy to shit in a bucket.

So you're trying to compare no indoor plumbing which can lead to diseases for you and your neighbors to solar panels?

Yes, he actually is because he knows he has no legit argument to support this intrusion.
The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.

It's $25k to $30k, not $100k

As if that is a reliable estimate. CA is notorious for way underestimating costs and overestimating benefits.

In realityland, complying with their poorly thought out regs costs way more than the estimates they shill through the press.

Do you have evidence that it's not reliable?
The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.

It's $25k to $30k, not $100k

As if that is a reliable estimate. CA is notorious for way underestimating costs and overestimating benefits.

In realityland, complying with their poorly thought out regs costs way more than the estimates they shill through the press.

Do you have evidence that it's not reliable?

- The bullet train to nowhere - over budget
- The bay bridge - over budget
- State pension system - grossly underfunded due to unrealistic estimates of fund performance

And we're supposed to believe these people when they provide a low-balled # to justify a mandate.

The fact is that the payback on Solar even with subsidies takes yearss. Take way the rebate, add the mandated costs plus the uplift that mandated programs ALWAYS entail, and factor in the declining benefits of selling solar back to the grid due to oversupply and the result is:

More expensive housing and continuing affordable housing shortages while solar company cronies and investors profit (and donate to politicians).
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