Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.

It's $25k to $30k, not $100k

As if that is a reliable estimate. CA is notorious for way underestimating costs and overestimating benefits.

In realityland, complying with their poorly thought out regs costs way more than the estimates they shill through the press.

Do you have evidence that it's not reliable?

- The bullet train to nowhere - over budget
- The bay bridge - over budget
- State pension system - grossly underfunded due to unrealistic estimates of fund performance

And we're supposed to believe these people when they provide a low-balled # to justify a mandate.

The fact is that the payback on Solar even with subsidies takes yearss. Take way the rebate, add the mandated costs plus the uplift that mandated programs ALWAYS entail, and factor in the declining benefits of selling solar back to the grid due to oversupply and the result is:

More expensive housing and continuing affordable housing shortages while solar company cronies and investors profit (and donate to politicians).

So, in other words, no, you have no evidence. None of those other things have anything to do with this. The estimate in the article is $25k to $30k. That's bad enough to be against it. You don't have to go about making wildly exaggerated claims based on bias you can't back up. It makes people think you're a crank and they'll blow you off instead of listening.
The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.

It's $25k to $30k, not $100k

As if that is a reliable estimate. CA is notorious for way underestimating costs and overestimating benefits.

In realityland, complying with their poorly thought out regs costs way more than the estimates they shill through the press.

Do you have evidence that it's not reliable?

- The bullet train to nowhere - over budget
- The bay bridge - over budget
- State pension system - grossly underfunded due to unrealistic estimates of fund performance

And we're supposed to believe these people when they provide a low-balled # to justify a mandate.

The fact is that the payback on Solar even with subsidies takes yearss. Take way the rebate, add the mandated costs plus the uplift that mandated programs ALWAYS entail, and factor in the declining benefits of selling solar back to the grid due to oversupply and the result is:

More expensive housing and continuing affordable housing shortages while solar company cronies and investors profit (and donate to politicians).

So, in other words, no, you have no evidence. None of those other things have anything to do with this. The estimate in the article is $25k to $30k. That's bad enough to be against it. You don't have to go about making wildly exaggerated claims based on bias you can't back up.

I also read articles with the original estimates for all of the projects that ended up grossly over budget, as well as the justifications Gray Davis provided to increased pensions. They were all lies. I have no reason to believe another fake estimate from a state that constantly lies about financial matters.
The estimates are that solar panels will add $100K to the cost of a new home, in order to save $65K over an extremely long number of years.

This kind of math is why government is basically insolvent.

It's $25k to $30k, not $100k

As if that is a reliable estimate. CA is notorious for way underestimating costs and overestimating benefits.

In realityland, complying with their poorly thought out regs costs way more than the estimates they shill through the press.

Do you have evidence that it's not reliable?

- The bullet train to nowhere - over budget
- The bay bridge - over budget
- State pension system - grossly underfunded due to unrealistic estimates of fund performance

And we're supposed to believe these people when they provide a low-balled # to justify a mandate.

The fact is that the payback on Solar even with subsidies takes yearss. Take way the rebate, add the mandated costs plus the uplift that mandated programs ALWAYS entail, and factor in the declining benefits of selling solar back to the grid due to oversupply and the result is:

More expensive housing and continuing affordable housing shortages while solar company cronies and investors profit (and donate to politicians).

So, in other words, no, you have no evidence. None of those other things have anything to do with this. The estimate in the article is $25k to $30k. That's bad enough to be against it. You don't have to go about making wildly exaggerated claims based on bias you can't back up. It makes people think you're a crank and they'll blow you off instead of listening.
depends on how much power you use.............To go off the grid is very expensive.............KWH is all that matters.............efficiency and how many hours of sunlight.......They are still very expensive to install................And it is ORDERED..................which is ridiculous.
Unconstitutional. Government can not for citizen's to buy a product.

No one is forcing anyone to buy a house with solar panels on it.

This is for new buildings not existing. So if you don't want to buy a house with solar panels on it, you don't have to.

Meanwhile there are zoning and building codes that all new houses must meet. Solar panels are just one of them.

I guess you would have rejected laws that put inside plumbing in all homes in America and wanted to keep that outhouse with all that bacteria and disease growing in it. And I guess you would have rejected the electrification of America too. It looks like you're happy to use lamps with oil that have that pesky problem of causing homes to burn to the ground. And I guess you don't want electric sockets that trip so that you don't have an electrical fire burning your house down. And I guess you would prefer to chop your wood to burn in a stove for heat and to cook. Who needs those pesky laws that require you to have electricity. Do you still ride a horse or use a horse and buggy for your transportation needs?

The good news is that people who think the way you do are dying off and will be few and far between. Just like those who fought the conversion to electricity and inside plumbing.
So new houses built are required to have solar power panels installed ? Tell me how that is not forcing people to buy a product.?

I believe people should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to do as long as it does not affect the rights of others. By the way putting solar panels on homes isn't saving anyone from anything.
They are also being forced to not have wood shake roofs....the horror!
Typical Liberal, with the unflappable belief that Government knows better.
It's true Ca. leads in a lot of environmental improvements. They've done so for decades, and a lot of it's good. That's from someone who cannot stand the State.

I'm not sure this solar panel business is a good idea, but one thing is for certain, this is yet another assault on the middle class. In turn it's an assault on other States as well, partially because many of that middle class are bringing their ideologies with them. That equates to chaos, confusion, taxes, and up our asses 24/7 with petty bullshit they find entertaining.

I can't applaud them more for that.

I've believed that all new houses should be made with solar panels in them for decades.

No it shouldn't be a choice anymore.

We don't have a choice about a lot of things when It comes to houses. There are housing codes and zoning laws that we all must comply with. Everyone's newly built house has to pass inspection. That means the house is required to have electricity, running water, sewage and heat just to name a few. I'm sure that people in the 1930s in rural places didn't think they needed inside pumping, a very unhealthy outhouse growing diseases was just fine with them. Same with the rural electrification project in the 1930s. I'm sure those rural areas didn't think they needed electricity, burning down their home from using lamp oil was just a small price to pay for not letting those big government fools in DC telling them what to do.

Requiring all new houses be built with solar panels is just another one. One that benefits everyone and only adds at the most 10 thousand dollars to the cost of the house. A house that sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars so 10 grand isn't even a drop in the bucket to the cost of building it.

More states should follow California's lead.
The fact that government has constrained our choices in the past doesn't justify continuing to do it.
I can't applaud them more for that.

I've believed that all new houses should be made with solar panels in them for decades.

No it shouldn't be a choice anymore.

We don't have a choice about a lot of things when It comes to houses. There are housing codes and zoning laws that we all must comply with.

So what if they created a law that says all new homes must come with a built-in gun safe, or perhaps an indoor swimming pool, or maybe a 120 inch big screen?

T'here is a difference when government makes regulation for safety and government makes regulation for pet projects; especially when such regulations will cost you thousands and thousands of dollars.
Governments can and certainly do make it's citizens buy things they don't want.
One more reason government sucks.
In retirement occasional teach a college course in Environmental Science.

One of the class exercises is to determine if solar panels are economically feasible.

I have the class bring in their electric bill to figure out their cost of fossil fuel generated electricity.

I then have them research the complete cost of solar panel installation and maintenance. We look at all the cost including deterioration replacement.

We then so the economic analysis over a 30 year period.

It never pays for itself. Not by a long shot. That doesn't even include the hidden cost of government subsidies.

Solar panels are a joke. Nothing more than Moon Bat feel good bullshit. No connection to reality.

Only a stupid Commie state like Kalifornia would put in a $40K additional cost to a new home with no chance of ever recouping the cost.

Environmental wackos are morons.
It's true Ca. leads in a lot of environmental improvements. They've done so for decades, and a lot of it's good. That's from someone who cannot stand the State.

Well, sure it's good. But good isn't the factor, it's how much people are paying for all this good. the US could become the cleanest country in the world depending on how many more trillions we are willing to throw at the problem. But people have to eat and have a roof over their heads too!
No sir, it's a tax cut - straight up deductions from my tax liability.

I'm just keeping more of my money in my pocket, so I could spend it into economy, right?

So solar panel company A gets 28K for instilling your system. You pay $6,200 of that cost. How does Solar panel company A get the rest of that money from your deductions?

It just doesn't make sense. A tax cut means you pay less in taxes. It does not mean that you pay less for something and government pays it for you.

Pretty simple - Company gets money from me, I pay less to governmet in taxes (get a tax-cut).

It's exactly how righties describe it - "more of my money in my pocket to spend into economy"..only even better since I do in fact spend 100% of it into economy before even getting the tax-cut.

Economic stimulus multipliers off the charts :biggrin:

No, that would only be true if you actually paid for the entire system and wrote it off, but by your earlier claim, you paid just a little over 6K and the 22K got paid by the government. That's not a tax cut.

No that is NOT what I said. I said my cost is 6k.

I paid the 29k up front, but will recoup most back in tax-cuts.

Now it sounds like you're changing the story. So you wrote a check for 29K, and are going to write if off?

There was no change. My story has been consistent and not complicated. You just seem to be unable to reconciliate THESE tax-cuts with how you thought about some other tax-cuts.

I bought the system for 29k (minus 1k Costco rebate) and because of that will pay 22k less in Federal and state taxes over next few years, so it will end up costing me 6k (minus electricity savings).
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In retirement occasional teach a college course in Environmental Science.

One of the class exercises is to determine if solar panels are economically feasible.

I have the class bring in their electric bill to figure out their cost of fossil fuel generated electricity.

I then have them research the complete cost of solar panel installation and maintenance. We look at all the cost including deterioration replacement.

We then so the economic analysis over a 30 year period.

It never pays for itself. Not by a long shot. That doesn't even include the hidden cost of government subsidies.

Solar panels are a joke. Nothing more than Moon Bat feel good bullshit. No connection to reality.

Only a stupid Commie state like Kalifornia would put in a $40K additional cost to a new home with no chance of ever recouping the cost.

Environmental wackos are morons.


How about a sample of this analysis?
And the batteries need to be replaced. Depending on the battery it can be anywhere between 5 and 15 years. Solar batteries range from $5,000 to $7,000+ and from $400 dollars per kilowatt hour (kWh) to $750/kWh. These prices are only for the battery itself, not for the cost of installation or additional necessary equipment...

Most solar power systems don't use batteries at all. Most are grid-tie systems, where solar power is used to reduce the amount of power a building needs to buy for the utility; and where, if the system should, at any moment produce more power than the building needs, the excess is “sold” to the utility, to be credited against power taken from the utility at other times.

Passing a law that compels a private for profit company to install solar panels in new houses isn't communism.

California isn't a communistic state.

Communism is a system where there is no private ownership of business. The government owns everything.

Passing zoning and building laws isn't communism.

Seriously, using that word improperly removes and demises it's real meaning.

Just because you don't agree with the law doesn't mean it's communism.

That's one of our problems. People say what they disagree with is communism when it's really not.

North Korea is a communist state. Not California.

Passing a law that compels a private for profit company to install solar panels in new houses isn't communism.

California isn't a communistic state.

Communism is a system where there is no private ownership of business. The government owns everything.

Passing zoning and building laws isn't communism.

Seriously, using that word improperly removes and demises it's real meaning.

Just because you don't agree with the law doesn't mean it's communism.

That's one of our problems. People say what they disagree with is communism when it's really not.

North Korea is a communist state. Not California.
Trying to maintain the meaning of words and terms seems to be hopeless. Too many people want to condemn anything they don't like to whatever category they deem to be bad. Good luck in correcting the situation. In a modest way, I attempt this as well, but it falls on deaf ears.
Solar Panels add value to a home....much like it does keeping the wheels on your domicile sitting in your Alabama Trailer Park and out of a pawnshop.


Thanks for playing though. :113:
Communism is a system where there is no private ownership of business. The government owns everything.

So this legislation doesn't put people one step closer to that?

Passing zoning and building laws isn't communism.

It is when they FORCE you to buy things to suit their political agenda and nothing more. Anytime you put the words FORCE and GOVERNMENT together, look out, because you're about to lose more liberty.

Seriously, using that word improperly removes and demises it's real meaning.

We know how you feel. The left uses the word racism the same way nearly every day.

North Korea is a communist state. Not California.

Well......Even NK doesn't force their people to buy health insurance or put solar panels on their home.
I hereby order every American to buy a gun or face fines and penalties. Just as stupid as the new Mexifornia law.
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