Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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As long as your neighbors didn't have to smell it and it stayed on your property. If wind blew it onto someone else's property, you would be sued. Of course, you know that's not possible.
Hmmm...ya got me there!
I wonder how we could prevent noxious emissions and waste from the likes of power plants as well?
If only there was some way of reducing the need for them.
Steam is about the only thing that comes out of modern coal fired power plants. I lived about 3 miles away from a giant one for 5 years. I didn't mind it one bit.
Only steam from a coal-fired plant eh?
I'm sure you're right.
I said "about the only," you sleazy lying moron.
About the only thing from a coal-fired plant is steam, eh?
I'm sure you're right.
With modern coal plants and scrubbers...yeah, it is damn close. Gas plants are cleaner.

What they forget to mention is that is also requires the switchgear and monitoring gear to make sure the power coming into your house and the power generated by the panels play nice with each other.

With housing prices as crazy as they already are in california, adding another 25-30k to the cost (and another maintenance item) seems like shooting yourself in the foot.
How many fly-by-night crooks will install solar for fat fees, sell worthless "warranties", and vanish in a few years?

Can you post which communist country has required solar panels before Liberal California did.

That's kind of the point. Even Communists didn't even do that to their people.

So, a communist country never required solar panels, but some idiot conservative cited it anyway...

Well at one time, there was no way to compare the liberties of a US citizen and a Communist citizen. Thanks to liberalism, we can make such comparisons today.

How so?

Burning more coal?

Juan gets into his car and goes to the bar. He drives there with no seat belt because there are no seat belt laws in his country just like it was in the US in the 80's and before. He has a couple of drinks and lights up a cigarette because there are no smoking laws in his country, just like it was in the US not to long ago. Afterwards he picks up his children from his sisters house, but before he leaves, his sister tells him his kids were bad while staying there, so he whacks the kids on the ass because they don't have 1-800-LOCK-UP-DAD in Cuba. He puts the kids in the back seat of the car with no child restraining seats just like people in the US were allowed to do years ago.

When Juan gets home, his wife starts yelling at him because he's a little late. Juan yells right back and they get into a screaming match. Nobody calls the cops because there are no laws against arguing with your spouse just like it was years ago in the US. He starts to walk out of the house when he steps in his dogs mistake, so he whacks the dog and it runs away in the yard yelping. Juan doesn't have to worry about the police arresting him because you are allowed to do discipline your own pet like it was years ago in the US.

The Nanny State has given our people less freedom than in dictatorship or Communist countries in many ways; freedoms we used to have here.
I think these Moon Bats forget about what this thread is about. It is about an oppressive government forcing people to buy what they don't need or what.

If he really believes in free choice then he should join us to condemn the commies in Kalifornia.

If you don't need it and don't want it , don't buy it.

Kalifornia is mandating them on new homes if the bill is passed. You wouldn't have a choice. Pretty oppressive, isn't it?

That will really run up the cost of existing homes because it adds $40K to the cost of a new home. That is bad in a state that already has high housing cost.

Trust the Liberal idiots to screw up everything they touch.

You do have a choice. Exactly every bit of existing housing stock is free from that regulation.

I said that. Buy an existing home but with the additional cost of new homes being $40K more that will drive up the cost of existing homes. Everybody gets screwed. Another dumbass Liberal deal with unintended consequences.

Ny neighbor's house doesn't increase in value when I update my kitchen and bathrooms.
Are you lying or are you really THIS dense?
If you don't need it and don't want it , don't buy it.

Kalifornia is mandating them on new homes if the bill is passed. You wouldn't have a choice. Pretty oppressive, isn't it?

That will really run up the cost of existing homes because it adds $40K to the cost of a new home. That is bad in a state that already has high housing cost.

Trust the Liberal idiots to screw up everything they touch.

You do have a choice. Exactly every bit of existing housing stock is free from that regulation.

I said that. Buy an existing home but with the additional cost of new homes being $40K more that will drive up the cost of existing homes. Everybody gets screwed. Another dumbass Liberal deal with unintended consequences.

Ny neighbor's house doesn't increase in value when I update my kitchen and bathrooms.
Are you lying or are you really THIS dense?

There are some improvements that add value to a home. Solar panels is not one of them. In fact it detracts from the value.
Kalifornia is mandating them on new homes if the bill is passed. You wouldn't have a choice. Pretty oppressive, isn't it?

That will really run up the cost of existing homes because it adds $40K to the cost of a new home. That is bad in a state that already has high housing cost.

Trust the Liberal idiots to screw up everything they touch.

You do have a choice. Exactly every bit of existing housing stock is free from that regulation.

I said that. Buy an existing home but with the additional cost of new homes being $40K more that will drive up the cost of existing homes. Everybody gets screwed. Another dumbass Liberal deal with unintended consequences.

Ny neighbor's house doesn't increase in value when I update my kitchen and bathrooms.
Are you lying or are you really THIS dense?

There are some improvements that add value to a home. Solar panels is not one of them. In fact it detracts from the value.

Absolutely. One of the things most buyers look for in a home is future expenses. How good are the windows? How old is the furnace or AC? How old is the roof and things like that.

So in the future, a couple looks at a house with 30 year old solar panels. The first thing that would cross my mind is how many of those I'm going to have to replace in the next ten years. Or if allowed by law, how much is it going to cost me to have those things removed and have a regular roof installed?
I think it's smart governing.

Solar panels pay for themselfs in cheaper electrical bills and if you roll up-front cost into mortgage you'll probably not be paying more than for the same house without solar.

I guess that depends on where you live and what you use. My monthly electric bill is around 50 bucks a month. That's 600 bucks a year. Do you know how long it would take me just to break even on solar panels? And once you break even, how much more would you need to invest for replacement panels when those break down?

WOW! Your electric bill is more than 50% less than the State average?

Yep, that's what I pay.

Why don't you remove the personal information and post your bill INCLUDING your yearly energy usage.

For what, to make you happy? Why would I lie about something like that? My electric bill has been as low as $35.00 and as high as $70.00. In the fall and spring when I don't use my furnace or AC, it's about $40.00. When I use the furnace extensively or AC it's about $65.00. However up north, I typically use AC between June and August. I don't have central. I use a window AC in my living room and I have one in my bedroom, but the one in my bedroom I only use about three to four times a season.

Your electric usage is less than 50% of the State average. That's an amazing feat! I'd be showing everyone I could!

You don't have central air and heat? You do know it's 2018?
Can you post which communist country has required solar panels before Liberal California did.

That's kind of the point. Even Communists didn't even do that to their people.

So, a communist country never required solar panels, but some idiot conservative cited it anyway...

Well at one time, there was no way to compare the liberties of a US citizen and a Communist citizen. Thanks to liberalism, we can make such comparisons today.

How so?

Burning more coal?

Juan gets into his car and goes to the bar. He drives there with no seat belt because there are no seat belt laws in his country just like it was in the US in the 80's and before. He has a couple of drinks and lights up a cigarette because there are no smoking laws in his country, just like it was in the US not to long ago. Afterwards he picks up his children from his sisters house, but before he leaves, his sister tells him his kids were bad while staying there, so he whacks the kids on the ass because they don't have 1-800-LOCK-UP-DAD in Cuba. He puts the kids in the back seat of the car with no child restraining seats just like people in the US were allowed to do years ago.

When Juan gets home, his wife starts yelling at him because he's a little late. Juan yells right back and they get into a screaming match. Nobody calls the cops because there are no laws against arguing with your spouse just like it was years ago in the US. He starts to walk out of the house when he steps in his dogs mistake, so he whacks the dog and it runs away in the yard yelping. Juan doesn't have to worry about the police arresting him because you are allowed to do discipline your own pet like it was years ago in the US.

The Nanny State has given our people less freedom than in dictatorship or Communist countries in many ways; freedoms we used to have here.

Slippery slope?

They let the homeless shit in the streets. Now THAT'S a slippery slope! :auiqs.jpg:

We have homeless due to Republicans and Corporate America.

Of course you do. :lmao:

Written like a true sociopath. Perhaps you should get help for your mental illness.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

Your lack of conscience precludes you from seeing that homelessness causes a drain on the tax base which has less monies to spend on the important things like police, fire, and infrastructure. Lack of affordable housing and low wages are the most prevalent in cause of homelessness. Since Republicans and Corporate America want to keep the middle class poor, they are the reason why we have homeless.
This regulation is there for a purpose whether you acknowledge that or not.

This means that going foreward, new housing will not require any large upscaling of centralized power production. Fewer production facilities running for fewer hours a day. Simpler, more localized and efficient transmission infrasructure. Excess will be put back into the grid and used locally in real time. If you can't see the benefit of that going foreward, then you aren't trying to.
Lastly, less dependency on a huge, outdated and inefficient power grid and transmission system is far better for national security.

Why do you care where the power comes from as long as it works when you flip the switch?

I don't care where it comes from as long as it doesn't cost me or I'm forced where to get it from. It's one thing when Democrats control things and spend our tax money the way they want, but it's quite another to burden individuals with mandated excessive costs for Democrat obsessions.

I think government is too big as it is, and that goes for federal, state, county and even city. The less government in my life, the better. I don't want government telling me what kind of power I must have for my utilities, how good of windows I must buy, how good of insulation I must have in my home, or how much power I'm allowed to use. It's none of their damn business.

Progress costs.
Cars cost more than buggys.
Smartphones cost more than the kitchen rotary dial.
MRIs cost more than leeches, etc.

The truth is, the more companies that manufacture and install solar, the lower the pricepoint.
It becomes cheaper every year.

In the future, the roofing material itself will be the photo voltaics.

And that's fine with me if people buy it on their own without taxpayers footing much of the bill. Also so they aren't forced to buy them.

Government didn't force people to buy cars, citiznes bought them because of it's advantages.
Government didn't force people to buy smart phones, people bought them freely because of their advantages.
Government didn't force anybody to get an MRI. People freely chose to get those for themselves.

The govt built the interstate highway system that made the market for cars boom.
The govt built or subsidized every bit of large infrastructure in this country, including the internet, which allowed for massive business expansion around them. The govt has always been the driver of progress.

All the interstate highway system did is bankrupt the railroads. That was a private system that didn't require any tax money to be spent, and it was perfectly adequate for interstate travel. So the interstate highway system actually retarded the economic development of this country by diverting huge amounts of capital into a system that wasn't needed.

The governent had very little to do with with the development of the internet. I was responsible for perhaps one of the pieces out of the 20 that were needed to make it viable.

BULLSHIT! The United States Government has subsidized railroads since the 1800's.

The internet was 100% subsided by the United States Government.

So were;

The Internet
Infant Formula
The Bar Code
Goodyear Tires
The Microchip
Touch Screens
Wind Energy
I should open a business in California where for a price, I install a solar rig on a house, get it passed and inspected, then after all is done, just pop it back off, leave a solar panel-looking decal up there to look like they are still there and move on to the next house. Satisfy the state, and save each home owner about $15,000 bucks in the process.

You'd actually cost the homeowner more than $100.00/mo. by not being able to net meter.

View attachment 192986

Okay. Let's say she pays 3% interest a year and makes a monthly payment of $65.24

Loan Calculator |

Using the above loan calculator, I see it takes her 200 months to pay off the $10,258 loan.
Nearly 17 years before she starts to see any return on her investment.

You forgot to factor rate increases for power. Also, if you attach it to a home mortgage the monthly payments are much less.
I don't care where it comes from as long as it doesn't cost me or I'm forced where to get it from. It's one thing when Democrats control things and spend our tax money the way they want, but it's quite another to burden individuals with mandated excessive costs for Democrat obsessions.

I think government is too big as it is, and that goes for federal, state, county and even city. The less government in my life, the better. I don't want government telling me what kind of power I must have for my utilities, how good of windows I must buy, how good of insulation I must have in my home, or how much power I'm allowed to use. It's none of their damn business.

Progress costs.
Cars cost more than buggys.
Smartphones cost more than the kitchen rotary dial.
MRIs cost more than leeches, etc.

The truth is, the more companies that manufacture and install solar, the lower the pricepoint.
It becomes cheaper every year.

In the future, the roofing material itself will be the photo voltaics.

And that's fine with me if people buy it on their own without taxpayers footing much of the bill. Also so they aren't forced to buy them.

Government didn't force people to buy cars, citiznes bought them because of it's advantages.
Government didn't force people to buy smart phones, people bought them freely because of their advantages.
Government didn't force anybody to get an MRI. People freely chose to get those for themselves.

The govt built the interstate highway system that made the market for cars boom.
The govt built or subsidized every bit of large infrastructure in this country, including the internet, which allowed for massive business expansion around them. The govt has always been the driver of progress.

All the interstate highway system did is bankrupt the railroads. That was a private system that didn't require any tax money to be spent, and it was perfectly adequate for interstate travel. So the interstate highway system actually retarded the economic development of this country by diverting huge amounts of capital into a system that wasn't needed.

The governent had very little to do with with the development of the internet. I was responsible for perhaps one of the pieces out of the 20 that were needed to make it viable.

BULLSHIT! The United States Government has subsidized railroads since the 1800's.

The internet was 100% subsided by the United States Government.

So were;

The Internet
Infant Formula
The Bar Code
Goodyear Tires
The Microchip
Touch Screens
Wind Energy
You left out nuclear power.
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