Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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California is in rapid steep decline. Only Communists/Democrats could kill that Golden Goose. Folks out there better start seriously reconsidering supporting the Communists.

California made great wealth up until about the 1990s. Then the Liberals and Illegals started to rob the wealth.

Now they have tremendous poverty, an out of control welfare state, significant government oppression and are a half trillion in debt.

With the Democrats in so much power it will get much worse.

Socialism only works until they run out of the wealth that was created under capitalism. California is a great example of that.

Well said. It now leads the nation in poverty. The Communists are killing the Middle Class out there. They're leaving in droves. If you're very rich or very poor, you're welcome in California. Middle Class folks are no longer welcome. And that's gonna lead to its demise. Without that massive tax revenue, the state will collapse. It'll be Venezuela. But hey, the folks wanted Communist-rule. It is what it is.

Trump ran on a platform to make America great again.

The Democrats run on a platform to make America like Venezuela.
Trump is sinking America into the swamp.

Democrat Fake News told em so. :cuckoo:
Solar does have its place.

Lots of places.

Places where a tie to the grid would be hugely expensive or downright impossible. And then not just solar but also a backup wind machine and enough batteries to get through a week or two with clouds and no wind.

I know because I have installed several such systems.

Here's my ride home arriving.

View attachment 192942

Solar panels are on the south-facing slope of the roof. Wind machine would be off screen to the left. Would be but since the trip was to find out why it wasn't working - the blades had flown off - there wouldn't be much to see. In the building are 36 batteries of the sort used to start bulldozers.

As an Environmental Engineer there were a few projects where I had to put in remote monitoring facilities. We needed electricity to operate the monitoring devices and transmit the data elsewhere.

Commercial grade solar was always a bust. Never worked like we were told by the vendors. In three of the four projects we went ahead and spent a lot of money to run electric lines from good distances away.

Solar is good for calculators. Low level solar collectors to heat a pool in the South or Southwest. Not much good otherwise.

It is only a Moon Bat's wet dream.

Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Commie California made a lot of money decades ago like when Reagan was Governor and the economy in general was booming.

The socialists are robbing that wealth now and that is why poverty is so high, education so terrible, they are almost a half trillion in debt and there is White flight from the state.

The only thing keeping them from bankruptcy now is the little bit of oil that is left, Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Socialism always looks OK until the money made by Capitalism runs out, which is what we are starting to see in California and other Libtard Commie states.

Doing stupid things like adding $40K to the cost of a new home in a state riddled with poverty and already high housing cost will just be another nail in their coffin.

Dumbasses! That is what happens when you have enough of welfare queens to elect stupid Democrats that believe that all money grows on trees and believes this silly ass global warming scam.
As an Environmental Engineer there were a few projects where I had to put in remote monitoring facilities. We needed electricity to operate the monitoring devices and transmit the data elsewhere.

Commercial grade solar was always a bust. Never worked like we were told by the vendors. In three of the four projects we went ahead and spent a lot of money to run electric lines from good distances away.

Solar is good for calculators. Low level solar collectors to heat a pool in the South or Southwest. Not much good otherwise.

It is only a Moon Bat's wet dream.

Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Commie California made a lot of money decades ago like when Reagan was Governor and the economy in general was booming.

The socialists are robbing that wealth now and that is why poverty is so high, education so terrible, they are almost a half trillion in debt and there is White flight from the state.

The only thing keeping them from bankruptcy now is the little bit of oil that is left, Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Socialism always looks OK until the money made by Capitalism runs out, which is what we are starting to see in California and other Libtard Commie states.

Doing stupid things like adding $40K to the cost of a new home in a state riddled with poverty and already high housing cost will just be another nail in their coffin.

Dumbasses! That is what happens when you have enough of welfare queens to elect stupid Democrats that believe that all money grows on trees and believes this silly ass global warming scam.

Well said. They're driving the Middle Class out. California will be left with only the very rich and the very poor. Without that massive Middle Class tax revenue, the state will collapse. The Communists are dooming California.

It’s not 20k, it’s 6k after all the incentives

You mean somebody else paying your bills for you?

Congratulations Moon Bat. You have paid your stupid Liberal Tax and put yourself on welfare all at the same time.

Haven't you shit your pants enough in one thread?

Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

I paid for my solar system up front and will get tax-cuts - something that you righties describe as government letting me keep more of my money, so I can spend it into economy.

So given that, can you say at which point anyone but me is paying for my solar panels?

I'll go get the popcorn, this should be good :popcorn:

That is a lie.

The government spend just as much money with or without filthy ass subsidies.

That means somebody else pays the money that would have been paid in tax. Either through revenue or debt.

Kind of like when that asshole Obama gave Solyndrda a half billion in subsidies he went in debt with the Federal government that year meaning our children will have to pay back the subsidy. The same damn thing with your stupid subsidy. All subsidies, either direct payment or though tax reduction, are a form of welfare.

The study of Economics is not a Moon Bat's strong suit, is it?

Your idiotic solar panels is nothing more than a tax on Moon Bat ignorance with a little welfare thrown in.

I love to see you stupid Moon Bats being taxed for being idiots.

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money to better grow economy so that the revenue loss is made up.

But according to the same rightwingers when someone gets to keep more of their money because they bought a solar system....that needs to be paid for by someone else?

I don’t see you actually addressing that contradiction. Want to try again?
Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Commie California made a lot of money decades ago like when Reagan was Governor and the economy in general was booming.

The socialists are robbing that wealth now and that is why poverty is so high, education so terrible, they are almost a half trillion in debt and there is White flight from the state.

The only thing keeping them from bankruptcy now is the little bit of oil that is left, Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Socialism always looks OK until the money made by Capitalism runs out, which is what we are starting to see in California and other Libtard Commie states.

Doing stupid things like adding $40K to the cost of a new home in a state riddled with poverty and already high housing cost will just be another nail in their coffin.

Dumbasses! That is what happens when you have enough of welfare queens to elect stupid Democrats that believe that all money grows on trees and believes this silly ass global warming scam.

Well said. They're driving the Middle Class out. California will be left with only the very rich and the very poor. Without that massive Middle Class tax revenue, the state will collapse. The Communists are dooming California.

Another big industry in California is agriculture and the Liberals are even fucking that up. Remember last year when the environmental wackos were cutting off water supplies to the Imperial Valley to protect some stupid fish?

Liberals screw up everything they touch.
You mean somebody else paying your bills for you?

Congratulations Moon Bat. You have paid your stupid Liberal Tax and put yourself on welfare all at the same time.

Haven't you shit your pants enough in one thread?

Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

I paid for my solar system up front and will get tax-cuts - something that you righties describe as government letting me keep more of my money, so I can spend it into economy.

So given that, can you say at which point anyone but me is paying for my solar panels?

I'll go get the popcorn, this should be good :popcorn:

That is a lie.

The government spend just as much money with or without filthy ass subsidies.

That means somebody else pays the money that would have been paid in tax. Either through revenue or debt.

Kind of like when that asshole Obama gave Solyndrda a half billion in subsidies he went in debt with the Federal government that year meaning our children will have to pay back the subsidy. The same damn thing with your stupid subsidy. All subsidies, either direct payment or though tax reduction, are a form of welfare.

The study of Economics is not a Moon Bat's strong suit, is it?

Your idiotic solar panels is nothing more than a tax on Moon Bat ignorance with a little welfare thrown in.

I love to see you stupid Moon Bats being taxed for being idiots.

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money to better grow economy so that the revenue loss is made up.

But according to the same rightwingers when someone gets to keep more of their money because they bought a solar system....that needs to be paid for by someone else?

I don’t see you actually addressing that contradiction. Want to try again?

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money

An across the board tax cut is not the same as a subsidy provided for a specific behavior.
California made great wealth up until about the 1990s. Then the Liberals and Illegals started to rob the wealth.

Now they have tremendous poverty, an out of control welfare state, significant government oppression and are a half trillion in debt.

With the Democrats in so much power it will get much worse.

Socialism only works until they run out of the wealth that was created under capitalism. California is a great example of that.

Well said. It now leads the nation in poverty. The Communists are killing the Middle Class out there. They're leaving in droves. If you're very rich or very poor, you're welcome in California. Middle Class folks are no longer welcome. And that's gonna lead to its demise. Without that massive tax revenue, the state will collapse. It'll be Venezuela. But hey, the folks wanted Communist-rule. It is what it is.

Trump ran on a platform to make America great again.

The Democrats run on a platform to make America like Venezuela.
Trump is sinking America into the swamp.

Democrat Fake News told em so. :cuckoo:
Notice that there's no response to my question.
Haven't you shit your pants enough in one thread?

Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

I paid for my solar system up front and will get tax-cuts - something that you righties describe as government letting me keep more of my money, so I can spend it into economy.

So given that, can you say at which point anyone but me is paying for my solar panels?

I'll go get the popcorn, this should be good :popcorn:

That is a lie.

The government spend just as much money with or without filthy ass subsidies.

That means somebody else pays the money that would have been paid in tax. Either through revenue or debt.

Kind of like when that asshole Obama gave Solyndrda a half billion in subsidies he went in debt with the Federal government that year meaning our children will have to pay back the subsidy. The same damn thing with your stupid subsidy. All subsidies, either direct payment or though tax reduction, are a form of welfare.

The study of Economics is not a Moon Bat's strong suit, is it?

Your idiotic solar panels is nothing more than a tax on Moon Bat ignorance with a little welfare thrown in.

I love to see you stupid Moon Bats being taxed for being idiots.

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money to better grow economy so that the revenue loss is made up.

But according to the same rightwingers when someone gets to keep more of their money because they bought a solar system....that needs to be paid for by someone else?

I don’t see you actually addressing that contradiction. Want to try again?

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money

An across the board tax cut is not the same as a subsidy provided for a specific behavior.

You are confused.

Subsidy for a failed technology is not a tax cut.
Haven't you proven you are a stupid Moon Bat enough in this thread?

"Incentives" ,"subsidizes" etc are another form of welfare. If an idiot says that solar panels are economical because somebody else is paying for it then they are lying, aren't they?

I paid for my solar system up front and will get tax-cuts - something that you righties describe as government letting me keep more of my money, so I can spend it into economy.

So given that, can you say at which point anyone but me is paying for my solar panels?

I'll go get the popcorn, this should be good :popcorn:

That is a lie.

The government spend just as much money with or without filthy ass subsidies.

That means somebody else pays the money that would have been paid in tax. Either through revenue or debt.

Kind of like when that asshole Obama gave Solyndrda a half billion in subsidies he went in debt with the Federal government that year meaning our children will have to pay back the subsidy. The same damn thing with your stupid subsidy. All subsidies, either direct payment or though tax reduction, are a form of welfare.

The study of Economics is not a Moon Bat's strong suit, is it?

Your idiotic solar panels is nothing more than a tax on Moon Bat ignorance with a little welfare thrown in.

I love to see you stupid Moon Bats being taxed for being idiots.

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money to better grow economy so that the revenue loss is made up.

But according to the same rightwingers when someone gets to keep more of their money because they bought a solar system....that needs to be paid for by someone else?

I don’t see you actually addressing that contradiction. Want to try again?

.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money

An across the board tax cut is not the same as a subsidy provided for a specific behavior.

You are confused.

Subsidy for a failed technology is not a tax cut.

Subsidy for a failed technology is not a tax cut.

I've never claimed otherwise.

You are confused.
As an Environmental Engineer there were a few projects where I had to put in remote monitoring facilities. We needed electricity to operate the monitoring devices and transmit the data elsewhere.

Commercial grade solar was always a bust. Never worked like we were told by the vendors. In three of the four projects we went ahead and spent a lot of money to run electric lines from good distances away.

Solar is good for calculators. Low level solar collectors to heat a pool in the South or Southwest. Not much good otherwise.

It is only a Moon Bat's wet dream.

Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Commie California made a lot of money decades ago like when Reagan was Governor and the economy in general was booming.

The socialists are robbing that wealth now and that is why poverty is so high, education so terrible, they are almost a half trillion in debt and there is White flight from the state.

The only thing keeping them from bankruptcy now is the little bit of oil that is left, Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Socialism always looks OK until the money made by Capitalism runs out, which is what we are starting to see in California and other Libtard Commie states.

Doing stupid things like adding $40K to the cost of a new home in a state riddled with poverty and already high housing cost will just be another nail in their coffin.

Dumbasses! That is what happens when you have enough of welfare queens to elect stupid Democrats that believe that all money grows on trees and believes this silly ass global warming scam.

When do facts enter the conversation?
Communists hate freedom. They have to force their agendas on the People. If folks want solar panels, so be it. But there shouldn't be a Government Mandate to do so. Shame on Democrats.
I think it's smart governing.

Solar panels pay for themselfs in cheaper electrical bills and if you roll up-front cost into mortgage you'll probably not be paying more than for the same house without solar.

I guess that depends on where you live and what you use. My monthly electric bill is around 50 bucks a month. That's 600 bucks a year. Do you know how long it would take me just to break even on solar panels? And once you break even, how much more would you need to invest for replacement panels when those break down?

WOW! Your electric bill is more than 50% less than the State average?
Hell, mine is less that even that in the winter. (I think it was 38 bucks for March.)
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I think it's smart governing.

Solar panels pay for themselfs in cheaper electrical bills and if you roll up-front cost into mortgage you'll probably not be paying more than for the same house without solar.
Horse shit. Without heavy subsidies, the payoff on my mother's solar system was never.
Government tell you how much insulation you must have, the number of electric outlets, type of pipes and wiring you must use, depth of a cellar, the height of a roof, the size of the house on a lot, etc.... State housing laws and local building codes are about what is best for the community, not the owner. Owners change but the buildings remains.
Why should the community dictate what kind of house you live in? For example, those tiny houses that are all the rage violate most zoning laws.
I own a house in a community where, you can't have a house with less than 2,000 sq. ft. You can't build a wall higher than 4 feet. You can't have an out building. You can't have a shingle roof and you can't add a second floor if it blocks the view of any owner. It's all about the community.
The name for your community is "Hell on Earth", then?
Solar does have its place.

Lots of places.

Places where a tie to the grid would be hugely expensive or downright impossible. And then not just solar but also a backup wind machine and enough batteries to get through a week or two with clouds and no wind.

I know because I have installed several such systems.

Here's my ride home arriving.

View attachment 192942

Solar panels are on the south-facing slope of the roof. Wind machine would be off screen to the left. Would be but since the trip was to find out why it wasn't working - the blades had flown off - there wouldn't be much to see. In the building are 36 batteries of the sort used to start bulldozers.

As an Environmental Engineer there were a few projects where I had to put in remote monitoring facilities. We needed electricity to operate the monitoring devices and transmit the data elsewhere.

Commercial grade solar was always a bust. Never worked like we were told by the vendors. In three of the four projects we went ahead and spent a lot of money to run electric lines from good distances away.

Solar is good for calculators. Low level solar collectors to heat a pool in the South or Southwest. Not much good otherwise.

It is only a Moon Bat's wet dream.

Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Capitalism doesn't do that--liberalism does that.
As an Environmental Engineer there were a few projects where I had to put in remote monitoring facilities. We needed electricity to operate the monitoring devices and transmit the data elsewhere.

Commercial grade solar was always a bust. Never worked like we were told by the vendors. In three of the four projects we went ahead and spent a lot of money to run electric lines from good distances away.

Solar is good for calculators. Low level solar collectors to heat a pool in the South or Southwest. Not much good otherwise.

It is only a Moon Bat's wet dream.

Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Capitalism doesn't do that--liberalism does that.

Capitalism creates wealth. Socialism robs wealth.

If these Moon Bats would ever take a course in Economics they would understand simple things like that.
Get all the solar panels you want. Just don't force em on folks by way of Government force. The Communists are killing the California Golden Goose.
Yeah if it's such a 'great idea', why do Communists/Democrats have to force it on Citizens. If it was so great, they wouldn't need to use Government force. The People would be allowed to decide whether or not they want them.

Solar can't compete with fossil fuels.

These stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand the significance of that.

I hear ya. Communists/Democrats can't tolerate freedom. They have to use force to get their agendas through. I don't have a problem with folks wanting solar panels. But i do have a problem with folks being forced to have them.

Sadly, the Communists are killing the California Golden Goose. They've seized complete control of the state. There's no checks & balances on them. They're rapidly leading the state to Third World disaster. Hopefully Californians will begin realizing that, and start booting them from power. It's not too late. They can still save their state.
California is the most capitalist place ever. Look at the cost of living and number of homeless.

Capitalism doesn't do that--liberalism does that.

Capitalism creates wealth. Socialism robs wealth.

If these Moon Bats would ever take a course in Economics they would understand simple things like that.

If they bothered to look at the Northeast liberal states, they would see those states are not far behind Commiefornia. Over 800K for a moderate house, 12 bucks for a pack of cigarettes, high taxation, government taking care of them from cradle to grave...........
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